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Everything posted by Broadsword

  1. Not sure what I did to deserve that one Tony, but hell yeah you are probably right, Coventry this, Coventry that - take it up with the water team / promotion at Coventry - all I do is tow the cars off the track (Sub Contracted ) Toodle Pip Andy
  2. " I looked like I`d bin darn t`pit when I`d finished taking pics at the end of the meeting" - You`re a Yorkshireman Paul, you had remembered to take the coal out of the bath in the morning as well I take it... . The water bowser at Belle Vue and Sheffield though is a bit dated - seems to be all or nothing and in a small area - not a gripe more a `constructive criticism` . Having said that if I remember the weather at the April meeting was the sort of nice sunny conditions we should have now.
  3. Going on what I`ve seen on facebook the Dutch drivers have to run to UK regulations on tyres and particulary the control shockers so the cost of racing also includes purchasing 4 shocks...
  4. Hope so Linky, according to facebook its Silaging time in Rimmington so hopefully they`ll be able to get it all in in time
  5. Judging my the Met Office forecast weather later on looks very good with Sunshine!! - not missing this at all, it only happens for 3 days a year in Manchester..
  6. Do you know I can`t be bothered...............................I will however be going Cheers Andy
  7. Good Heavens - Kings Lynn has power failures as well
  8. Chestoventry perhaps in 2017
  9. Is that the best they can do - `only` 50 cars and no John Lund . Not sure its worth going to be honest..................................oh well I suppose I`ll go but its only under sufferance .
  10. Not sure if this is any good for anyone - these things just run and run unlike the new high revving stuff. Contact Peter @ Peter Roberts Caravans, Huddersfield (01484-662774) - its in a building they have taken over and is surplus to requirements - works fine. Listing as a favour - they are my neighbours on the industrial estate. Cheers Andy
  11. Many thanks Nic and Jane.
  12. Superb effort all round, many thanks for the brilliant 'Eurovision' results service this weekend.
  13. Ron, read posts 25 and 27 by Jeremy and it is all explained in detail and openness, Jeremy has also said that things have changed recently and they are going to review the situation with booking lists at Coventry. This isn't a clever answer and for once in a blue moon I`ll be sensible but with the explanation given by the promoter I cannot honestly understand what there is to discuss?? Cheers Andy
  14. Just going in for its MOT Ozzy, couple of minor bits to sort on the 17 page printout failure sheet and get the number plate straight and she`s a good one. - you have got RAC cover haven`t you?? Cheers Andy. ps Ron - edited - posted my response the same time you posted yours.
  15. One from the Good Old Days - last seen Belle Vue 1979 parade lap and one lady owner from then
  16. Mark, couldn`t reply via your facebook request - have you tried putting the ford part no on the pulley into Google - chances are it will bring up a link somewhere to a supplier or e/bay etc - done it loads of times and it usually works??? Cheers Andy
  17. Getting married on a Kings Lynn meeting date!! - I just do not know the levels of selfishness these current crop of drivers will rise to AND inviting fellow drivers - its the paying public that count, it wouldn`t have happened in my day when you fill up a Cortina for 4 bob, bring back barrels, if only Mike Parker was still running it, they wouldn`t have seen a booking for 10 years and been flogged to death by flag marshalls while strapped to the fence posts etc, etc, etc. Cheers Mr Indignant. ps - Good Luck Dan
  18. Hello All, among many interests alongside stock cars I have a fondness for all thing David Brown tractors!! I have noticed this for sale on the David Brown Tractor club forum page which may just be the thing for transporting F1/F2 stock cars etc. I have done a link below(which shows pictures) and the price is shown. The sellers contact is a Mr David Lewins on 01938-811980 or 07798-843375 - he is located in the Shropshire/Welsh border areas. I am not selling this myself , I am a commitee member on the David Brown Tractor club and this link is done with the owners permission. Hopefully someone out there will put it to good use. Many Thanks Andy http://www.dbtc.co.uk/index.php?name=PNphp...opic&t=4275
  19. As Jeremy noted in his earlier post `it is LIKELY the Nov price will be the price for the next two years` - If Jeremy deos this that meams a £2 increase in admission over a FIVE year period not a 3 year period as even I pointed out in an earlier thread. If this is put into plan that means on avereage a 40p a year increase per year over a five year period. Talking of price hikes is slightly unfair as this (possible) increase is spread over a five year period. Andy
  20. First increase in 3 years, if you do your sums thats an approximate increase of about 4% a year, year on year which is approx the rate of inflation over the last 3 years and a lot less than the current inflation figures for say food and fuel. Still very good value for an average of 3 to 5 hours entertainment particulary when compared to other sports or say a trip to the pub for the same length of time. Andy
  21. Lundy(hopefully) at Skeggy ON tar ON a thursday . He`s taking this semi very seriously indeed
  22. Good on you Jeremy - worth a try - if the tracks not too wet Heat One looks like it may be a bit interesting with the driver line up
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