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Everything posted by Broadsword

  1. I realise its not F1 but I`ll put this one here - just in case you are a F2 fan or had got tickets etc.....It is the F2 and bangers meeting. Startrax Stockcar Racing · ODSAL 19th JUNE – POSTPONED Over the weekend, we have discussed as a team our progress at Odsal and thanks to a lot of advice and help, week by week, from 22nd March to 31st May to last Saturday, in a ‘huge’ stadium, we would like to believe for those who have attended, there have been huge steps forward with Saturdays event starting at 6 and finishing at 8.30.pm 3 meetings in 22 days and turning around for 2 Rugby events – that is five big events in 22 days with many new team members and has been a huge learning curve and welcoming not only our sport back but the Bulls to their rightful home. This coming event on Saturday 19th was planned to attract and invite local people and advertise extensively in the region and we have to appreciate that a ‘local’ audience is hugely different to regular race fans and want to make their decision at the last minute and ‘effectively’ pay on the gate. We cannot therefore, as yet, due to Covid and the restrictions we have in place, yet normalize things where you can just ‘walk up’ and welcome you. There are also limitations on food and drink sales in the stadium, no different to our other venue yesterday we operate at Sheffield. Bradford is a huge venue with big expectation and, as event promoters we want to be able to deliver the ‘best possible customer experience’ – We have enjoyed tremendous and generous support also from our friends at the Bulls headed by Mr Nigel Wood [ who has just been deservedly honored in the Queens birthday list ], Tracey and all their team and we are learning as well conversion to ensure both parties operate together and smoothly. They are excellent partners and equally passionate to restore Odsal to it's rightful place for Rugby and motorsport. Between us, we are committed that the brand of Odsal will grow with integrity. It is on that basis of customer experience, and some breathing space to take learning from the last 3 weeks forward to make it even better and we welcome the feedback we have received from each and all of our opening events. This event will be rescheduled in the second half of the year once hopefully normality returns and we resume with our next planned event on Saturdays July 17th and July 31st and August onwards. We will notify a restaging date later in the month. TICKET INFORMATION IF YOU HAVE BOUGHT A TICKET FOR SATURDAY 19TH JUNE YOU HAVE 2 OPTIONS. 1. You may retain the ticket for admission on 17th July – and simply bring it with you Or 2. Should you require a refund, please EMAIL the office using stevenrees01@btinternet.com requesting a refund and these will be done on/ by Monday 21st June. We thank everyone for their support and the very many kind supportive and kind comments by means of feedback received so far, we want to move upwards again when we resume on 17th July
  2. Monday 14th June. Startrax Stockcar Racing MONDAY MORNING UPDATE! Well it has been a quite emotional weekend and, ironically after all the stresses of the last several weeks, waking up daily at 5.am or earlier with different things, all Odsal related, Sheffield yesterday was a bit emotional as it was like 'going home' - Rightly, there is huge anticipation for Odsal and the brand, something we are very much trying to deliver upon and passionate about but the size of te operation, the fact that we must work with the Bulls and make sure it's right - we are 'all learning' and it's about week by week making progress. A hard decision but being a realist, was regards next Saturday and, as part of that learning process and as a team we started discussing it Saturday. I think I have already explained in the postponement announcement the multiple reasons for postponement and resuming on 17th July - TO MAKE ODSAL EVEN BETTER! but the cost dynamics as to different events. When planned, this was designed to be hugely advertised to attract a local crowd, who predominantely are not used to 'advance tickets' unlike other National formulae. As of yesterday 584 tickets had been sold in advance for this one - we have no idea what the next few days would bring however, with a forecast of thunder storms mid week on and as of today 80% chance of rain Saturday and, with a new track we are bedding in, want to improve etc, we thought it right given the several other reasons, to take 'time out' and to make meeting 4 even better. If you are not involved in actually re-opening a stadium the size of Bradford, you have no idea of the enormity as to it's scale and cost - and with everything 'new' a huge learning cycle which, with help, we are improving. It will undoubtedly disappoint some, but we have made the decision for the greater good of the brand. We welcomed new staff Saturday and we must ensure they enjoy becoming part of the team and it takes time - and, more importantly what we deliver is a quality show. We have provided a suitable gap to think and move forward as the last few weeks have been unsustainable stress for Jackie, myself and fantastic team around us - there needs now, a time for reflection, re charge batteries that are running on 'empty' and instead of being reactive, some thought time for forward planning - we have rather a big event in a few months that is 'critical' The are other 'facets' because WE DO CARE, the local area, we MUST work with residents - and we are - received this from one this morning that relieves me - and should you, as we want Odsal to be part of the community. "Good morning mate hope your well. Saturday seemed a massive success both inside and outside the venue. Not a single car parked up the approach road. A couple parked on the estate but that’s fine. No one was blocked in or anything so all good." Thank you very much for sorting that out. We all really appreciate it.' NOW THAT MEANS A LOT TO US! So, whilst a short term 'disappointment' in this instance, we hope you understand the bigger picture is for everyone's benefit, we have made a timely decision so drivers can plan - these are difficult times in major venues with Covid in event planning and we hope those drivers looking forward will understand and support us moving forward, but it is also for your benefit. Sheffield yesterday, again Covid, a fantastic stadium with amongst the best facilities in the UK but a capacity of 922 which I would hope most would understand is nowhere near 'viable' but felt it important that it should run. No food or drink, just toilets. However, yesterday after the 'stresses' of adapting to a new huge stadium like Odsal and expectations and learning, it was a release. Easy to get people in - all good natured into two zones. For me, for the first time in 2021 I relaxed nd actually enjoyed it, surrounded by a good team, had time to chat to people. It was emotional. Whilst I do not do a great deal of social media I was told that some 'irk' had criticised drivers for the lower than expected car count - It started at 34, dipped to 28 then 24 and when Sophie arrived it was 25, by start time it was 20 with good old Joff arriving in time for the Final. But, the drivers do this as a hobby, whilst the evening before at Odsal didn't create a lot of damage, one or two cancelled for mechanical issues 'late' and it was then end of a busy run. 9 cancelled for Odsal on 31st with damage from 29th at NIR - Odsal on 31st was certainly 'lively' and drivers have a family life, need to time for parts and repairs etc and the support we have received from the BSCDA in help, Pete, FWJ, Sophie and others such as Tom Harris in ideas and constructive feedback is 'humbling' because they share the passion and want to be part of making it and the sport great. So, forgive, a bit emotional and 'come down' after 3 stressful weeks, I had to say a few words. For the first time, it was also great to not be stressed out and 'talk to people' and get feedback and out of the 4 meetings we have run in 23 days, I want to thank each an every one of you at Sheffield for your support, feedback and kindness which after the huge 'car crash' and pressures of getting Odsal open, was welcome to be able to communicate. THANK YOU your support is always valued. The last few weeks has been like spinning plates in a Greek taverna and watching some 'smash' due to the enormity of the challenge, at 62 and our pride, we need a time out to reflect, learn and move forward July 17th even better. What more can I say, we wouldn't have made such progress so quickly without people around me, Matthew Goring [ Mr Cool ] deserves our thanks and credit for really taking charge after several inter team discussions as what to change, Pete & Frank for help in improving vehicle movement and many others. We have a great sport, great people who are all committed with passion and love for the sport and Jackie and I very much have welcomed that and the support from our attendees. We have a team working at the stadium today, with FWS and Danny, Andy is at the track tomorrow and I am back there wednesday for a couple of important meetings, one quite preliminary but potentially very good for Odsal concerning 2022. We will have team working there most of the week 'cleaning' to get it ready for the Bulls home games on 26th and 4th July [ if I am correct ] whilst at the same time working together to get an infrastructure at the stadium to make it all flow more efficiently in prep and breakdown for both sports and customers to be cohesive - If anyone things 'it's easy' PLEASE come on down, sit in the saddle and just give us a VIP ticket to come and watch now and again as pride wise, which is the only reason we have done it, we have done our job and can retire as planned - in the interim we will continue to try and improve, we will drop a plate now and again and disappoint, like next weekend, but we don't do things for a 'cheap buck but, neither do we do it to go bankrupt - It's about working together to build something we can all be proud of in years to come Thank you
  3. The number B18 SCA is actually B81 SCA (B81SCA) - I’ll let you work out what can be done with it but it looked rather well on a big silver Transit.😉👍
  4. Startrax Stockcar Racing NEW TRACK - NEW CHALLENGES - JOIN THE TEAM - VACANCIES Startrax are looking to expand the team for the 2021 season. We are specifically looking for the below roles: - Pit Marshals - Scrutineers - Support Staff for pre event set up and post event clean up For full details and information please email matthewgoring@hotmail.co.uk or send us a message on Facebook. Full training will be provided
  5. Startrax Stockcar Racing Firstly a massive thank you for the fantastic feedback we have received following Mondays meeting. We know it was a long way off what we as a team wanted but many lessons have been learned and we have listened to the constructive comments that have been put forward. As many are aware Odsal is an elite stadium and this in its own right creates many issues. We also have to deal with Civid 19 and new HSE regulations. On top of this it is a new venue for the majority of the team and it was a steep learning curve on Monday for all of us. Things will certainly improve. Regarding the track surface. First we have to say a massive thank you to our track man Andy. 10 days ago the track was superb after having 20 tonnes of loose top coating applied. The plan was for Danny and Frank to come in the next day and lay all the pitch protection. Unfortunately the heavens opened and having to use heavy machinery simply churned the track up and washed away most of the top surface. On Saturday morning before the Stan Woods banger meeting the track looked almost un raceable but again Andy worked wonders and got us a surface back. On the Monday it was confirmed the Bulls were making their return on Sunday 24 hours before our opener adding a massive amount of additional pressure. It was still raining at this point! Work began getting the stadium ready for the Bulls. A mini digger was brought in and the inner gully by the kerb was pulled back and a company called in to clear all the drains. On the Wednesday the RFL inspected the pitch and were concerned about the height between the kerb and the pitch. The quick fix solution was to build up the corners with dry shale so it was level and put protective matting over it as per the picture. Due to time and pressure to get the track ready for Monday we totally overlooked the fact that the shale we had put on was working like a dam all week. This is why the inside was so wet and boggy, the water had nowhere to drain. Hence that is why there were puddles going into the turns. Another lesson now learnt. As for the track itself and the comments it is like an ice rink when wet. A new track has to have a considerabe amount of clay in it to make it bind with the tarmac underneath. The more it gets used the harder it becomes. Once the first clay/shale mix is down and has been worked a much looser brick/lime compound is added. This is then worked in to bind with the clay mix and this is where the grip comes from. 20 tons of loose shale was put on the track prior to the first meeting which as we have said simply washed away. A further 30 tons was added during the week prior to the F1s but again due to weather it could not be properly mixed in. The track will need approximately another 150 tons of loose shale to be added to get the perfect mix But it is not simply a case of dumping 150 tons on and job done, it has to be done in stages. As we have said Rome was not built in a day and the likes of Kings lynn are well established with over 30 years of use. More and more loose shale will be added over the course of the next few weeks the surface will get better and better. We accept that we added too much water on the day but again problems in the week were a part of this. We had 2 water bowsers donated but for various reasons we were unable to use them. One of them was the same as the one used on the day but the second one we wanted to use was the one that had the sprinkle bar on the back which produces a lot less water. Because we could not use this we had to hire in the big one which admittedly put down too much with the drainage blocked by our temporary dams. Hopefully this gives you some insight in where we are at.
  6. Blimey Dave, Giant will never talk you again after that omission🤣
  7. Just been posted by Startrax at 9.45 Startrax Stockcar Racing · 3m · 31st Monday - Last few tickets left We had a 'glitch ' with tickets yesterday in setting 'timing' for them coming off - The last few are now back online and available in the shop - There arn't that many and When gone, they are gone, apologies for the glitch at our end.
  8. As per 10am Weds 26th. Incarace Motorsport E-Ticket Dispatch Following several people calling our head office regarding their e-tickets for upcoming events we would like to make all race fans aware that the e-tickets for events are dispatched by email. You should receive your e-ticket a couple of days prior to the date of the event you have purchased your tickets to attend. Please check your spam/junk folders as well as your inbox as sometimes e-tickets are found in those folders. For this coming bank holiday weekend e-tickets are being sent by email now. If you do not receive your e-ticket email by 1pm on Friday 28th May please call our head office on 01252 322920. If you have received your PROCESSING email please do not call us before Friday lunchtime as the e-tickets are being sent by our team as soon as possible. Thank you.
  9. Startrax Stockcar Racing· 24/05/21 Monday morning! Well, today the Bulls have announced their return to Odsal which is great news for the city, their fans and team to share Odsal. We are today and yesterday, working at Odsal, the track has been relayed and 24 hours of discussions now we have run the first event at the stadium as a 'guinea pig' - someone had to be for the stadiums re-opening and, in reality we would have benefitted from perhaps another 2/3 weeks to consolidate the huge works that went on to the last minute [ and some ongoing as we speak ] In reality 137 days from start to opening v weather and the unfortunate change in weather over the last 72 hours prior and to still operate and work only discovering the Covid guidance on segregation on Thursday - EVERYONE from our staff to new and stadium staff had to learn and we now have more experience for next weekend for the Bulls opener and our Holiday Monday 'F1' return, we now have much more operational experience. FOOD & DRINK - given Covid and segregation, we have to debrief and look at that later in the week after more thought and a debrief, but would say again during Covid restrictions etc YOU MAY........ indeed advised, BRING YOUR OWN FOOD DRINK - indeed 'encouraged' but no alcohol or glass. Getting to grips with Covid and requirements for zoning and people movement meant this was less than perfect and not the customer experience we desire, but was another 'learning curve' challenge and later in the week after de briefs we will update. Startrax as an organisation DO NOT operate the catering, that is with the stadium but we take this on the chin together as we are a team and both parties want a good customer experience, we will learn. ZONING will be exactly the same as the plan we issued for the 22nd with minor tweaks! 75 BriSCA F1's plus reserves - fully loaded - This week will be again 'full on' - we are finishing the programme today and have already a workload planned. Again, we would appreciate at the moment, any enquiries by e-mail rather than call the office until workload dies down into next week. But, proud and proud of all those involved, in Oval racing being historically the first activity at ODSAL - from drivers to staff in unique circumstances, a BIG WELL DONE - We will be quietish next 48 hours but will have plenty to update Thursday onwards. Please feel free to download, put up your own photos of racing etc from Saturday 22nd to share
  10. Only 70, is that it, wish I hadn’t bought my ticket now at 11.07am if I’d known so few were turning up..🤣. Excellent turnout....Can’t wait....👍
  11. Slipped under the radar this one. Ticket sales for various Spedeworth meetings but for us the 29th May meeting on Saturday are released this Tuesday 4th May. Spedeworth Motorsports May Event Driver Bookings & Advanced Tickets Spedeworth/Incarace are pleased to announce that both driver bookings and spectator advanced tickets are planned for release next week! SPECTATOR ADVANCED TICKETS Advanced tickets will begin to go on sale on Tuesday 4th May 2021 at scheduled intervals which will be detailed below. Tickets can only be purchased via our online ticketing system and the link will be made available once an event is open for ticket bookings. Please note there will be no tickets available to purchase on the day of the event. Full details of how to purchase your tickets will be announced at time of an event going live next week. The event ticket sale opening times are as follows:- • Northampton International Shaleway (Saturday 29th May) – Tickets open on Tuesday 4th May at 12.45pm Please ensure you check your order before confirming your purchase as tickets ordered incorrectly will not be refunded. It won’t be long before we can once again hear those famous words “Let’s Go Racing!!” http://www.spedeworth.co.uk/news2.php?id=3667
  12. Morning all - have updated to Odsal Update topic but thought best to put this in the general topic page for those not on Facebook or have got fed up with the Odsal Update bit !!! - if you think it needs moving to the Essential Info page Carl then please do. Tickets on sale tomorrow 26th as of 9am. I have no idea of crowd capacity come September, no one I guess knows, so no idea on total ticket numbers available. Startrax Stockcar Racing Favorites · 21h · World Final Ticket Information As we have mentioned the Andrew’s Group and Haulage BriSCA F1 World Final Tickets will go on sale on Monday 26th April at 9am. Firstly, should you have any questions and queries, we would at this stage ask if you could -email us for the next few weeks as the office is only part time attended as we are as you would expect, at a crucial time with works at Odsal - we will always aim to respond within 24 hours. That would be hugely appreciated at this point. Similarly to all our events tickets, these will be currently ONLY be available via the Startrax shop. Tickets will be available for both Friday 10th September and Saturday 11th September and are available at the below prices. Friday 10th September Adult - £22 Concession - £20 Junior (10-15) - £9 Family (2 adults and up to 3 children) - £60 Child (9 and under) - FREE Saturday 11th September Adult - £39 (£45 on the day) Concession - £37 (£43 on the day) Junior (10-15) - £15 (£18 on the day) Family (2 adults and up to 3 children) - £97 (£117 on the day) Child (9 and under) - FREE The advanced tickets for the Andrew’s Group and Haulage World Final are available until 3pm on Monday 6th September 2021. Physical tickets will be issued for this event and these will be dispatched via Royal Mail Recorded Delivery with a cost of £2.50 per transaction made. GRANDSTAND TICKETS Grandstand tickets will also be available for Saturday 11th September at a cost of £15. Please buy a general admission ticket and then a grandstand ticket separately. The grandstand seating plans are available to see on our website, please take a look and decide where you would like to sit. Once you have please then send us a message here http://www.startrax.info/Info/Contact with the following information. In the message please indicate 3 options of your seating options, eg Option A, B and C. We will then seat you on your highest preference that is available. We will continue to update the online plan with availability to help you make your decision. There is no extra cost for the grandstand on the Friday night Chairs / policy - for terraced areas - THOSE WHO HAVE ALREADY HAVE CHAIR TICKETS FOR KL - you may simply use those for camping chairs to bring into stadium. We are NOT at this point releasing or issuing any further as the allocation for King's Lynn was almost exhausted. If we can make more available we will advise mid year. Disabled viewing - This cannot be reserved however, there are considerable spaces available allocated at the rear of the Grandstand and around the top of the terracing areas with access. We will advise further details regarding disabled provision which we are seeking to enhance by mid year and evaluating options CAMPING We are working to provide camping facilities over the weekend and we are in a position to release advanced camping tickets which can also be purchased via the Startrax Shop. Advanced camping - £20 (per unit) On the day - £25 (per unit) Camping will be available on both the Friday and Saturday night. EXISTING TICKET HOLDERS: Tickets purchased for King's Lynn 2020 are valid for the 2021 World Final at Odsal - You need do no more - just present them on either the Friday or Saturday as original. IF YOU HOLD A GRANDSTAND SEAT WE HAVE RESERVED YOU A SPOT IN THE PREMIER SEATING! This will give you the best view of the track with “luxury” seating from the centre of the grandstand. The grandstand seating plans are available to see on our website, please take a look and decide where you would like to sit. Once you have please then send us a message here http://www.startrax.info/Info/Contact with your choice of seat/s - Your name/address/ contact number and what row/seat number you had at King's Lynn for us to reference.
  13. WORLD FINAL TICKET INFORMATION. Startrax Stockcar Racing World Final Ticket Information As we have mentioned the Andrew’s Group and Haulage BriSCA F1 World Final Tickets will go on sale on Monday 26th April at 9am. Firstly, should you have any questions and queries, we would at this stage ask if you could -email us for the next few weeks as the office is only part time attended as we are as you would expect, at a crucial time with works at Odsal - we will always aim to respond within 24 hours. That would be hugely appreciated at this point. Similarly to all our events tickets, these will be currently ONLY be available via the Startrax shop. Tickets will be available for both Friday 10th September and Saturday 11th September and are available at the below prices. Friday 10th September Adult - £22 Concession - £20 Junior (10-15) - £9 Family (2 adults and up to 3 children) - £60 Child (9 and under) - FREE Saturday 11th September Adult - £39 (£45 on the day) Concession - £37 (£43 on the day) Junior (10-15) - £15 (£18 on the day) Family (2 adults and up to 3 children) - £97 (£117 on the day) Child (9 and under) - FREE The advanced tickets for the Andrew’s Group and Haulage World Final are available until 3pm on Monday 6th September 2021. Physical tickets will be issued for this event and these will be dispatched via Royal Mail Recorded Delivery with a cost of £2.50 per transaction made. GRANDSTAND TICKETS Grandstand tickets will also be available for Saturday 11th September at a cost of £15. Please buy a general admission ticket and then a grandstand ticket separately. The grandstand seating plans are available to see on our website, please take a look and decide where you would like to sit. Once you have please then send us a message here http://www.startrax.info/Info/Contact with the following information. In the message please indicate 3 options of your seating options, eg Option A, B and C. We will then seat you on your highest preference that is available. We will continue to update the online plan with availability to help you make your decision. There is no extra cost for the grandstand on the Friday night Chairs / policy - for terraced areas - THOSE WHO HAVE ALREADY HAVE CHAIR TICKETS FOR KL - you may simply use those for camping chairs to bring into stadium. We are NOT at this point releasing or issuing any further as the allocation for King's Lynn was almost exhausted. If we can make more available we will advise mid year. Disabled viewing - This cannot be reserved however, there are considerable spaces available allocated at the rear of the Grandstand and around the top of the terracing areas with access. We will advise further details regarding disabled provision which we are seeking to enhance by mid year and evaluating options CAMPING We are working to provide camping facilities over the weekend and we are in a position to release advanced camping tickets which can also be purchased via the Startrax Shop. Advanced camping - £20 (per unit) On the day - £25 (per unit) Camping will be available on both the Friday and Saturday night. EXISTING TICKET HOLDERS: Tickets purchased for King's Lynn 2020 are valid for the 2021 World Final at Odsal - You need do no more - just present them on either the Friday or Saturday as original. IF YOU HOLD A GRANDSTAND SEAT WE HAVE RESERVED YOU A SPOT IN THE PREMIER SEATING! This will give you the best view of the track with “luxury” seating from the centre of the grandstand. The grandstand seating plans are available to see on our website, please take a look and decide where you would like to sit. Once you have please then send us a message here http://www.startrax.info/Info/Contact with your choice of seat/s - Your name/address/ contact number and what row/seat number you had at King's Lynn for us to reference.
  14. Startrax Stockcar Racing The FIRST CUT is the deepest! ODSAL WORKS CONTINUE After letting her 'rest' and 'settle' for weeks to bind and dry out, 2500 gallons of water were laid yesterday for her first 'trim' to smooth her out get the levels right, the first stage now of 'grooming' her. Tyre packing has been ongoing and she looks good before we start importing and laying the final 300 tonnes! Amazing driver interest for the openers, ALL 3 of the opening events at Odsal are fully booked or almost there. May 22nd FULLY BOOKED May 31st F1's fully booked wit huge reserve list June 12th entries not open yet - June 19th FULLY BOOKED [ just reserve places for Super League Bangers ] and 2 months before 70 BriSCA F2'S BOOKED [ 75 being accepted ] TICKETS - Just a few now left for 31st May and going down fast, around 500 for 22nd May and amazingly already 50% of capacity sold for 12th June and 50% for Sheffield 13th June - DON'T DELAY!
  15. I copied the above, there are also further limited tickets on sale for the Odsal opener on 31st May as well.....call myself a car/van salesman😆
  16. Just a reminder for those not on FB or missed the Bscda interview - available from the Startrax site as of tomorrow (not sure what time). We are delighted to also announce that limited tickets will also go on sale Monday morning 5th April for Bradford BriSCA F1 on 12th June, Sheffield BriSCA F1 / F2 for 13th June, Bradford, Super League Teams & BriSCA F2 on 19th June and Bradford F1 17th July. - Good luck.
  17. Startrax Stockcar Racing TICKETS 31st May and 22nd May - A few more released. As a result of the amended dates and some tickets becoming available - We have released a small number of tickets for STAN WOODS on 22nd May and the opening BriSCA F1 opener on 31st May. Less than 100 - so if you want one grab them whilst you can. The 22nd are available now and 31st will be online shortly As previously stated we do not as yet know as to what capacity will be allowed / extra availability, recycling these may help those who could not get one originally. We hope to advise on 3rd April an up to date position
  18. It was ok, bit unclear in places, but c’est la vie. May be worth looking into subtitles though BSCDA for future driver interviews with Northern drivers, that or perhaps sending Sophie on a semaphore course?
  19. Steve will be getting writers cramp at this rate... Startrax Stockcar Racing Wednesday update Work continues at a pace and at the end of Tuesday over 12 deliveries have been unloaded and work is already well under way laying the outside of the track first so we have a clean run for unloading wagons until that process is complete - A second larger machine arrived on site ready to be put into operation tomorrow via Scott Newton and has a 'grader bar' designed to level all the material to equal depth. It's taking shape as a 'race track'!
  20. Startrax Stockcar Racing Questions & Answers: Having a brief review of feedback on social media, always a good barometer, I selected the below as my pick of the day! 'The pictures of the shale being laid at Bradford is one of the best sights seen anywhere this side of 1997. According to Steve Rees, it's proper red shale. Only the best for Odsal. And top track curator, Andy Meredith is overseeing the operation. '' I have also read with interests 'expert views' on how a track should be laid, but didn't recognise any of the names as experienced track curators so perhaps for the layman, a few words of 'how it works'! 1. First and foremost is drainage, and Odsal has an extremely efficient Dutch drain system with pumps, some reparations have been done in servicing and cleaning the system and getting water away is key, and the efficacy of the system was thoroughly tested last month with heavy rain and deep snow and thaw - Drainage is key! 2. How you lay the track is first down to procuring the right material - and 6 months went into this. There is no exact science as the terminoligy of what is 'shale' is a misnoma as basically it is a waste by product from quarrying / extraction. At some point brick kilns were a source of bi product mixed with clay and other aggregates hence the 'redness' but most product used is either mixed with a clay content or granite percentage. 'Red' shale has become increasingly difficult to source, one of the biggest suppliers, Breedon in Leicestershire effectively ran out as the seam became unproductive and curators have had to become more ingenuous and look at different solutions and more latterly a lot of material has been 'grey' - After looking at several types of material my experienced track man concluded that what we are using is amongst the 'best' available and with the right proportion of clay mix - All tracks are different, for example, for exclusively speedway, they can be of a lighter construction and composition however for sharing with cars as the surface may be more robust. 'Experts' try and compare the UK with the how the US build dirt tracks which is an entirely different scenario. Tracks are bigger, wider, different wheel dynamics [ F1's are not Spring cars on wide wheels ] and most tracks are Clay based to a reasonable depth. That is because of size,shape, racing dynamics and hot temperatures typically as during the week tracks are harrowed deep and 'flooded' to hold the water and the water tyre packed in. When it rains in US quite simply meetings are 'rained out' - UK different dynamics, sizes and needs and bikes needs to slide and not suddenly 'grip' so comparison is odious. 3. Every track is different as to how it is constructed and it's base - In Bradfords case, we are building a clay/shale base to be durable to around 6 inches [ deeper on the corners as you go out ] and as the tarmac itself has degraded over years, it is beneficial that is abrasive enough to 'grip' - we hope! Some tracks are built on different levels of aggregate. In this country with unpredictable weather too much depth of shale can also be an issue in wet weather and create it's own problems. 4. The first job in laying a new track is getting the material to site, a huge logistical [ and costly ] experience, haulage by far the biggest cost and, it has to come over a number of days - and then be laid. As in the update photos from Odsal, the first job is to spread the shale around as it arrives as vehicle movement to unload is a big planning consideration and for this we have two machines on site - again, not cheap, to lay it, pack it in and eventually, with the excavator fitted with a grader bar, to level it out to an even spread. Effectively by mid next week, that is it the, initial work done to lay the track, but not the last! We had heavy rain last night and we are supremely pleased with how the material handled it. When this part finishes, between then and opening another 300 tonnes of 'lighter material' will be added to further build it up and then it will be graded back and forth to 'mix' it and tyre pack it in and that process will continue until we open and thereafter. We cannot expect perfection day one, weather is a bigger factor as is 'settling down' the track which in itself takes time. Fingers crossed it's about the 3 P's - People, Product and Process - we have attempted to get those right as part of the other P - planning! We always welcome feedback and if any is useful and helpful and the individual has the proven 'street cred' in prep work, we will welcome them on the team, more experienced hands make light work! Some comments have questioned why did we not paint the fence first and the direct answer to that is that it is primed and greased, it will be the last job we do to spray and paint it after all the 'mucky' work is done - It will always oxidise but at 10mm thick is not going to rust away! and the track side will for appearance require a refresh after every meeting as one of the downsides of shale!!!! Hence, one of last jobs to be done Hope answers some feedback
  21. Startrax Stockcar Racing On the move - Odsal latest update! After a couple of intensive planning weeks and the appointment of a site manager & HSE consultant to comply with CDM, HSE requirements on a construction site, the huge requirements, audit trails, method statements were completed and this afternoon the first deliveries of shale arrived and started to be laid with an schedule of deliveries through out the week. Andy and our team spent several months visiting and researching what we required, the right material, we has some samples for drivers to look at and have now spent £50,000 in advance to procure what we 'hope' will be the M&S of shale but of course, only time and experience will prove our choices. Having seen the first 60 tonnes laid, I have to say, impressed, it has bonded well with the tarmac and looks like ti should provide 'grip' and packs well with Andy on site as banksman and Nigel Land behind the JCB300CX moving it around before more machinery arrives.The quality and colour of the shale sort of takes us back 30 years to when all tracks were 'red' ! Regrettably, as it IS a controlled site under CDM please respect, visitors currently are not allowed on site and we will aim to keep you updated as the progress continues. I would like to thank our first aid lady, Hannah, who is in the South Stand all day in case we have a slip or a trip - thank you, she is both a Bulls & Stock Car fan, We continue with planning the overall facelift and I sort of believe my own passion is probably going to mean that initially ' we can do so much' at this time however we will in the next week be coming up with more creative ideas to generate support and help so we can go that extra mile. We have another detailed planning meeting on Thursday and we aim to be ready for the 3rd April even, if the country isn't but we are working on plan B's. Later this week we will start confirming the 2021 fixtures, we now late last week a draft of the Bulls home fixtures planned, so we can now finish that job. More to follow.
  22. Brick dust and dredgings from the River Mersey I heard....
  23. Judging by the pictures and people stood next to them those posts are about just under 6 foot, so the top wire is at five and a half foot. Depends on the depth of shale going down I suppose but it’s going to take a fair bit to clear the fence. Plus it’s shale and the bends are deep and wide - I assume they will also be some catch fencing going in behind as well??
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