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  2. A dedicated section of the website has been set up for the huge weekend of action coming up which should cover all details needed when available. . https://www.stockcar-racing.co.uk/super-stock-car-speedweekend-3-4-august/introduction.ashx
  3. Our fantastic big Stock Car Speedweekend on 3 /4 August will have a big conclusion for both formulas with a Dash for Cash planned for both the F1 and 2L Stock Cars. We are looking for fans / companies / drivers / anyone who may be interested in contributing to either (or both) races as we try and generate as big a fund as possible for our drivers to race for! In addition for the 2L Stock Car Dash for the Cash, Trackstar will match any contributions to the Dash for Cash (up to a maximum of £500) Our thanks go to Paul Nederpel Plumbing and Heating Engineers who have put up a tremendous £2000 for the F1 Stock Car Dash for Cash. This will see £1000 go to the winner with £200 going to the best driver in each grade (race winner excluded from grade awards). Our hard working and long standing officials Mick and Maggie Ivatt have generously been the first to contribute to the Saloon Dash for Cash donating £100 which will be doubled by Trackstar so there is so far £200 in the Saloon DFC pot – what can we get this up to? Anyone interesting in contributing to the pot (either cash or prizes) for either formula should contact Paul on 07939 580652. You can either donate to the main race fund or pick where you would like your money to go! Although no donation (or prize) is too small, there are some additional incentives if you are able to do any of the following; Anyone donating a minimum of £100 will receive an advert in both the programme and on the live stream Anyone donating a minimum of £250 will receive an advert in the programme and on the live stream together with a weekend ticket or weekend streaming pass Anyone donating a minimum of £500 will receive an advert in the programme and on the live stream together with two weekend tickets or weekend streaming pass and a kiss and a hug from Matt Black! Interested in helping us with this? Please contact Paul on 07939 580652!
  4. Coming up …it's one of the biggest shale Stock Car weekends of the year. Part 1, Saturday 3rd August, 4pm - see's the mighty BriSCA F1 Stock Cars in World Championship Semi Final competition and the 2L Stock Cars compete in European Championship qualification -this is going to be brutal. Part 2, Sunday 4th August, 12noon - the awesome 2L Stock Cars compete in the European Championship and then battle for the Steve Newman memorial later in the day. Plus the fast and furious F1 Stock Cars complete the line up in a rare weekend of action at the Adrian Flux Arena racing for the Ben Turner memorial; the fence will rattle and the sparks will fly. We have your weekend sorted; one of the biggest Stock Car events on shale – you do not want to miss it. Full event details, bookings, camping, etc. released soon. The arena has great viewing all around (plenty of under cover viewing too!), FREE on site and overflow parking, disabled viewing, licensed bars, ample food outlets and other great facilities. Help the Drivers who Entertain you by donating voluntarily to the bonus fund when buying advance tickets and that will be awarded to the drivers with the most votes! Please do not park on the main road outside the Arena on race days; this is causing issues with traffic and resulting in a number of complaints. There is an onsite car park and an overflow parking field. Car parking at King’s Lynn is provided free of charge, please do use this. We would also to like ask everyone to be considerate of our neighbouring Industrial area and to park respectfully if using that space. Advance discount tickets are available now, kids 11 and under go free in advance! https://www.stockcar-racing.co.uk/
  5. With great thanks this week to Nic & Will C, for we have a double set of pics in the gallery 👍
  6. Final Result Winner - 141 Richard Falkena Second - 642 Roel Coenen Third - 315 Jaap Hiemstra 87 625 75 14 592 311 818 - 337 15 112 604 28 dnf 710 618 800 24 295 405 79 155 181 294 496 152 197 418 591 44 292 512 332 That’s all folks Big Thank you to Hary
  7. Heat 1 Result Winner - 418 Niels Tesselaar 592 155 627 496 44 36 295 239 75 - 112 476 604 nof Heat 2 Result Winner - 141 Richard Falkena 642 259 618 181 15 197 591 625 332 - 56 524 191 311 35 24 348 393 143 nof Heat 3 Result Winner - 152 Gert-jan Klok 79 87 14 337 102 800 28 604 112 - 592 296 nof Heat 4 Result Winner - 418 Niels Tesselaar 24 710 141 405 591 75 618 291 40 - 53 393 295 36 197 143 496 nof Heat 5 Result Winner - 181 Mark Veenstra 79 800 642 311 292 6 87 337 512 - 332 nof
  8. It’s another big Thank you from Hary F1 races - 3, 7, 10, 13, 17, 22
  9. Results summary BriSCA F1 Stock Cars Heat 1 Winner - 8 Catherine Harris 12 408 20 5 595 - 11 283 312 420 325 128 Heat 2 - 2024 World Semi Final Winner - 16 Mat Newson 515 55 175 73 242 157 124 368 551 - 501 147 Consolation Winner - 501 George Elwel 147 283 410 345 11 453 22 420 325 nof Final Winner - 368 Callum Thornton Second - 595 Jack Ryan Third - 242 Joe Nickolls 124 515 408 5 16 175 551 - 12 20 Grand National Winner - 157 Adam Joyce 73 515 408 551 12 55 124 5 283 - 8 381 BriSCA National MiniStox Heat 1 Winner - 611 Jamie Hanson Second - 105 Danny Bonner Third - 155 Archie Grindey 81 496 507 158 425 80 20 Heat 2 Winner - 611 Jamie Hanson Second - 507 Dara McInerney Third - 496 Thomas Holcroft 425 80 105 20 183 369 220 Final Winner - 496 Thomas Holcroft Second - 507 Dara McInerney Third - 80 Caitlin Morrison 425 220 51 99 105 183 369 V8 Hot Stoxs Heat 1 - Incarace Gold cup - closed grid Winner - 176 Stephen Young Second - 110 Evan Bullock Third - 296 Dan Poole Heat 2 Winner - 152 Andy Maynard 69 29 355 328 176 296 1 552 288 Final Winner - 152 Andy Maynard Second - 29 Gracie Squire Third - 69 Mathew Barnard 176 1 296 288 328 355 10 Grand National Winner - 69 Mathew Barnard 29 328
  10. Grand National Result 157 73 515 408 551 12 55 124 5 283 - 8 381 dnf 368 175 That’s all folks back in 2 weeks from King’s Lynn
  11. Restart order 157 73 551 408 12 515 283 16 5 8 11 381 55 124 175 345 368 399 312 22 128 nor
  12. Grand National on track Whites 128 Yellows 11 22 283 312 399 Blues 12 73 124 157 381 551 Reds 5 8 345 408 Superstars 175 55 525 16 Half lap handicap 368
  13. Final Result 368 595 242 124 515 408 5 16 175 551 - 12 20
  14. Final Top 3 Winner - 368 Callum Thornton Second - 595 Jack Ryan Third - 242 Joe Nickolls
  15. Final on track Whites 325 Yellows 595 22 11 453 368 283 Blues 157 147 73 242 551 12 124 Reds 410 345 5 501 8 408 20 Superstars 175 55 515 16
  16. Consolation result 501 147 283 410 345 11 453 22 420 325 nof
  17. 501 took the lead on the restart and was never challenged on his way to winning the consolation.
  18. Restart order 325 501 283 147 410 345 312 453 420 11 399 22 nor
  19. Lap 4 ish yf 128 & 287 & 372 in t3 fence all ok
  20. Consolation on track Whites 325 128 420 Yellows 399 287 22 312 453 11 372 283 Blues 147 Reds 410 501 345
  21. 2024 World Semi Final result 16 515 55 175 73 242 157 124 368 551 - 501 147 First 10 to the 2024 World Final at SkegVegas on Saturday 14th September First 10 to todays meeting final
  22. 2024 World Semi Final winner is 16 Mat Newson with a flag to flag victory Second - 515 Frankie Wainman Junior Third - 55 Craig Finnikin
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