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Roy B

Stoxnet Supporter 2023
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Everything posted by Roy B

  1. Pit News: 20 - Loading up. 216 - Porta power on the front axle. 120 - Working on the front right brake caliper. 526 - Working on the carb.
  2. Consolation Catch Up: 452 leads away. 555 stops on the outside of turn 2 early on. 464 spins 55 out in turn 3. 211 hits the front of the 55 car but all continue. 300 spins 325 across the home straight. 217 is on a mission putting in some decisive high speed moves. 452 who is still leading at halfway continues to the win.
  3. Pit News: 515 - The smoke appeared to be coming from a leak on the fuel pump. Pump change in op. 216 - Prop-shaft change. 555 - Gearbox out. 195 - Prop-shaft change, plus welding on the front right corner. 124 - Porta power on the front axle. 48 and 12 loading up.
  4. Semi-Final Follow Up: 1 leads away and sets sail for the victory with a perfect start. 217 and 464's challenge comes to an end immediately as they tangle down the back straight. Lee pulls off with a flat left rear, with Luke doing likewise with a flat front right. 48 spins it in turn 3. 216 stops on the outside of turn 1. 172, 73 and 124 all half spin in formation in turn 3. Kyle comes to a stop in turn 2. A lap down 172 makes life difficult for 515 and 166 to get past. Bobby G helps him aside into turn 3. 55 slows with a flat left rear. 515 has had smoke emitting from the right side of the engine throughout the race which steadily gets worse but doesn't affect Frankie's race speed. The race settles in the closing stages with Tom winning by half a lap.
  5. Welcome to a sunny and hot Skeg Vegas folks. Heat One Happenings: Polesitting 452 pulls on to the infield with a flat left rear before the race starts. 132 leads away. 259 passes 16, 498 and 526 in one move into turn 1. 555 comes to a stop on the exit of turn 2. 211 and 300 tangle on the home straight just before the starter. Phoebe is left broadside on so a caution is called. 368 leads the restart. 489 spins out in turn 1 with a flat left rear. 543 is putting the front bumper to good use. 551 up to second at halfway with 259 in 3rd. 498 goes around at the mid-point of turns 3 & 4. 195 spins on the exit of turn 4 and gets collected by 132. Caution to remove the stranded car. With 2 to go 543 slices up the inside of 259 into turn 3. 551 passes 368 for the lead. A last bender from 368 on 551 sees Callum through for the victory. Courtney keeps it out of the fence to cross the line in 3rd.
  6. Pics in the gallery. Many thanks to Nic for sending them in 👍
  7. GN Notes: 424 leads away. 55 gives 289 a hurry up into turn 3. This in turn connects with the 211 rear bumper which sends Phoebe into a spin entering the home straight. She pulls off in turn 1. 555 and 20 lock horns over a number of laps. 55 off in turn 4. 11 gives 501 a big hit into turn 1 but slows himself. 515 puts a slide job on 216 through turn 1. 94 has now taken the lead and has 555 bearing down on him. 2 slows on the outside of turn 2. 20 wallops 127 into turn 3. In a great display of controlled contact JJ takes on Dilligaf and passes the 94 car with 2 to go and sets sail for the victory. 20 makes it through the gap to pass the 94 car as well. 212 pulls off on the back straight on the last lap. That's it from me folks. Back from Skeg Vegas on the 13th Aug 👍
  8. Pit News: 16 - Working on the cab to rear end torque rod. 338 - Steering arm sheared. 2 - Porta power on the front axle. 127 - Electrical fault. 166 - Cab steering linkage and splined shaft stripped down and being worked on. 457 - Right rear shocker snapped off at top mount. 55 - Ratchet strapping the left rear bumper corner back in line prior to welding.
  9. Final Focus: 338 leads away. 175 and 20 clash in turn 4 on the opening lap. 166 and 127 go around in turn 3 and end up facing the oncoming traffic. The 2 car makes light head on contact with 166. 20 and 175 have another coming together in turn 1 this time and end up locked together. Caution to disengage the cars. 11 heads the restart. 515 gives 32 a hit into turn 1. 415 and 501 come to grief in turn 1. 338 leads from 53. 216 goes around with a flat right rear in turn 1. 338 trips over 216 and is left stranded against the turn 2 fence. 555, 457 and 259 collide down the back straight, 2 climbs over 216 in turn 2. Caution for stranded cars. 515, 53 and 463 head the restart. 32 goes around in front of the starter. 55 whacks 166 into the turn 3 fence which shakes the shale off the plating. He does likewise to 463 next time round. 55 is slowed by 53 which allows 217 to close in. 166 glances off the turn 1 and back straight fences and stops in turn 4. 2 and 34 tangle in turn 4. Caution for stranded cars. 515, 55, 217 and 53 head the restart. 55 is slow to get going which lets 515 speed off to a race winning lead. 53 takes a dive at 217 in turn 2 but the positions remain unchanged. 18 arrives on the scene to mix it up and gain a position.
  10. Pit News: 25 - Bent front axle from the Semi. 327 - Loaded up. 242 - Loading up. Power steering and braking problems. 548 - Porta power on the front axle. 335 - Gearbox out. 212 - Tweaking the carb. 127 - The car lost power steering fluid in the Consi hence the smoke.
  11. Consolation Catch Up: 424 leads away. 587 spins it turn 3 on lap 1. 32 climbs over 501 in turn 2. 127 and 338 spin in tandem in turn 3. 216 collides with both. 44 gets bounced into the turn 3 fence by 515. After a number of laps a caution is called to move the stranded 44 car. 215 slows for the yellow and gets shoved broadside by 32 and 548. 16, 515 and 555 head the restart. Behind these three, 526 challenges and passes 212. Danny repasses next lap. 127 stops in a cloud of smoke in turn 2 with 7 to go but restarts soon after. 16 takes a wider line through the turns which allows 515 to close in at 3 to go and pass for the lead.
  12. Pit News: 211 - Left end of back axle sheared off. 526 - Welding front left hub assy. 47 - Loading up. 5 - Loaded up.
  13. Semi-Final Follow Up: 16 heads the grid away from the front outside. 259 slots in behind into turn 1. 346 gets out of shape down the back straight. 526 ends up against the turn 3 fence with a detached front left wheel. 16, 259, 47 and 2 is the order at the restart. 211 goes around in turn 2. 339 clips the car and both are stuck on the racing line. Caution called to move them to safety. 555 pulls off with a flat right rear before the restart. 94 hits 25 and 346 wide into turn 3. 5 passes 47 into turn 4 to move into 4th. 11 fires 346 hard into turn 1. Caution to help Ashley to safety. 16 slows going down the back straight with a flat right rear on the restart and gets clouted by 259 and half spins. Mat pulls off at turn 3. 2 closes on 259, and 94 gains on the 5 car. 259 closes on a backmarking 492 and loses time getting past. 326 gets shoved towards the infield down the back straight and hits the last concrete block splitting it in two. He bounces off into the side of the 492 car sending Ashleigh into the turn 3 fence causing her to roll it. All ok. Restart sees 259 pull clear of the 2 car. 1 to go and 5 passes 47 into turn 3 with Simon trying but failing on a repass into turn 3 on the last lap. Paul Hines takes the win.
  14. Welcome to Odsal folks. Heat One Happenings: 424 leads away. 53 and 34 make good progress in the opening laps. The field take a high line through turns 3 & 4. 463 spins in turn 1. King John is up to 3rd with a forceful drive. 238 leads until 18 comes by and heads for the victory. 55 elbows 212 aside through turn 4. Danny tangles with 216 in turn 2 a lap later. 515 and 217 are having a good battle. Frankie breaks clear but suffers a flat right rear with 5 to go. 53 is getting ever closer to 2nd placed 238 up front. 55 joins the party and blasts past both in turn 1 and heads for the runner up spot. 53 dives through the 55 induced gap to take the 3rd position from 238.
  15. GN Notes: 389 leads away. 12 and 216 whack the turn 3 fence in the opener. 211, 515 come to grief in turn 1 with help from the 1 car. A high speed train of 55, 1 and 16 circulate for a number of laps. 18 holds up 55 and makes things difficult for 1 to pass. 16 closes in. H575 and 555 clash down the home straight. 389 with a huge lead hooks onto 457 on the home straight. 175 passes 515 from the lap down position. That's all folks. Back from Bradford 👍
  16. Euro Final Focus: 197 leads the field away. 217 takes a wild line down the home straight and hits the fence on the opening lap which also puts the 1 car offline. It all kicks off in turn 1 with a major pile up. H418 and 259 go up the fence and get collected by the pack. Complete restart. A dust storm makes it difficult to see how the race is progressing. 5 fires 502, H575 and 18 into turn 1. 175 spins out in turn 1 a lap later. 212 and 502 clash in turn 2 which leaves Ricky head on into the back straight fence with a collapsed wing. Caution to retrieve the cars and bring the water cart on. 197 with 1 one car back head the restart. Ryan takes off into a big lead. 191 piles up 541, 5 and 12 into turn 1. 541 ends up nearly rolling. Another caution to remove the stranded cars. 197, 1, 515 and 55 head a quality restart. Ryan takes a wide outside line through turn 3 to take off on the drop of the green. 515 goes inside 1 into turn 1 but gets moved with a hit from the World Champ next lap. 289 drops out of a good 3rd place with a flat right rear just after halfway. The 1 car loses the right front wheel entering turn 3 which brings another caution. 197 heads 175 on this restart. 555 gets a flat front left. 5 goes into 2nd with 7 to go. 12 and 515 battle over the closing laps. With the laps winding down 5 has dramatically closed the gap to 197 and we are treated to a spectacular last bender. Both clatter the fence leaving 175 to sail through for the victory. 197 proceeds to ram the stationary 5 car numerous times before racing off down the home straight. After the race Charlie played to the crowd and the whole place erupted in cheers. A great ending to an otherwise dull race 👍
  17. Pit news following the Consi: 78 - Left half shaft change. H410 - Steering pump failure. 24 - Loaded up. Master cylinder u/s. 1 - Changing rear springs for the Euro race.
  18. Consolation Catch Up: 389 leads away. 78 goes around in turn 3, with 268 doing likewise in turn 1. 12 takes an early lead in a quiet race. 236 hits 216 into turn 3. Jack returns the favour into turn 1 with the assistance of 326 also pushing. Next time around the NAPA car spins it in turn 2. Michael Scriven takes the win unchallenged.
  19. Pit News: H229 - Porta power on the left nerf rail. 211 - Changing left stub axle. 515 - Replacing the rad.
  20. Heat Two Happenings: 115 leads away. 212 slows and pulls off on the opening lap. Caution for a stranded 115 on the exit of turn 4. 463 goes around in turn 1 which delays the close following 1 car. 526 half spins in turn 4 and gets taken all the way round by a helpful push from 211. 197 chucks it up the inside of 515 into turn 1. 191 takes the lead from 541 at halfway. It takes the World Champ a couple of laps to get by 541 who keeps in close behind. The last lap sees H575 hit 502 into 515 entering turn 3. Frankie drifts wide and the Wizard takes the position.
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