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Roy B

Stoxnet Supporter 2023
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Everything posted by Roy B

  1. Saloons UK Championship Top 3 : 800 Barry Russell 349 Michael Allard 730 Deane Mayes Barry kept within range of long time leader Stuart Shevill Jnr 618 for many laps. After closing in for a possible last bender Barry found Stuart slowing to negate any race winning hit. The 800 pilot's answer was to spin the defending champ out. A fantastic finish!
  2. Heat Two Result: 551 - 327 - 166 - 1 - 25 - 464 - 8 - 555 - 120 - 36 - 526 - 484.
  3. Heat Two Happenings: 327 leads away. The 1 car loses the air filter housing in a rough-house entry to turn 1. 217, 191 and 36 all bounce off the same fence a couple of laps later. At the opposite end of the track 489, 73, 87 and 279 all exit turn 4 side by side resulting in a skittle effect with them ending up all over the show. 327 relinquishes the lead to 551 with 6 to go. The last lap sees the World Champ try to fire Bobby G wide into turn 3 for 3rd but the 166 pilot holds on for the place.
  4. Heat Two Grid: 327 343 489 479 140 87 551 19 492 484 191 120 25 73 8 36 555 526 166 464 217 1
  5. Heat 1 Result: 300 - 197 - 16 - 48 - 368 - 20 - H318 - 47 - 543 - 2 - 147 - 242.
  6. Heat One Grid: 132 295 397 226 452 368 300 147 283 11 195 381 543 211 346 124 242 20 47 326 2 48 16 197 H318
  7. Welcome to day two folks. Heat One Happenings: 397 leads away. 20 goes flying in with a big hit into turn 3 on the first lap. This scatters the cars in front leaving 211, 124 and 195 to tangle and come to a stop on the exit to turn 4. 397 goes around on the homestraight and is stuck facing the traffic until getting going again a couple of laps later. 197 puts a move on 16 into turn 3. 132 spends a couple of laps bouncing off the fence unaided at different points of the circuit. 397 spins entering turn 1 and gets a head on from 295. 20 whacks 381 wide into turn 1. The 197 car takes advantage and goes up the inside of both. The run to the flag sees a drag to the line between 48 and 368 for 4th place. Paul Carter is away and gone for the win.
  8. The GN for the Tom Collins Memorial Race Result: 197 - 217 - 47 - 48 - 16 - 191 - 555 1 - 166 - 73 - 147 - H318. That's it folks, back tomorrow πŸ‘
  9. GN Notes: 343 leads away. 526 pulls off on the roller. 141 goes around in turn 2. 19 and 172 ride up the back straight fence in avoidance. At the same time the rest of the field come to a crunching halt in a big pile up around the stricken 141 car. Caution flags. All ok. 8 cars already out before the restart. The drop of the green sees 381 and 36 whack the turn 1 fence. 197 puts a big hit in on 16 and 555 going into turn 3 to move through. Caution for the stricken 381. All ok. 489 leads the restart from 47 for half a lap. He gets a big'un into turn 1 from the 47 front end. A close following 283 tangles with him. 197 gives 217 a hefty hit into turn 3 and moves into the lead. The closing laps sees some brutal hits going in from a number of drivers. The last lap has 191, 16 and 48 going into turn 3 using each other as a brake with a great clash of steel. Easily the best race from the F1's.
  10. The GN grid for the Tom Collins Memorial Race: 1 343 489 397 132 484 195 141 19 11 172 87 283 368 147 73 381 36 191 242 543 346 25 555 47 526 166 217 464 16 H318 197 50 140
  11. Pit News: 555 - Straightening the front axle. 226 - Rebuilding the front end. 2 - Front axle to straighten. Steering pump removal in op. Wing looking worse for wear. 452 - Left bank of exhausts squashed. 492 - Welding front bumper upright. 191 - Rear left corner/bumper end replacement in op. 526 - Front left corner rework to finish off.
  12. The Ray Tyldesley Memorial Final Result: 1 - 551 - 197 - 464 - 368 - 16 - 47 - 242 - 191 - 172 - 543 - 8
  13. Final Focus: 489 leads away. 464 and 1 make immediate inroads to the cars ahead. 452 half spins in turn 4 resulting in the following cars bunching up and taking conflicting lines down the home straight. A big pile up ensues in turn 1 with 124, 8, 191 and 2 coming to grief. Paul ends up rolling it and back onto his wheels. All ok. 489 leads away at the restart. 47 gives 197 a big hit into turn 3 but it has no effect on the Boss. 489, 368, 551 are being chased down by the World Champ who gets by them at the halfway point. 197 makes a move up the inside of 464 into turn 2 to move into 3rd. The remaining laps are reeled off with the 1 car increasing the lead over 551.
  14. Ray Tyldesley Memorial Final Grid: 489 327 452 368 551 300 147 11 172 484 543 191 120 346 25 124 242 8 47 555 526 2 48 166 464 217 16 197 1 H318
  15. Consolation Result: 2, 124, 48, 242, 489, 555, 11, 346, 120, 147, 87 and 326.
  16. Consolation Catch Up: 295 leads away. 283 hits an infield marker tyre down the back straight and gets some air under the front end. 492, 141 and 195 end up in a heap on the exit of turn 4. Caution flag. 489 and 147 lead away. 48 is moving ever closer to the lead duo and sends them both wide into turn 1 with 6 to go. 120 and 19 are engaged in a battle further down the field. Caution number two for 343 who is stranded on the back straight after colliding with 226. 48 and 2 head a short lived restart. A wayward trajectory by the 19 car down the home straight sees him collect 226. Darren's car whacks an infield tyre ripping off the front wheel and nearly rolling it. He ends up across the middle of turn 1 and gets collected by a following car. All ok. The one lap to go restart sees 48 easily outgun the 2 car to the line. However Shaun had jumped the start so Paul H claims the win.
  17. Consolation Grid: 295 397 489 343 226 87 147 19 492 283 11 195 141 381 120 346 73 124 242 36 20 326 555 2 48 140 50
  18. Heat Two Grid: 132 295 343 368 300 19 283 172 484 195 141 543 120 346 73 242 36 326 526 48 166 217 197 H318 Result: 172, 166, 300, 217, 197, 543, H318, 484, 368, 526, 120 and 36.
  19. Nic's lost the internet at the moment so here's the: Heat One Result: 551, 1, 327, 464, 8, 16, 452, 25, 19, 47, 555 and 2.
  20. Heat Two Happenings 132 leads away. 242 slows and pulls off on lap 1. 36 and 346 tangle and go around in turn 3. 197 has made good progress but a backmarker slows him on the exit of turn 2. 217 pounces and passes Ryan up the inside down the back straight. 132 spins out in turn 4 and gets hit head on by 343. 172 and 300 are away up front. 166 is the first red to show. 543 tracks 197 for the majority of the race. 217 puts a hit in on 368 entering turn 3. 141 holds up 300 and 166. This allows the following cars to close in. 73 gets dumped into the turn 4 fence on the run to the flag as 172 takes the win.
  21. Hi folks, welcome to a red hot Skeg Vegas. Massive crowd and a packed pits. Heat One Happenings 327 leads the field away. The heat has made the track slippery and most cars struggle for grip exiting the bends. 147 and 489 tangle and spin out on the exit to turn 2. 8 is the leading 'A' grader with brother Tom making strides from the back. 551 takes the lead from 327 with 6 to go. Tom passes Catherine by gently easing her aside entering turn 1. As Courtney Finn takes the win Catherine's left rear deflates which sees her burning rubber over the line to finish in 5th.
  22. Many thanks Nic, and for the pics now in the gallery πŸ‘
  23. Pics in the gallery. Many thanks Nic for these and the results πŸ‘
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