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Colin C

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Everything posted by Colin C

  1. I am really looking forward to this meeting, it is a shame that there are not more F1s, but I am grateful to the drivers who are going to be there.. Sadly it will be the last ever meeting in London, a city where the sport started and flourished until the developers moved in during the 1950, 60 and 70s, closing tracks like West Ham, Harringay, New Cross, White City, Rayleigh, Crayford, Staines, a trend that came to the Midlands and Northern tracks a few decades later. Let's hope that the rest of the country doesn't follow suit again after Wimbledon closes. As Joni Mitchell once said "You don't know what you've got till it's gone"
  2. Got to say Starting times, finishing times, length of meetings are all things that can determine if a fan goes to a meeting. And more importantly if they return again! Back in the day, Harringay meetings used to start at 7.45pm, good job they did,as my dad worked until 5.30 , a bite to eat then off to the track, just about 30mins away... On Sunday Brafield started at 3.00pm, again good job , as my dad would referee a Sunday league football match in the morning, then after lunch we would drive up to Northampton, an hour away, in time for the start of the meeting... our family probably wouldn't have become regular race fans if some of todays start times were around back then.
  3. Bus and stock car on ebay, take a lok, and get bidding! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Brisca-F1-Shale-Stock-Car-/322289512968?hash=item4b09f3b208:g:sfoAAOSwzaJX-83l http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/322289541350
  4. I think in Holland the grading list changes every 10 meetings, not each month like over here
  5. Posted on behalf of Tom Hamer FOR SALE: Wainman 80s/Early 90s Heritage Car Raced Originally by Frankie Wainman Senior Also raced by Tony Williams (83), Kev Smith (64) and lastly, by myself. Leaf Springs with Air Shockers Ford Transit Front Axle LD. Rear Axle 454 Big Block Chevy with Roller Cam in good running order. ZF Box, Clip-off Steering Wheel, Racing Seat. Good, straight, clean car. Call Tom Hamer on 07838 190567 / 07979 776113 or see me at Geoff Nickolls (215) Transporter. Like Like Love Haha Wow Sad Angry CommentShare
  6. Anyone going to Brum might need to go an alternative route, I think M6 slip road to the Aston Express way is closed.. and so is the Aston Express way http://www.highways.gov.uk/roads/road-projects/m6a38m-gravelly-hill-interchange-waterproofing-schemes/
  7. I have been over a few times for the Dutch Open at Sint Maarten, it's always a good one. I would have liked to have gone over this year to see the improvements at the track. I know fixtures are very difficult to work out and there will always be some clashing meetings, especially when two different countries involved, but would be good if a few major meetings, such as Semi finals and the Dutch open could be "Free", as I am sure both fans and promoters both sides of the North Sea would benefit.
  8. F2 semis are on Saturday night at King's Lynn, so I think it is a good decision not to include them on Sunday Support formula look good ot me, the V8s have come on a lot in recent years and the minis always put on a good show. And of course the Semi final promises to be a good one.
  9. That is a great amount of money to raise, well done everyone.
  10. That's a good turn out, hope you can all raise a good sum for the chosen causes, all worth while. And I guess if anyone doesn't get there in time to see the rac, they can still donate anytime during the evening?
  11. Best to get there early, take a look around the pits, have a good old chat to fellow race fans, and don't forget to support the Ladies race http://forum.stoxnet.com/topic/30382-f1-charity-ladies-race-coventry-saturday-6th-august/
  12. They should let him have 658 in F1s, then we would know straight away!! Would help us fans identify the driver, and maybe bring a few more fans through the gate if they know their favourite driver was racing in another formula. Had several F2 fans ask me who was driving car 545 last week, as soon as I told them it was Neil Hooper they said 1) why is he not 676 and 2) It gives me a driver to watch in F1s. It made the F1s more enjoyable for them as they had someone to root for. Anyhoo, back to Northampton, the Euros is always a good one and has provided plenty of action over the years.
  13. According to Anita Newson's facebook, they are taking/looking after about 7 cars this weekend. Buggsy seems to have come down with the dreaded man flu, so she is hoping he will recover in time for the weekend!!! Fair play to the Newson family for fielding so many cars, they are another family that eat and breath the sport, and put so much time and dedication into the sport.Keeping 1 car on track requires a lot of dedication, so how they keep so many cars going is beyond me!
  14. Details of grade awards from Scotland can be found on the BSCDA website: Well done to all those that picked up grade awards. without drivers in all grades we would not have the sport we have. http://bscda.co.uk/news/4587975096
  15. I think the Jones boys had engine problems at Ipswich, couple others suffered damage at the weekend, Not sure why 202 not racing, he hasn't been out for a couple of meetings. But the sport is one they do for fun and are not contracted to race every weekend! :-)
  16. OK, thanks.. See you in Scotland... Have a safe trip over,
  17. Spoke to a couple of drivers who are going that are not on the list ( depending on damage ) and even with a few bound to drop out due to damage last weekend, it is still a fantastic turnout.
  18. Anyone got a spare Ipswich programme, for some reason i didn't manage to pick one up on Saturday Thanks Colin
  19. Good idea to run 2/3rds or 2 heats. I think the last couple of meetings, especially the Coventry June meeting, has seen the value of building up to a final!!! :-) All in races are needed sometimes, but in my view, that often leads to heat 1 being the race of the night, I prefer building up to a final to make a meeting more memorable.
  20. I always look forward to Ipswich, one of the first tracks I went too back in the 1960s. It always brings back a lot of memories for me And the F1s always sound good around there.
  21. Yes, you can go in the pits earlier, as they are outside the stadium There is a curfew , so should be done for around 10ish Easy to get out of car park, and most stock car stadiums clear within 10-20 mins. so not too bad.. Enjoy your weekend,
  22. Good to see Neil Hooper out in an F1, I hope he has fun. Wish they would let him have his F2 number though.
  23. Need Mick in a National Hot Rod again! I remember the last time he was out in one at Wimbledon!!! :-) Good to see some different support formula, as much as I like F2s, Mins, and Stock Saloons, a change every now keeps things fresh.
  24. And if it is books you are after, a few more here! http://www.blurb.com/search/site_search?search=stock+car
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