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Colin C

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Everything posted by Colin C

  1. Track was in good shape for F2 meeting, I am told on good authority that the shale is the same as at Kings Lynn..There might be a bit of dust, but then again there has been at every shale meeting I have ever been too.. And always good to see a different support formula every now and again. And let's enjoy things instead of moaning about everything all the time! :-)
  2. People rave on about the old days, and how tracks llke Aycliffe and Nelson were the best there has ever been. But I raced at a 29 car Aycliffe meeting, 2 heats of 14 & 15 cars and a 9 car consolation were the top 8 went to the final.. As for Nelson, the semi final meeting of 1976 had 48 cars, for a 3 heat meeting. 2 hears of 14 and a 20 car semi final.. Yes, I enjoyed racing back then, but often we have more cars in races these days. Lets enjoy the modern era while we can,
  3. I think damage from last weekend is the problem, this is on the "wanted" thread. I hope someone can help, chances are Nigel won't make it out this weekend if parts are found, http://forum.stoxnet.com/topic/32693-ford-9-inch-cwp-wanted/?do=findComment&comment=417100
  4. Only 8 posting days before Christmas, don't leave it too late to order your Calendar https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/292773032675?ul_noapp=true&frcectupt=true
  5. If you are still searching for Christmas presents, don't forget the 2019 stock car calendar, it's been published around 20 years Available on ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/292773032675?ul_noapp=true&frcectupt=true&fbclid=IwAR0hKU-96By3oi2MLIIg1X8xO7xWmRzCC2jgw8uiGAH-sJ_Vkv_sXDFwxT0
  6. Your last chance to buy the 2019 at the race tracks will be this Saturday at the Birmingham Gala Meeting: Calendars will be available from Gamble Motorsports stand located just behind race control. Dave Gamble will also have plenty of other christmas gift ideas available on the strand, so please stop by and take alook,: If you can't get to Brum the Calendar will be available on EBay in the run up to Christmas https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BRISCA-F1-STOCK-CAR-2019-CALENDAR-Featuring-Wainman-Smith-Green-Harris-etc-/292773032675?fbclid=IwAR2RtZ7q_ArZ1Vay031nSqFRFHla1e44NLMT6j75ZwpnmUMEuhhlWjYKCOQ
  7. F1 numbers can be fairly accurately judged by looking at car numbers in corresponding meetings over the last few years.. As for saloons, f2s, I love both these formula, but apart from a big meetings just don't attract the crowd numbers that f1s do. the sunday after f2 world final at kl a prime example.
  8. ok thanks,
  9. You will never please everyone, and I am sure whatever is decided it will be a good meeting.. But the incredible thing is that so many Dutch drivers have expressed an interest in coming over. Not only that the amount of fans they bring with them really does add to the atmosphere!
  10. Anyone got a spare programme from stoke?
  11. Would be great to see Cronshaw in his prime take on the new generation, those drivers back then were good, but we have some great drivers racing this weekend, Stuart Smith, Jr, Tom Harris, Mat Newson, Lee Fairhurst, Jelle Tesselaar, Ryan Harrison, The Harrhy's to name but a few who always provide some great on track entertainment.
  12. The highly acclaimed and long standing 2019 Stock car calendar now available: : Calendar available by post, eBay and at the tracks: Message me ( Colin Casserley) or James Bowles if you need any more info Go onto facebook for your chance of wining a free copy.
  13. 2019 F1 stock car calendar, coming soon: Now entering it's 20th year, the highly acclaimed F1 stock car calendar will be available early October: The Anglo Dutch production features photographs by Stoxphotos.com Colin Casserley Photography James Bowles & ASF Racing Merchandise Further details to follow
  14. long way off for talking about the weather forecast, but if we are, it doesn't look too bad to me? https://www.holiday-weather.com/northampton/forecast/
  15. I lost a memory card at Birmingham last night, if anyone found one please let me know.. Thanks Colin
  16. Great booking list, last chance to tune up for WF, and always good to see our NZ friends over. Wish they could have more meetings before world final though.. Any of our Dutch friends got a spare car for them for Sint Maarten a week on Sunday!! :-)
  17. Any of the New Zealand drivers over yet?
  18. I believe 464 has gone over to Knoxville Nationals in Iowa, Like many before, sometimes holidays and other commitments prevent a driver from taking their place on the grid. I hope he has a good time out there, it is a great event
  19. Good to see Jelle Tesselaar booked in, the dutch had a good weekend at Northampton, and are looking better each time they race over here..And they always bring some fun to the races both on and off the track!!
  20. Hi Has anyone got a spare programme, If you have an you let me know please, Thanks Colin
  21. Darryl, W i thin Ed creations will have some for sale at their model stock car stand, limited supplies so get in early!!
  22. Rod, Like i saw, exceptions to every rule. And looking at David T and Carl H posts, KL have been trying to keep it's customers happy.
  23. All the years I have been going to gigs, football matches etc, I have never known a box office to buy back a tickets, so I can't see why a stock car track is expected to do so? In fact recently i had an extra ticket for a gig, sold out show as well, my friend could not make it, Box office wouldn't buy it back.. As for resale, took a loss on that too.. One thing I was asked to approach the promoters about when we had out Q&A session earlier in the year was that many fans thought Season tickets and advanced tickets with incentives such as price reduction would be something most fans would want. I think in most cases the advanced ticket deal does work out well for the fans, but like everything, there is always an exception to the rule.
  24. Might have seen a post on facebook that Tom Harris might be flying back for the meeting?
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