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Everything posted by nic

  1. Lap 10 ish 422 in t2 fence All ok Race order 16 390 464 318 217 212 2 4 321 372 259 186 220 25 36 300 237 388 209 nor
  2. Lap 6 yf Race order 141 16 390 321 388 464 237 422 318 25 217 212 2 4 372 300 259 186 36 209 220 nor
  3. Final on track 504 24 141 196 237 326 446 25 36 186 209 300 321 372 422 220 259 388 2 4 16 212 217 318 390 464 DNS 512 515
  4. Consolation Result First 12 to final 217 16 321 25 4 326 186 512 300 209 24 504 DNF 19 224 172 48 183 231 555 202
  5. Lap 3 yf 19 in t2 fence All ok Race order 555 326 231 31 512 36 300 24 202 217 4 25 287 183 209 504 186 325 nor
  6. Consolation on track 285 504 555 24 183 224 231 287 326 25 48 172 186 209 300 321 512 202 4 16 217 19+ DNS 285
  7. Heat 2 Result 515 388 446 36 464 390 422 196 287 209 325 504 DNF 512 16 19 24 224 172
  8. Lap7 ish yf 19 in t2 fence All ok Race order 446 287 512 325 515 202 388 209 172 196 464 300 390 36 202 504 nor
  9. Heat 2 on track 325 504 24 196 224 287 446 36 172 209 300 422 512 202 388 16 390 464 515 19+
  10. Heat 1 result First 8 to Final 212 372 141 259 2 318 220 237 217 4 183 186 DNF 326
  11. Heat 1 on track 285 326 231 183 237 141 321 25 372 48 186 259 220 318 2 217 4 212 555+
  12. Race format 2 heats, consolation, final, grand national
  13. In the pits at a wet(not raining at present) skegness stadium Whites 19 John Horne X285 Richard Earl 287 Sean Willis 325 Richard Davies 504 Matthew Everard 555 Frankie Wainman Jnr Jnr Yellows 24 Mark Adkins 141 Carl Pickering 183 Steve Whittle 196 Murray Jones 224 Mark Gray 231 Daniel van Spijker 237 Ollie Ives 326 Mark Sargent 446 Joe Booth Blues 25 Bradley Harrison 36 Jordan Falding 48 Shaun Webster 172 Micky Randell 186 Todd Jones 209 Norman Mlodecki 300 Paul Carter 321 Ed Neachell 372 Colin Goodswen 422 Ben Riley 512 Michael Steward Reds 202 Henry Hunter 220 William Hunter 259 Paul Hines 388 Paul Ford Shooters 2 Paul Harrison 4 Dan Johnson 16 Matt Newson X150 Mick Sworder 212 Danny Wainman 217 Lee Fairhurst 318 Rob Speak 390 Stuart Smith 464 Luke Davidson 515 Frankie Wainman 55 and 84 not racing tonight 285 and 150 not in pits with 15mins to go
  14. Four wainman currrent drivers Frankie JJ, Pheobie, Danny and Frankie J and family on track being interviewed by Richard Kaleta
  15. Grand National result 318 21 390 84 207 4 2 212 217 463 335 451 DNF 16 105 244 462 11 127 331 515 That's all folks
  16. Lap 3 yf 105 on back straight race line All ok Race order 451 134 331 207 463 313 21 501 318 515 390 84 4 217 335 212 2 11 220 209 127 216 nor
  17. Grand National on track 451 331 501 134 127 313 105 207 463 216 11 244 335 209 462 21 220 259 2 4 16 84 212 217 318 390 515 DNS 37 55
  18. Amended result from race control Final Bobby Burns Memorial Trophy Result 37 390 318 84 217 34 212 2 191 215 16 462
  19. Final Bobby Burns Memorial Trophy Result 37 390 318 84 34 212 2 191 215 16 462 175 DNF 415 152 231 259 337 45 244 55 4 338 463 216 169 238 75 51 There were a few big bumpers given out in that one!
  20. 37 Chris Cowley wins the final 2nd 390 Stuart Smith 3rd 318 Rob Speak
  21. 5 to go yf 169 In t2 fence All ok Race order 207 37 166 462 390 318 16 84 217 175 515 215 212 34 191 12 11 2 nor
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