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Everything posted by nic

  1. Lap 7ish 45 55 244 in t3 fence All ok Race order 11 462 207 166 215 37 337 238 75 390 84 16 318 515 2 212 217 12 21 463 175 34 191 169 216 nor
  2. Lap 4 yf 415 on t1 race line All ok Race order 75 166 11 462 207 215 337 244 238 37 45 34 191 21 175 259 84 16 169 55 4 335 390 318 515 2 212 338 217 12 463 216 nor
  3. Final on track 75 415 11 45 166 175 207 215 216 231 238 244 337 463 12 34 37 152 169 191 335 338 462 21 259 2 4 16 55 84 212 217 318 390 515 DNS 313
  4. Consolation result 212 216 335 37 75 169 134 127 nof
  5. 3 to go yf 105 and 444 tangled on t1 race line All ok Race order 212 169ld 216 335 37 134 127 75 nor
  6. 5 to go yf 331 on back straight race line All ok Race order 444 169ld 212 105 501 75 216 335 37 134 127 nor
  7. Lap 3 yf 44 on t2 race line All ok Race order 40 444 501 276 440 75 331 169 335 37 307 105 386 209212 91 220 216 451 127 134 nor
  8. Consolation on track 40 44 75 127 134 307 331 386 440 444 451 501 91 105 216 276 37 169 209 335 220 212 DNS 32 448 506 224 249 462
  9. Heat 3 result 191 207 217 313 21 2 4 318 244 463 249 444 DNF 501 451 134
  10. Heat 3 on track 134 444 448 451 501 105 207 244 313 463 169 191 209 249 21 2 4 217 318
  11. Heat 2 result 390 515 175 45 338 12 166 215 231 337 75 220 DNF 40 331 212 440 Stuart said he got a lot of damage at stoke and when on track had no brakes!
  12. Heat 2 on track 32 40 75 331 386 440 45 166 175 215 231 337 12 338 220 212 390 515
  13. Heat 1 result 259 84 55 462 16 152 34 238 11 415 224 nof
  14. 2 to go yf 216 in t1 fence All ok Race order 259 84 16 55 462 224 152 34 238 11 415 nor
  15. Lap 6 ish yf 307 on t1 race line All ok Race order 415 37ld 152 259 11 34 55 16 238 44 84 462 224 216 127 91 nor
  16. Heat 1 on track 44 127 307 415 11 91 216 224 238 276 34 37 152 335 462 259 16 55 84 506+
  17. 3 heats, consolation, final and grand national tonight 1st 10 to final in heats and 1st 6 in consolation to final.
  18. In the pits on a dry cool night here at Coventry is Whites 32 40 44 75 127 134 280 307 331 386 415 440 448 451 501 506 Yellows 11 45 91 105 166 175 207 215 216 224 231 238 244 276 313 337 444 463 Blues 12 34 37 152 169 191 209 335 338 462 Reds 21 220 259 Shooters 2 4 16 55 84 212 217 318 390 515
  19. Grand National result 4 217 249 212 84 259 152 94 169 2 463 75 That's all folks
  20. Red and chequered with 3 to go Race leader 249 docked 2 places for jumping restart(not happy) 4 Dan Johnson wins the GN
  21. Lap 5 ish T1 multiple cars including 21 55 All ok Race order 249 127ld 308 34 4 462 75 338 390 463 515 217 212 259 2 84 94 53 152 169 nor
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