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Everything posted by nic

  1. THANK YOU Amigo
  2. Definitely allowed to race. No rule change required
  3. On track H229 Lap Handicap 136 483 H525 313 H79 H575 127 20 495 169 216 276 H161 93 526 124 335 211 H61 259 175 H27 55 212 16 217 4 H880 84
  4. It's only Tuesday, drivers probably taking stock of damage received and weather forecast, before committing.
  5. I agree with the unfairness, but it was exactly the same last year at £25
  6. from Skegness website The now traditional “Teng Tools” World Champions Challenge will commence at 3pm on the Saturday with a meet and greet session for F1 World Champion Stuart Smith, F2 World Champ Gordon Moodie and of course your Saloon Gold Top Max Stott. However, the situation with Stuart’s retirement from racing has brought brother Andy out of retirement and he has stepped in and will take the drivers seat for the time trials
  7. Both F2 and 2L Saloons have a last chance race on Sunday for getting on the back of the UK Championship grids. Also you get to See Andy Smith in an F1 on Saturday.
  8. Music to my ears!!!!A Smith back in an F1 BriSCA Stock Car Happy days
  10. Todays date is not an option to book a table and if my memory is correct, its only been available at the Shoot out finale meeting
  11. 541 Willie Skoyles is the latest addition
  12. Three additions as of 4.45pm yesterday 120 Casey Englestone 217 Lee Fairhurst 346 Ashley England
  13. bring it on, you got to get past me dad first!!! lol
  14. I made an oops too 339 was not on the start grid for heat four
  15. I did notice that there's only 2 heats and final for the V8s, but that's what I was sent. I was told on Saturday from a reliable source that the F1,s would be three from Six, so I guess the V8's are going to be 2 "all in" heats and the NMS 2 or 3 from 4.
  16. THANK YOU, and for the vid
  17. No Agreed, definitely no
  19. Do you have an idea or suggestion? Comment, message and let us know. Improved or extra speakers on the back straight under the grandstand - Can't hear race results or the very informative post race driver interviews. Camera scanning the crowd, then when you see yourself on the big screen you can wave. (during the quieter moments) Free children's goody bag, sweets, photos, large hands, flags, banners, etc etc (all supplied by AFA or drivers or sponsors)
  20. Hi Stav Thank you for bring this to me attention. According to my records, 303 was in the Pits and came out on track for the Final only, but did not start the race. So rightly or wrongly as 303 did not start a race, I deem 303 not to have raced and therefore I deem this meeting as 303's first 2019 appearance. If my records are wrong, please let me know. Nic
  21. Good to see a few more "first time out this season" drivers 120 Casey Englestone 147 Eddie Collins 164 John Fortune 180 Courtney Witts 197 Ryan Harrison 283 Alex Wass 303 Karl Whiteman 346 Ashley England 451 Martin Spiers 478 Shane Geary 502 Richard Wilson And visitors from the Netherlands H318 Rik Lensson -
  22. Hi Bazzer I found this "To obtain advance tickets, simply ring the office on 01253 713754 Monday to Friday 9.am to 5.pm and you can again pay by credit or debit card!"
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