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Everything posted by nic

  1. Consolation winner is 120 Casey Englestone
  2. Lap 2 yf all ok Race order 593 339 502 307 43 11 415 70 120 326 422 219 178 127 259 16 346 215 73 20 etc
  3. Consolation On Track Whites 128 307 339 593 Yellows 127 502 120 43 415 326 70 300 11 178 215 Blues 219 20 518 484 422 Reds 73 220 346 259 Superstars 16 Novices 90 492 546 DNS 275 249 555
  4. Result 47 392 48 316 1(84) 401 8 464 13 - 43 73 415 DNF 16p 259p
  5. Result 47 392 48 316 1(84) 401 8 464 13 - 43 73 415 DNF 16p 259p
  6. Heat Three winner for the third win this weekend is 47 Simon Traves
  7. On Track Whites 47 316 Yellows 13 43 215 392 401 415 Blues 8 48 249 422 Reds 73 259 464 Superstars 1(84) 16 Novices 546
  8. Result 526 381 197 515 213 312 24 175 595 - 219 307 220 DNF 175 238 518 Oops 220 was also in heat two
  9. Heat Two winner 526 Finn Sargent
  10. Heat Two On Track Whites 24 307 595 Yellows 11 178 275 300 312 381 Blues 219 484 518 526 Reds 175 213 Superstars 197 515 Novices 90 492
  11. Result 2 4 217 5 25 166 242 19 345 - 127 502 120 DNF 20 128 326 346 339 555
  12. 2 Paul Harrison wins the first heat of today’s WCQR racing
  13. Lap 5 ish Yf 20 on t3 race line All ok Race order 19 502 120 242 5 2 166 217 4 346 25ld 127 555 etc
  14. Lap 2 yf 70 on racing line back straight All ok Race order 593 326 345 502 120 127 5 242 20 555 166 2 etc
  15. 64 cars today according to race control Maximum 34 cars per race is track limit On Track First 9 to the final in the three heats. And first 7 in the consolation to the final. Whites 19 128 339 593 Yellows 70 120 127 326 345 502 Blues 5 20 25 242 Reds 2 166 346 555 Superstars 4 217
  16. A bit of extra info Top 12 finishers progress from their grid position to their final finish position in positions gained order 20 Liam Gilbank +23 166 Bobby Griffin +17 73 Chris Cowley +17 16 Mat Newson +8 555 Junior Junior Wainman +7 197 Ryan Harrison +5 1(84) Tom Harris +5 212 Danny Wainman +4 217 Lee Fairhurst +2 464 Luke Davidson +1 2 Paul Harrison +0 5 Charlie Sworder -1
  17. Yep, Thank you, much appreciated
  19. Awesome - THANK YOU
  20. THANK YOU - And hope you enjoy racing the stock car as much as you enjoyed making the stock car.
  21. Thanks Giant I'm not hooked up to twitter or facebook etc
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