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Everything posted by nic

  1. In the not cold, Dull WCQR + Trust Fund Race Northampton Pits Whites 114 234 389 407 Yellows 45 87 93 136 169 235 268 326 338 345 415 478 496 500 525 Blues 12 20 22 25 73 124 289 335 381 392 Reds 2 5 21 216 463 526 555 Superstars 1 16 55 166 197 217 515
  2. Just me and Roy today Jane having a well earned days off watching the racing here
  3. 2L National Saloons Results Heat one 573 349 370 131 84 389 561 428 525 126 Heat Two 570 561 161 84 525 120 389 349 370 399 Final 328 126 161 389 84 131 399 370 349 120
  4. BriSCA V8 HotStox Results Heat one 490 498 131 1 288 222 46 179 117 355 Heat Two 350 131 409 1 453 490 288 355 525 117 Final 1 131 222 288 355 490 117 179 525 350 Grand National 288 131 490 222 525 355 1 117 179 46
  5. Awesome - THANK YOU - And good luck 🤞
  6. BriSCA National MiniStox Results Heat one 496 925 197 1 248 110 105 27 28 120 335 29 475 239 277 Heat Two 732 1 269 496 105 85 279 76 239 27 28 110 87 29 79 Heat Three 248 475 732 85 925 277 87 335 110 51 212 239 293 197 120 Heat Four 1 27 76 28 51 85 277 29 475 335 925 87 120 711 903 Final 1 248 475 76 110 277 27 29 28 239 335 87 51 925 120
  7. National 2L Saloon Results Heat one 96 349 618 428 600 171 84 399 250 141 Heat Two 96 561 318 84 399 618 600 131 389 350 Final 96 349 618 84 389 131 199 156 250
  8. BriSCA V8 HotStox Results - British Championship Heat one 15 288 355 222 174 453 296 438 262 167 no Heat Two 15 71 131 139 1 298 498 176 490 453 262 179 Heat Three 552 288 355 298 439 222 438 179 525 139 96 522 British Championship grid 15 288 1 355 298 222 552 71 139 439 453 438 174 498 179 176 262 296 525 490 96 522 507 182 359 Result 1 288 498 355 176 298 438 179 525 222 490 350
  10. BriSCA National MiniStox Heat One 1 475 110 239 277 925 64 68 27 295 28 105 Heat Two 1 732 277 Heat Three 1 277 475 110 27 425 925 239 732 293 Final 475 27 110 239 1 293 425 925 51 28 Leah's first final win
  12. Absolutely Awesome - Thank you
  14. Forgot to say I really enjoyed the music between races today. And a big like to the rolling lap “Days of Thunder” too
  15. I got a spare ticket, tempted?
  16. Heat one result amendment my mistake I missed out 515 Correct result 525 137 515 93 217 216 446 248 34 249 - 212 8 apologies
  17. Does anybody know if the terracing and grandstand are sectioned separately as per previous BriSCA F1 meetings?
  18. I am now in possession of the tickets and if you are going to the following meetings I will be there. Bradford Saturday 28th Sheffield Sunday 29th Skegness Thursday 2nd Sept Skegness Saturday 4th Sept Skegness Sunday 5th Sept Bradford Friday 10th Sept Bradford Saturday 11th Sept
  19. thank you
  20. Forgot to say, Please contact me via text, my phone is setup not to ring if the number ringing me is not in my contacts. I get that many life insurance calls, and life is too short to think about life insurance!!.
  21. Or contact me on 07710 185554
  22. On The Skegness website there are 80 F1's booked in
  23. Due to unforeseen circumstances a friend of mine cannot attend the World Final this year or the Friday night before World Final meeting. He has 8 tickets for sale. Friday 2 adult tickets (Paid £22) Saturday 3 adult tickets (Paid £39 each) Saturday 1 child (10-15 years old) ticket (Paid £15) Saturday 2 Grandstand tickets (Paid £15) Ideally he would like to get his money back, but will consider any sensible offers. And is willing to sell separately or as a job lot. Please PM me if you are interested.
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