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Colin C

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Everything posted by Colin C

  1. Good news that the 24 qualifiers are so far all going to attend, I think that is what we should be talking about, not a slight error in grammer. ( I hope I have got my grammer correct :-)) Anyhoo, I understood what they mean, or is it meant?
  2. yes, I hope he has a good one out there. I do like to see "one of our own" do well when they race out in the USA, and good luck to all those that do. In fact I would like to see a few more try it as we have some very talented drivers in BriSCA F1. I understand your comments about missing him at the Euros, but I still think it is going to be a great meeting, one I am looking forward to.
  3. Tom is in the USA preparing to race at the Knoxville Nationals, which is the most prestigious Sprint car race in the USA.
  4. Any roadworks on the Kincardine bridge? For some reason I always go that way and come back across the Forth road bridge!
  5. Good booking list, by my calculations I make it 8 Scottish drivers racing over the weekend.Impressive stuff, and good to see Euan Millar in the booking list.. Shout out to Neil Scriven, Drew Lammas and Ashley England for making the journey from the deep south, and to Mat Newson for his efforts in getting a few cars there!
  6. sometimes bookings have to be limited in order to produce a format that fans want.. would you rather have more cars but 2, 20 car consolations but less cars overall and one 36 car consy? In the past fans have moaned when consolation races, and even Grand national are split leaving small grids. It is one of those deals where you can't have it both ways.
  7. I am reliable informed that Colin Nairn will be there, and as he was born in Scotland that makes it 4 Scottish drivers already, let's hope a 5th is added, would that be a modern era record? Stats men, can you help me out!
  8. Hopefully Colin Nairn books in, he has supported this weekend from the start. I think there are 3 drivers from Scotland already booked in? one more would be good, and the number of drivers who have raced F1s since the weekend was introduced back in 2001 is proof that BriSCA F1 on tour does work in getting new faces interested in the formula both on and off track. With them both being world qualifiers it could be interesting to see if some just under the qualifying positions manage to break into the top 48, and some on the bubble fall out. Will post a few details when I have a few more details to hand. adds a bit of interest to the meetings :-)
  9. The to water or not to water is a debate that goes on at tracks around the world. heard both sides of the arguments just about every dirt track i have ever been to! But the track prep guy at Brownstown Indiana takes the prize, he brought the water truck on during a race, not under caution, but while it was under green.. took a lot of people by surprise that night!
  10. aborting a start is probably the right thing to do in theory, in practice it does not work.. most of the drivers can not see the starter due to their position on the track and inability to turn your head with hans device and containment seats. Even when I was driving it was almost impossible to see the starter from the yellow grade.. If you abort a start the few cars at the front who can see the starter don't go, the rest have to anticipate the start and would be on the gas, hitting the cars in front a speed.. Anyone who has raced will know how much that hurts!!! Flags and lights are not always easy to see from a drivers position on car, best way to get all cars to start at same time is use of raceivers, steward of meeting shouts green, green, green, and starter drops flag and drivers go on that command..
  11. Neil has a new book out, those who bought his first book Sound and Fury will enjoy this one too, Check out his website https://factoruk.com/
  12. I must have missed that post: Memo to self, read the entire thread before making comments!! :-)
  13. In case its not been noticed, I see the World Champ booked in
  14. No need to panic about the Snooker, The Crucible holds around 900 people, will be more people at Sheffield stock cars! But does go to show how TV coverage can be used to sell a sport to the masses. However,Snooker is a easy sport to cover and follow on TV. One of stock cars main strengths, the overtaking, the drivers coming from the back of the grid, its also it weakness. Hard to follow on TV, and sometimes at the track, where do you look!
  15. Yes, Guy was at Ipswich
  16. there was an interesting discussion on admission prices and ages on the radio a while back. I think they said places like Alton Towers charge adult rates for anyone 12 and over? It's not a new subject, my brother tells me my dad was loathed to pay more than the normal child's admission price for me when I was 8 years old at a Brands Hatch meeting! I think this may be a subject to bring up at our next fan forum. Got to say, I am looking forward to this one, and have been since it was announced, weather looks like it will play ball too. Great turnout in F2s, great to see so many Dutch over for it, if it goes well, how about a weekender there next year?
  17. I have been speaking to a few people who have not been to Mildenhall before and wanting directions to the track.. The post code for the track is IP28 8QU Spectator car park is first entrance to the stadium, the pit area is the second.. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Bury+Saint+Edmunds+IP28+8QU/@52.381228,0.4245534,16162m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x47d83ff4c25cf6f5:0xc2f4d1a108623bdc!8m2!3d52.3685568!4d0.4289475
  18. Nice gesture from Alan Brooke "There is also extra prize money up for grabs from Alan Brooke in memory of his late Son #92 Simon. £100 extra to each F1 race winner plus £50 to the top white and yellow in each race."
  19. Good to see H955 booked in, Let's hope it marks the start of a new dawn for Craig and racing in the UK. The sport needs all the drivers we can get, and needs to encourage drivers to race.
  20. Craig52, you hardy northerners should be used to it :-) lucky for us soft southerners there is plenty of room in the indoor grandstands to keep warm! Must admit, really looking forward to it, great car count and it the forecast id right for a dry day, what more could we want for
  21. Woke up from New Years celebrations with a hangover and discovered you haven't got something to mark off the days before the season starts? have no fear, Calendars are here! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/292367932590?ul_noapp=true
  22. Last days for Christmas posting rapidly approaching, get your intime to make it onto Santa's Sleigh! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/292367932590?ul_noapp=true
  23. New link for ebay: don't delay, Christmas is coming! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/292367932590?ul_noapp=true
  24. Dont forget to order your F1 stock car calendar in time for Christmas. Now in it's 18th year it features all your favorite drivers from both the UK and Holland. It can be purchased via ebay @https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/292304427344?ul_noapp=true or by mail from Colin Casserley: unit 2b Mindehall Court, Stevenage, Herts. SG1 3UN. Don't hesitate to message me if you need any more info
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