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Everything posted by nic

  1. 504 Matthew Everard doing his 5 laps
  2. GN result 4 515 2 16 21 445 105 259 53 335 220 34 DNF 313 104 207 32 308 451 169 501 515 did last bender on 2 for 2nd 16 did last bender on 21 for 4th That's all folks! What a meeting!
  3. Lap 6 Rf 169 Rollover on t2 race line All ok Race order 105 4 293 515 21 2 259 16 335 53 220 415 3s 4 445 501 175 NOR
  4. Lap 3 yf 32 on back straight race line All ok Race order 308 415 175 105 451 448 4 21 515 335 53 2 169 259 220 293 16 501 34 NOR
  5. GN on track 16 lap handicap 32 415 308 175 451 293 104 105 313 514 207 335 34 169 445 53 21 220 4 2 259 55 515 501+
  6. Final result 16 21 34 515 169 105 220 445 NOF
  7. 16 Matt Newson wins the final of the season with an outside rear flat! 2nd 21 3rd 34
  8. Next lap 318 4 515 217 all in fence Rf for 318 on fire All ok Engine put fire out Race order 212 16 21 445 34 105 169 220 515nor 515 can join race as flag was for 318 Delay for fence repair
  9. Yf on restart 318 fenced 422 All ok Fence repair required Race order 4 318 217 515 212 34 220 16 313 445 105 169 NOR
  10. Lap 12 yf 44 on fire All ok, engine start put fire out Race order 4 422 318 217 515 212 34 220 313 21 16 445 169 105 307 NOR
  11. Final on track 44 307 308 45 91 105 207 215 244 313 451 514 34 152 169 338 422 2 4 21 53 94 220 259 445 16 55 212 217 318 515 DNS 276 249 463
  12. Consolation result 308 318 94 515 514 249 220 44 207 16 451 NOF
  13. 308 Steve Malkin Jnr wins the consolation
  14. Lap 6 yf 335 on home straight race line All ok Race order 308 208 104 207 249 318 94 515 16 451 306 502 514 76 231 44 501 220 NOR
  15. Consolation on track 44 208 308 76 104 175 207 293 306 451 502 514 231 249 335 94 220 16 318 515 501+ DNS 32 120 134 280 415 276 326
  16. Heat 2 result 4 105 217 338 244 313 445 34 276 307 55 91 DNF 231 326 120 44 308 104 335
  17. Lap 1 Rf 326 roll over on home straight before start line! All ok Complete restart
  18. Its 2 heats + cons Heat 2 on track 44 307 120 308 91 105 175 244 276 313 326 451 34 231 249 335 338 4 94 220 445 55 217 318
  19. Heat 1 result 2 21 45 212 463 152 169 215 53 422 259 NOF
  20. 2 Paul Harrison wins heat 1 Great last few laps! Last bend 45 putting the bumper in on 2 at the same time 2 put the bumper in on 21.
  21. Lap 6 yf 207 and 501 in t1 fence All ok Race order 45 152 21 259 212 2 53 463 422 169 215 134 207 nor
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