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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat 2 result 183 220 445 73 515 84 16 464 388 196 172 512 DNF 150 48 322
  2. 183 Steve Whittle wins heat 2
  3. Heat 2 on track 325 555 19 183 73 196 172 322 512 48 445 388 220 53 464 84 150 515 16
  4. Heat 1 result 4 318 259 186 422 212 321 2 267 224 78 209 DNF 217 229 390 103 19 555 231
  5. 4 Dan Johnson wins Heat 1
  6. Lap 5 yf 555 In t4 fence All ok Race order 267 231 46 259 186 4 422 318 127 2 202 212 224 25 78 209 325 321 nor
  7. Lap 2 yf 229 On t2 race line All ok Race order 103 267 127 231 46 19 321 186 259 422 4 224 318 25 2 202 212 78 325 209 555 nor
  8. Heat 1 on track 103 229 267 325 555 19 127 231 46 224 321 422 186 25 209 202 259 212 4 318 217 390 2 78+
  9. Race format 2 heats, Consolation, Final, Grand National
  10. In the pits at 5pm from a dull dry Birmingham busy pits X denotes, I did not see them. I will update this list after heat 2 Whites 19 Jon Horne 103 Richard Masterson 127 Austin Moore 267 Graeme Robson 325 Richard Davies 555 Frankie Wainman Jnr Jnr Yellows 46 Craig Utley 73 Rob Cowley 183 Steve Whittle 196 Murray Jones 224 Mark Gray 229 Derek Brown 231 Daniel van Spijker Blues 25 Bradley Harrison 36 Jordan Falding 48 Shaun Webster 172 Michael Randell 186 Todd Jones 209 Norman Mlodecki 321 Ed Neachell 322 James Neachell 422 Ben Riley 445 Nigel Green 512 Michael Steward Reds 53 John Lund 78 James Rygor 202 Henry Hunter 220 William Hunter 259 Paul Hines 388 Paul Ford Shooters 2 Paul Harrison 4 Daniel Johnson 16 Matt Newson 84 Tom Harris 150 Mick Sworder 212 Danny Wainman 217 Lee Fairhurst 318 Rob Speak 390 Stuart Smith 464 Luke Davidson 515 Frankie Wainman Jnr
  11. Grand National result 446 4 422 48 212 2 390 217 220 25 555 186 DNF 19 202 141 512 259 24 16 Grade awards White 555 Yellow 446 Blue 372 Red 388 Superstar 212 Another great race and 217 paid 318 back That's all folks Round six tmw
  12. 446 Joe Booth wins the Grand National
  13. Red flag Unsatisfactory start DNS 372
  14. Grand National on track 16 lap handicap 555 504 141 446 237 24 196 183 422 172 372 48 209 186 512 25 220 388 202 259 2 4 212 217 318 390 464 515 19+ DNS 515
  15. Final sponsored by J Davidson Scrap Metal Possessors Result 16 390 464 212 2 4 372 388 318 321 25 220 DNF 24 186 326 196 504 446 141 422 217 217 dnf was care of 318
  16. 16 Matt Newson wins the final sponsored by J Davidson Scrap Metal Prossessors 2nd 390 Stuart Smith 3rd 464 Luke Davidson Great race
  17. Lap 10 ish 422 in t2 fence All ok Race order 16 390 464 318 217 212 2 4 321 372 259 186 220 25 36 300 237 388 209 nor
  18. Lap 6 yf Race order 141 16 390 321 388 464 237 422 318 25 217 212 2 4 372 300 259 186 36 209 220 nor
  19. Final on track 504 24 141 196 237 326 446 25 36 186 209 300 321 372 422 220 259 388 2 4 16 212 217 318 390 464 DNS 512 515
  20. Consolation Result First 12 to final 217 16 321 25 4 326 186 512 300 209 24 504 DNF 19 224 172 48 183 231 555 202
  21. 217 Lee Fairhurst wins the consolation
  22. Lap 3 yf 19 in t2 fence All ok Race order 555 326 231 31 512 36 300 24 202 217 4 25 287 183 209 504 186 325 nor
  23. Consolation on track 285 504 555 24 183 224 231 287 326 25 48 172 186 209 300 321 512 202 4 16 217 19+ DNS 285
  24. Heat 2 Result 515 388 446 36 464 390 422 196 287 209 325 504 DNF 512 16 19 24 224 172
  25. Heat 2 winner 515 Frankie Wainman Junior
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