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Everything posted by nic

  1. Yf lap 5 to go Race order 338 217 191 21 212 515 150 259 306 220 16 45 169 451 nOR
  2. Lap 3 yf Infield tyrre on track Race order 451 32 422 267 338 306 191 45 217 313 21 16 515 169 212 444 293 259 326 372 152 150 220 175 NOR
  3. Gn on track 150 lap handicap 32 451 422 326 238 293 306 267 337 338 313 45 372 191 335 220 152 169 175 259 21 217 515 16 318 212 444+
  4. Final result 150 318 306 515 16 212 21 335 313 451 422 175 DNF 415 76 316 444 45 152 191 445 217 238
  5. 150 Mick Sworder wins the final 2nd 318 3rd 306
  6. Lap 8ish yf ? Race order 451 169 259 220 306 313 338 150 318 422 16 238 515 307 21 335 175 372 212 326 NOR
  7. Final on track 415 451 76 238 306 307 313 316 326 338 422 45 152 169 175 191 220 335 372 445 21 150 217 259 16 212 318 515 444+ DNS 208
  8. Consolation result 515 445 212 451 422 76 169 444 208 45 195 NOF
  9. 515 Frankie Wainman wins the consolation
  10. Consolation on track 24 32 208 285 451 76 91 195 267 276 293 337 45 169 215 445 94 55 212 515 DNS 285 337 94
  11. Heat 2 result 1st 10 to the final 318 306 335 217 338 152 326 191 415 21 515 451 DNS 208 DNF 285 55 422 212 215 337 445
  12. Lap 3 YF 285 on t2 race line All ok Race order 415 306 337 451 338 445 191 335 217 21 318 515 326 152 444 215 76 NOR
  13. Heat 2 on track 285 415 451 208 422 306 76 337 338 326 191 215 445 335 152 21 217 212 318 55 515 444+
  14. Heat 1 result 1st 10 to the final 150 16 313 259 372 175 220 238 307 316 267 45 DNF 91 32 195 24 169 296 94
  15. Heat 1 on track 24 32 293 316 307 313 195 238 91 267 169 220 372 175 45 259 94 150 16
  16. W&Y result 32 293 313 337 422 91 267 316 238 76 24 307 DNF 285 195 326 311 451
  17. 32 Chris Farnell Clitheroe wins the W&Y race His first F1 race win
  18. W&Y on track 285 311 451 208 32 24 415 316 293 326 313 422 76 337 307 238 195 91 267
  19. 55 212 515 are confirmed to be on their way by the tannoy
  20. Lighy breeze and dull, but not cold Mtg format W&Y race 2 heats Consolation Final Grand National In the pits World Champion - Gold Roof X55 Craig Finnikin Leek National Points Champion - Silver Roof 318 Rob Speak Manchester Superstar - Red Roof & Flashing Lights 16 Matt Newson Norwich X212 Daniel Wainman Silsden X515 Frankie Wainman Silsden Star Grade - Red Roof 21 Mark Gilbank Rotherham 94 John Dowson County Durham 150 Mick Sworder Molesworth 217 Lee Fairhurst Bolton 259 Paul Hines Hinckley A Grade - Blue Roof X11 Neil Scriven Cirencester 45 Nigel Harrhy Solihull 152 Neil Scothern Derby 169 Billy Johnson Loughborough 175 Karl Hawkins Towcester 191 Joshua Smith Loughborough 215 Geoff Nicholls Melton Mowbray 220 Will Hunter Preston 335 Mark Woodhull Leicester 372 Colin Goodswen Harleston X445 Nigel Green Leicester B Grade - Yellow Roof 76 Aaron Cozens Huntingdom 91 Tony Smith Loughborough 195 Dean Whitwell Cottenham in 64 car 231 Daniel van Spijker Holland 238 Richard Bryan Clitheroe 267 Graeme Robson County Durham 293 Eliot Smith Halifax X306 Ian Noden Rugby 307 Tim Warwick Bedford 313 Karl Roberts Rochdale 316 Billy Tom O Connor Colchester 326 Mark Sargent Spalding 337 Dave Willis Wetherby X338 Chris Brocksopp Leicester 422 Ben Riley Manchester 444 Paul Jay Lemons Sheffield C Grade - White Roof 24 Mark Adkins Mirfield 32 Chris Farnell Clitheroe 208 Steve Malkin Bedworth 285 Richard Earl Scunthorpe 311 Neil Clarke Norwich 415 Russell Cooper Sawston in 467 car 451 Martin Spiers Evesham National mini stocks 2 8 21 60 69 99 124 128 152 180 202 242 246 269 287 291 299 320 330 434 598 613 798 X denotes - not in pits before racing started
  21. My Thanks to Jane and Ricky for giving me a day off. I was there and for those that are interested the cars in the pits were. Whites - 4 24 Mark Adkins 25 Bradley Harrison 36 Jordan Falding 392 Chad Evans Yellows - 8 141 Carl Pickering 231 Daniel van Spijker 249 Jonathon Gibson +267 Graham Robson 326 Mark Sargent 421 Jack Aldridge 446 Joe Booth 460 Chris Cooke 512 Michael Steward Blues - 6 37 Chris Cowley 183 Steve Whittle 305 Carlos Perez 372 Colin Goodswen 388 Paul Ford 462 Scott Davids Reds - 4 53 John Lund 150 Mick Sworder 217 Lee Fairhurst 464 Luke Davidson Superstars - 7 16 Matt Newson 55 Craig Finnikin 84 Tom Harris 212 Danny Wainman 318 Rob Speak 390 Stuart Smith 515 Frankie Wainman. Minis - 30 cars 1 2 8 10 21 22 60 69 101 128 152 154 180 198 202 211 246 262 269 282 287 291 299 313 326 330 374 434 472 613 798 F2 - 26 cars 55 59 94 101 117 132 154 199 297 306 319 425 522 527 560 578 581 604 606 618 700 761 768 787 817 821 Heritage - 12 cars 3 7 33 37 65 75 160 190 219 244 286 396 417 495 501
  22. THANK YOU for the results And thank for the thank you
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