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Everything posted by nic

  1. UK Open final on grid and rolling! 25 36 224 421 249 512 41 446 231 462 37 196 191 48 45 259 217 464 172 21 300 318 515 2 16 84 390 51 212 305 24 301
  2. Heat 3 result 421 259 84 217 318 25 2 16 212 249 464 305 DNF 183 220 172 518 301 446 73 326
  3. Lap 5 yf T2 track blocked 183 220 172 301 445 518 All ok Race order 25 421 512 24 249 231 306 191 259 318 etc
  4. Oops Heat 3 on track. (and me hopefully) 301 24 24 512 249 421 306 229 73 231 446 326 518 183 220 196 37 191 464 259 172 217 2 212 51 16 318 84 305
  5. Two thirds format today 32 top points scorers qualify for the UK Open Graded UK open grid with highest scorer per grade starting at front of their grade
  6. Heat 2 result 224 36 217 318 446 515 191 16 220 41 172 37 DNF 388 462 306 84 45 21
  7. Heat 1 result amendment 36 failed post race scrutineering and is disqualified. 25 wins heat 1 51 gets 12th place
  8. Lap 5 yf 84 and 45 in t2 fence All ok Race order 36 224 446 41 191 217 37 220 318 172 515 16 390 231 51 300 48 73 196 21 287 24 NOR
  9. Heat 2 on track 24 36 224 306 287 326 446 73 41 231 37 191 388 45 220 462 196 48 172 300 21 217 16 318 51 515 84 390
  10. Heat 1 result 36 25 464 224 515 259 512 462 249 2 390 21 DNF 48 229 518 212 205 300 183
  11. 2 laps to go yf ? All ok Race order 36 25 224 464 462 512 515 259 287 249 301 2 390 51 45 21 337 41 421 NOR
  12. Heat 1 on track 36 301 25 224 421 337 41 512 287 229 246 462 45 183 518 48 300 464 259 21 515 212 51 2 390 305 wrong roof colour
  13. Two thirds format today 32 top points scorers qualify for the UK Open Graded UK open grid with highest scorer per grade starting at front of their grade
  14. In the pits today whites 24 Mark Adkins 25 Bradley Harrison 36 Jordan Falding 301 Mark Allen yellows 41 Robert Broome 73 Rob Cowley 224 Mark Gray 229 Derek Brown 231 DANIEL van SPIJKER 249 Joff Gibson X267 Graeme Robson 287 Sean Willis 306 Ian Noden 326 Mark Sargent 337 Dave Willis 421 Jack Aldridge 446 Joe Booth 512 Michael Steward Blues 37 Chris Cowley 45 Nigel Harrhy 48 Shaun Webster 183 Steve Whittle 191 Joshua Smith 196 Murray Jones 220 William Hunter 305 Carlos Perez X321 Ed Neachell X372 Colin Goodswen 388 Paul Ford 462 Scottt Davids 518 Stuart Shevill Jnr Reds 21 Mark Gilbank 172 Micky Randell 217 Lee Fairhurst 259 Paul Hines 300 Paul Carter 464 Luke Davidson Superstars 2 Paul Harrison 16 Matt Newson 51 Dylan Williams-Maynard 84 Tom Harris 212 Danny Wainman 318 Rob Speak 390 Stuart Smith 515 Frankie Wainman x denotes may arrive later or I did not see them Minis 2 8 10 21 22 55 58 69 99 101 112 124 147 154 180 198 211 226 246 262 282 285 287 291 299 320 361 374 613 798 F2 1 38 91 101 D92 154 182 184 199 297 359 423 458 517 527 542 557 560 574 593 596 597 606 618 627 647 700 717 722 736 780 797 805 807 817 824 846 866 915
  15. Breazy, dry and cool with sunny spells today
  16. Grand National result 512 84 318 16 446 464 172 212 36 2 51 217 DNF 183 41 183 421 337 515 229 73 37 372 48 191 That's all folks
  17. 512 Michael Steward wins the Grand National
  18. Lap 11 yf Loose wheel on track All ok Race order 512 446 36 464 84 318 16 172 48 191 212 51 2 231 217 462 390 25 321 287 300 518 220 196 NOR
  19. Lap 5 ish yf 183 in t1 fence All ok Race order 446 512 36 231 388 287 464 84 36 16 318 372 48 191 229 172 2 51 212 300 390 217 321 462 518 196 220 NOR
  20. GN on track 217 lap handicap 36 25 73 337 421 231 446 41 229 287 512 321 462 196 37 191 518 220 372 388 48 183 300 172 464 16 515 318 2 51 84 212 390
  21. Final Result 217 259 172 512 220 36 515 2 212 16 390 21 DNF 326 224 321 141 464 462 421 249 84 25
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