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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat 1 result amendment after stewards enquiry 76 is 10Th 451 238 515 21 326 335 94 191 152 76 H414 32
  2. Heat 2 result First ten to final 118 306 55 318 217 435 422 16 53 45 215 207 DNF 105 103 322 169
  3. Heat 2 on track 103 118 120 311 105 207 287 306 307 435 45 169 215 322 53 217 16 55 318
  4. Heat 1 result First ten to final 451 238 515 21 326 335 94 191 152 H414 32 51 DNF 338 2 216 280 40
  5. Heat 1 on track 32 40 134 250 451 76 238 313 326 338 414 152 191 220 335 21 94 2 51 515 216+
  6. In the pits tonight White 32 Chris Farnell 40 Steve Smith 44 Mark Harrhy 103 Richard Masterson 118 Steve Harrison 120 Steven Anderson 134 John Brown 170 Richard Walker 208 Steve Malkin Snr 216 Jack France 311 NEIL CLARK 440 Craig Aston 448 Jason Eaton 451 Martin Spiers Yellow 76 Aaron Cozens 91 Tony Smith 105 Chris Bonner 207 BEN HURDMAN 238 RICHARD BYRAN 276 Mark Poole 280 Colin Nairn 287 Sean Wills 293 ELLIOT SMITH 306 Ian Noden 307 Tim Warwick 313 KARL ROBERTS 316 Billy-Tom O'Connor 326 MARK SARGENT 338 Chris Brocksopp 414 422 Ben Riley 428 Richard Regan 435 Ricki Finney 467 Tim Farrell Blue 45 NIGEL HARRHY 152 NEIL SCOTHERN 169 BILLY JOHNSON 191 Joshua Smith 220 Will Hunter 322 James Neachall 335 MARK WOODHULL 445 Nigel Green 462 Scott Davids Red 4 DAN JOHNSON 21 Mark Gilbank 53 JOHN LUND 94 JOHN DOWSON 217 Lee Fairhurst 259 Paul Hines Superstar 2 PAUL HARRISON 16 MAT NEWSON 51 DYLAN WILLIAMS-MAYNARD 55 CRAIG FINNIKIN 84 TOM HARRIS 212 DANNY WAINMAN 318 Rob Speak 390 Stuart Smith 515 FRANKIE WAINMAN
  7. 216 Jack France doing his 5 laps at a cool dry cloudy Brandon stadium
  8. There is no extra charge for grand stand
  9. Grand national result 84 150 21 390 16 259 293 217 53 335 191 422 DNF 55 467 338 135 372 76 318 2 45 That's all folks
  10. Lap 7 ish 372 in t2 fence All ok Race order 293 150 207 84 21 259 16 191 422 335 94 212 217 390 45 313 169 53 NOR
  11. Grand national on track 390 Lap handicap 293 76 135 422 499 207 467 313 191 169 372 94 335 338 45 21 150 53 2 217 259 212 55 318 16 84
  12. Final result 390 217 53 2 16 191 318 169 467 306 259 215 NOF
  13. 390 Stuart Smith wins the final Best last 5 laps so far this season! 217 2nd 53 3rd
  14. Lap 16 yf 84 on t3 race line All ok Race order 390 318 16 217 53 2 191 169 259 467 306 215 NOR
  15. Lap 14 yf 249 and 372 in t2 fence All ok Race order 84 390 318 2 16 259 217 53 191 215 169 467 306 NOR
  16. Half ditance yf 32 on back straight All ok Race order 84 249 390 318 2 16 53 372 259 217 191 215 467 169 306 NOR
  17. Lap 4 ish 316 in t2 fence All ok Race order 249 32 372 94 45 215 217 84 53 318 2 467 16 390 191 259 152 306 169 NOR
  18. Final on track 32 422 51 207 249 306 316 326 467 45 94 152 169 191 215 238 335 338 372 2 21 53 217 220 259 16 84 318 390 DNS 435 515
  19. Consolatiom result All ten to the final 318 326 249 215 316 45 32 94 467 435 NOF
  20. Lap 9 ish yf 386 in t3 fence All ok Race order 326 318 499 55 45 94 467 249 215 435 316 32 415 NOR
  21. Lap 7 ish yf 12 and 175 in t1 fence All ok Race order 415 326 499 318 386 55 45 94 467 215 249 435 316 32 NOR
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