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Everything posted by nic

  1. Grand National on track 186 lap handicap 437 145 339 385 408 372 211 415 57 364 501 183 164 518 464 220 175 512 422 212 445 217 16 1 390
  2. Frank Hughes Memorial Trophy Final Sponsored by Teng Tools won by 318 last year result 186 212 16 217 25 1 408 518 512 145 422 390 dnf 196 464 445 70 197 495 219 372 175 543 The 186 car won the final at the last meeting here at Skegness with 126 driving. And Rob Speak is racing in the Semi Final and he says if you are going to see the silver roof, you might as well see it at Skegness!
  3. Frank Hughes Memorial Trophy final top three are 186 Todd Jones 212 Danny Wainman 16 Matt Newson
  4. Lap eight ish yf Race order 145 186 212 408 16 501 1 217 518 25 512 543 183 422 175 555 164 532 390 220 197 nor
  5. Lap one yf Race order 495 145 219 211 408 70 183 518 186 501 543 164 220 211 464 16 390 445 175 217 1 512 197 25 422 555 532 372 nor
  6. Final on track for the Frank Hughes Memorial trophy. 495 219 145 211 70 408 532 372 183 164 518 501 186 543 220 555 175 512 422 25 196 212 464 16 217 390 1 197 445 dns 3 therefore 164 as first reserve I I on the grid.
  7. Brisca F2 UK Championship top three are 154 Michael Green 7 Gordon Moodie 560 Luke Wrench
  8. Consolation result 183 372 16 1 217 249 25 512 211 495 164 437 dnf 287
  9. Consolation winner is 183 Steve Whittke surviving a last bender from 372 and winning the dash to the line.
  10. Consolation on track 437 339 303 385 495 468 287 211 372 364 57 415 183 249 164 25 512 217 1 16 dns 502 326
  11. 2L Saloon UK Championship top three 6 Simon Welton 349 Michael Allard 499 David Aldous confirmed
  12. Heat two result 543 390 408 220 196 555 422 3 501 70 502 211 dnf 16 326 249 372 and 1 who lost outside rear wheel on back straight!
  13. After battling and trading the lead with 408 for most of the race 543 Drew Lammas wins heat two.
  14. Heat two on track 303 339 385 211 502 70 408 372 57 326 501 249 543 196 220 555 3 422 1 16 390 70 has no aerofoil 408 has been upgraded to yellow by race control.
  15. 16 races today F1 races 2, 6, 10, 13, 16 2lL Saloon Championship race 7 F2 Championship race 12
  16. Heat one result 145 445 186 219 464 532 212 175 518 197 468 183 dnf 364orp 287 span on last bend of last lap.
  17. Last nights consolation winner wins the first race of the day after a last bender attempt by 445 from too far back! And missed! 145 Joe Gladden wins heat one.
  18. Same format and qualifying as last night Heat one on track 437 145 219 495 468 532 287 364 415 186 183 164 518 212 175 464 512 25 197 217 445
  19. Grand National result 422 212 1 16 464 408 217 197 445 512 196 220 dnf 364 287 172 25 186 249 300 390 That's all folks Back tomorrow.
  20. Red flag ending the race Not sure if race distance was completed. All ok 422 Ben Riley wins the GN
  21. 175 also pulled off Lap three yf Race order 145 408 437 555 172 443 186 464 212 422 196 468 390 1 339 512 197 16 217 249 501 543 300 164 211 183 220 326 445 259 57 385 532 nor
  22. False start 364 pulled off
  23. Grand National on track 445 lap handicap 385 437 443 339 145 408 172 211 287 300 468 364 57 249 164 326 186 183 501 212 464 555 422 25 512 196 220 175 259 197 16 390 217 1 543+
  24. Final sponsored by "Dee's PitStop Cafe" result 445 1 197 408 217 16 464 212 518 532 25 145 dnf 70 390 555 287 372 196 443 518 docked two places for jumping the start.
  25. Nigel Green 445 wins the final sponsored by "Dee's PitStop Cafe" by doing a last bender on FWJ and winning the drag race to the line! Second 1 FWJ Third 197 Ryan Harrison
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