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Carl H

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Everything posted by Carl H

  1. Friday H6 Pascal Spigt H14 Rick Wobbes H17 Bouwe Arjan Hiddinga H20 Bert de Vries H27 Rutger Valk H30 Romke Kroondijk H36 Wendy Koopmans H38 Bart Koopmans H40 Mark Tesselaar H44 Gosse Hoekstra H47 Danny van Wamelen H54 Sierd de Vries H58 Willem de Boer H61 Koen Maris H62 Bruce Potveer H65 Hans Baegen H69 Cor Meijer H79 Lourenz de Vries H86 Edwin Ploeg H87 Maarten Broekman H90 Roelof van der Veen H93 John de Buck H99 Johan Catsburg H100 Joey Slooff H141 Richard Falkena H152 Gert-jan Klok H155 Pieter Langeveld H161 Tom Maris H173 Jelle Hiemstra H179 Sjaak Kentie H195 Harmen Zwerver H212 Sander Vermeulen H215 Albert Sikkema H226 Pieter van der Iest H229 Tsjalle Greidanus H248 Mika Ronitz H295 Willem Zwerver H310 Fedde Kroondijk H315 Jaap Hiemstra H318 Rick Lensen H332 Nathalie Wekema H337 Dennis Tesselaar H345 Boy Tesselaar H348 Ed Tesselaar H388 Jelle Bijlsma H400 Roy Maessen H406 Ben Boersen H410 Jelle Tesselaar H422 Marten Bijlsma H447 Patrick Tersteeg H453 Jacob de Vries H477 Martijn Oudhuis H484 Harm van der Veen H501 Inge Wiersma H525 Nigel de Kock H541 Bert Honderd H575 Yoran Winands H591 Barry Boersen H592 Auke Osinga H618 Wybe de Vries H642 Roel Coenen H699 Jan Kuin H726 Frank Kramer H880 Niels Tesselaar NZ25W Keegan Levien NZ26S Mitch Vickery NZ28S Blair Uhlenberg NZ46W Ethan Levien NZ91C Malcolm Ngatai NZ94P William Humphries NZ581 Jordan Dare NZ971P Jayden Ward
  2. Last year it was 22 UK drivers, 22 Dutch, and 1 Belgian. I'm sure that in the past there's been times when the Engish have outnumbered the Dutch though, mainly due to lower Dutch turnouts.
  3. Appearances at KL this season can be found on :- http://stoxnet.com/since1954/points/king's_lynn.htm
  4. Can probably work most of it out already. We know the 36 in the World Final. I've already posted the Dutch booking list earlier in this thread. The remaining spots are allocated to those that have supported KL meetings.
  5. Currently 98 cars booked in. 11 Neil Scriven12 Michael Scriven13 Kelvin Hassell16 Matt Newson20 Liam Gilbank21 Mark Gilbank45 Nigel Harrhy83 Darren Clark84 Tom Harris93 Sam Makim101 Tristan Jackson124 Kyle Gray127 Austin Moore136 Rob Jacklin166 Bobby Griffin175 Karl Hawkins183 Steve Whittle211 Phoebe Wainman212 Danny Wainman215 Geoff Nickolls242 Joe Nickolls268 Richard Woods Jnr275 Terry Hawkins276 Mark Poole307 Tim Warwick308 Steve Malkin313 Karl Roberts326 Mark Sargent335 Mark Woodhull345 Jake Harrhy415 Russell Cooper Jnr423 Gary Jackson463 James Morris515 Frankie Wainman 526 Finn Sargent532 Daz Kitson555 Frankie Wainman Jnr JnrH6 Pascal SpigtH8 Martin VerhoefH14 Rick WobbesH17 Bouwe Arjen HiddingaH20 Bert de VriesH27 Rutger ValkH30 Romke KroondijkH36 Wendy KoopmansH38 Bart KoopmansH40 Mark TesselaarH44 Gosse HoekstraH47 Danny van WamelenH54 Sierd de VriesH58 Willem de BoerH61 Koen MarisH62 Bruce PotveerH65 Hans BaegenH69 Cor MeijerH79 Lourenz de VriesH86 Edwin PloegH87 Maarten BroekmanH90 Roelof van der VeenH93 John de BuckH99 Johan CatsburgH100 Joey SlooffH141 Richard FalkenaH152 Gert-jan KlokH155 Pieter LangeveldH161 Tom MarisH212 Sander VermeulenH215 Albert SikkemaH226 Pieter van der LestH229 Tjalle GreidanusH295 Willem ZwerverH310 Fedde KroondijkH315 Jaap HiemstraH318 Rick LensenH332 Nathalie WekemaH345 Boy TesselaarH388 Jelle BijlsmaH406 Ben BoersenH410 Jelle TesselaarH422 Marten BijlsmaH447 Patrick TersteegH453 Jacob de VriesH477 Martijn OudhuisH484 Harm van der VeenH525 Nigel de KockH541 Bert HonderdH575 Yoren WinandsH591 Barry BoersenH592 Auke OsingaH618 Wijbe de VriesH642 Roel CoenenH699 Jan KuinH726 Frank KramerH880 Niels TesselaarNZ91C Malcolm NgataiNZ94P William HumphriesNZ581 Jordan DareNZ971P Jayden Ward
  6. Advance ticket prices Adult £22 OAP £19 Child £8 Available from incarace.co.uk https://7c4ae5.67.ekm.shop/15th-september-2019-145-c.aspNote that the on the day prices may be more.
  7. World Final revenge at it's best - BriSCA F1's day after the night before! Scores will be settled, and this could be your first chance to see the new World Champion take to the track. We are also going to be joined by an influx of overseas drivers to make this a fantastic day at the historic Brafield-on-the-Green venue. Start time - 12 noon. No other details as yet. Prices, booking list, etc when they are released.
  8. H410 just arrived at Blauwhuis after racing at King's Lynn last night. Top effort!
  9. Trust Fund information. 2019 TRUST FUND ~ KING'S LYNN 31st AUGUST http://bscda.co.uk/news/4587975096/2019-TRUST-FUND-KING'S-LYNN-31st-AUGUST/11397708
  10. Respectfully, Untrue Tim in part - every promotion is indeed different, but, PR wise we have advertised 22 papers, online and Radio for this Monday. That is expensive and no guarantee with so much else to do - and on a Bank Holiday sadly it's about gimmicks for once a year people - and in a City believe me hot weather is almost as bad as inclement with the Coast, stay cations and other outdoor activities plentiful. Times have changed from the 1950's where we were working class and 'local' - everyone has a car, motorways and travel further and wider, jet planes to previous unheard of sunny destinations available to all, Malls, theme parks, things to participate in. The world has changed, we haven't been left behind it's evolved. 20 years who ever dreamt that a huge bulk of shopping would be done from your mobile, and major stores are now closing. It's a fast paced revolution in lifestyle habits - for drivers, race teams, families and importantly potential spectators. The market place is much tougher! I am on my second read of Pete Tucker's biography - issues today little different to 1957-1962 and since also been reviewing magazines from 67 to 76 - We were talking about the same things - Late 1950's and 60's Stock bodied cars v 'specials' - snobbery and resistance to Juniors [ now F2] and into 1970's SAME arguments, car numbers, even Belle Vue Hyde Road had a drought period, bumpy track as did Coventry and meetings finished too late! 10.pm lol Time has changed, 102000 at Odsal, 28000 + Greyhound racing, track running 2/3 times a day to get crowds in, Staines in an afternoon drive on to West Ham. The overall sport has shrunk consistently over decades like speedway, greyhounds, fun fairs, circus etc,etc. All of us who are passionate want to see it Nascar and then get wound up and we have a blame culture because it hasn't happen and sadly cannot happen. We are a great sport, but we are a niche and to a degree marmite motorsport. From 500 drivers + in it's heyday, time,cost and lifestyle has us at possible 60 active drivers and another 80 or so license holders. What we have remains vibrant, yes it has problems some extremely difficult to square the circle due to 'evolution; without ripping up the rule book and going to ground zero and starting again and from where I sit, that may also be suicide. There are lot's of discussions going on. What we should be appreciative of is the large contingent of committed drivers and race teams that allow it to remain vibrant. Doubling driver numbers is the answer, regional racing to justify infesting in a car/transport - ALL are challenges, neither can we recreate 1954 where even then, boom became bust! Looking forward to a sunny Belle Vue - 5 ex World Champions and perhaps the best line up for some time! 20ish cars every race, 2/3rds format - BIG water tank due to arrive 7.am! Hope to see at Belle Vue! Steve Rees
  11. A couple of cancellations but quite a few more booked in. 4 Dan Johnson 5 Charlie Sworder 13 Kelvin Hassell 16 Mat Newson 24 Mark Adkins 25 Bradley Harrison 37 Chris Cowley 43 Adam Bamford 48 Shaun Webster 55 Craig Finnikin 84 Tom Harris 124 Kyle Gray 126 Harry Steward 137 Sam Jacklin 164 John Fortune 166 Bobby Griffin 172 Micky Randell 175 Karl Hawkins 180 Courtney Witts 212 Danny Wainman 217 Lee Fairhurst 220 Will Hunter 254 Scott Wright 259 Paul Hines 283 Alex Wass 284 Sam Wass 325 Richard Davies 339 Ant Lee 345 Jake Harrhy 346 Ashley England 387 Hannah Chappell 412 George Crabtree 445 Nigel Green 460 Chris Cooke 464 Luke Davidson 497 Carl Dugdale 515 Frankie Wainman Jnr 526 Finn Sargent 543 Drew Lammas
  12. Steve Rees has sent me the following. Hi All, I just want to answer some misconceptions! 1. There never EVER has been a limit of BriSCA F1's since May 1999 - OCCASIONALLY THE HAS BEEN FOR F2 WHEN NUMBERS HIGH TO ENSURE WE DO NOT HAVE TO DO AS SUGGESTED - NEVER EVER HAPPENED SO WHY CREATE AN UNFOUNDED MYTH NOW! 2. 31 so far is a credible number, not indifferent to any other Sunday/monday since May 1999 - there are ups and downs to 25/26 - We no longer have a local driver base like 30 years ago, they are spread far and wide and have to travel - Sunday's / Mondays are a little unpopular for long distance travelling given work next day We are always grateful for all support and the quality in particular on Monday is awesome! 3. Yes, some are keeping safe hoping for a Consi Semi chance. 4. Birmingham currently also has 31 cars but seen no comment, they too have a similar sized pits and 4 formula. 5. We need F2s / Minis to turnaround F1s - A few Vans are there for holiday people - get a burger! 6. We would [cautiously ] love to stage a 3 heat full format 54-60 car meeting, but over 40 years, reality is they only happened at certain tracks - others, people were perfectly happy - I am an historian and that is fact - 60 cars does not engineer a great meeting. 7. There is a very detailed and FACTUAL first hand article in Monday's programme re Odsal from which you can deduce a general conclusion. 8. Great weather, great turnout of cars and YES may be one of the last 4 at BV - Catch it while you can, apathy IS the very real reason these big tracks are closing We look forward to seeing you, and if we are lucky, 3/4 more F1's but what we have will provide a brilliant 2/3rds format - over 20 every race! Please get behind BriSCA F1 !
  13. Birmingham also has 31 cars booked in but nobody has said they're disappointed. Yes, you're wrong. None of that is true. The F1s have never been limited.
  14. Latest booking list 4 Dan Johnson 13 Kelvin Hassell 16 Mat Newson 34 Mal Brown 45 Nigel Harrhy 55 Craig Finnikin 84 Tom Harris 124 Kyle Gray 127 Austin Moore 137 Sam Jacklin 166 Bobby Griffin 175 Karl Hawkins 192 Luke Dennis 211 Phoebe Wainman 212 Danny Wainman 217 Lee Fairhurst 220 William Hunter 259 Paul Hines 268 Richard Woods 276 Mark Poole 303 Karl Whiteman 313 Karl Roberts 345 Jake Harrhy 423 Gary Jackson 424 Michael Heywood 445 Nigel Green 463 James Morris 496 Neil Holcroft 501 George Elwell 515 Frankie Wainman Jnr 555 Frankie Wainman Jnr Jnr
  15. Some travel info about Landor St which might be useful. http://forum.stoxnet.com/topic/32942-landor-st-is-now-open/
  16. Admission Prices are as follows : (Cash & Card at the turnstiles) General Admission £19 Concession : (65 years & Over) £17 Concession : Children (5-14yrs) £8 Programme £2 E-tickets available from https://7c4ae5.67.ekm.shop/24th-august-2019-130-c.asp
  17. The last Bank Holiday of the year - and depending on redevelopment plans - The last Ever Holiday Monday at the Vue ???? We're back at BELLE VUE GREYHOUND STADIUM Holiday Monday at 3.30.pm with one of our biggest family events of the year and the ultimate thrills show! The awesome V8 rumble of BriSCA F1 Stock Cars and the Race for the 2019 Silver roof comes alive with Round 2 of the Autumn series. These have very recently received a lot of air time on SKY SPORTS GP Channel – 406 – catch it if you can, when Martin Brundle and the Williams team tested them out – and that’s just with 4 cars on track! These young GP stars were amazed at the sheer horsepower and full contact element [ catch the repeats to get a flavor! ] These are the Gladiators of World oval racing, there is nothing to match them! Huge cars, Huge V8 600BHP engines, full contact – firebreathing and a spectacle with too many cars on one short oval! Add vital points for the second biggest championship of the year = ACTION! FEEL THE GROUND SHAKE! The full on contact of BriSCA F2 Stock Cars who never fail to entertain, usually big grids of cars, full contact, hugely competitive and motorsport mayhem! The irrepressible National Ministox, the hardest kids in the country in all action full contact racing aged from 11 years! AND LASTLY! The 3rd year of our Annual BIG VAN BLITZ and DEMOLITION DERBY ALL ADMISSION SIMPLY PAY ON THE GATE!CATCH IT WHILE YOU CAN!ADMISSION – Simply pay at the gate from 2.pm [ first race 3.30 ] CREDIT & DEBIT CARD WELCOME!ADULTS £18Seniors over 65 and Young Adults £16Child 10 – 15 £7Accompanied Children under 10 ABSOLUTELY FREE!Family Ticket – 2 Adults + up to 3 children 10 – 15 £43 Race day Magazine £2 Stadium parking available at nominal price PLUS Startrax provide free parking on Showcase Cinema, directly opposite the stadium – please use Hyde Road entrance. Buses every 10 minutes via Hyde Road from Piccadilly and train station adjacent to stadium The stadium has fantastic facilities with a 3000 all seater raceview glass fronted Grandstand at no extra charge, covered standing and fast food and licensed bars to make your day complete!REGRETTABLY DUE TO LICNESING LAWS DOGS ARE NOT ALLOWED
  18. Booking list so far. 2 Paul Harrison SEMI FINALIST 11 Neil Scriven 16 Mat Newson 22 Will Yarrow SEMI FINALIST 24 Mark Adkins 25 Bradley Harrison SEMI FINALIST 34 Mal Brown SEMI FINALIST 37 Chris Cowley SEMI FINALIST 43 Adam Bamford 48 Shaun Webster 55 Craig Finnikin SEMI FINALIST 70 Aaron Leach SEMI FINALIST 93 Sam Makim 101 Tristan Jackson 124 Kyle Gray 137 Sam Jacklin SEMI FINALIST 150 Mick Sworder SEMI FINALIST 164 John Fortune 166 Bobby Griffin SEMI FINALIST 172 Micky Randell SEMI FINALIST 175 Karl Hawkins SEMI FINALIST 180 Courtney Witts SEMI FINALIST 197 Ryan Harrison SEMI FINALIST 211 Phoebe Wainman 212 Danny Wainman SEMI FINALIST 216 Jack France SEMI FINALIST 220 William Hunter SEMI FINALIST 259 Paul Hines SEMI FINALIST 278 Paul Hopkins SEMI FINALIST 300 Paul Carter 301 Mark Allen 326 Mark Sargent SEMI FINALIST 335 Mark Woodhull SEMI FINALIST 345 Jake Harrhy SEMI FINALIST 501 George Elwell 515 Frankie Wainman SEMI FINALIST 555 Frankie Wainman Jnr Jnr SEMI FINALIST
  19. F1 Shoot Out plus F2, Van Bangers, and Car Domino Stunt. First race 3.30pm
  20. F1 Shoot Out plus F2, Classic Hot Rods, and Lightning Rods First race 5pm
  21. TIMETABLE SATURDAY 10TH AND SUNDAY 11TH AUGUST SATURDAY 10TH AUGUST 10am to 1pm Paid Practise – Any Formula £20 per Car Once paid practise is finished everyone who is not racing on the SATURDAY NIGHT has to leave the pit area with their vehicles. 2.00pm Pit Gate Opens 2.00pm Spectator and Trackside Gate Opens 2.30pm Scrutineering Starts 3.00pm Meeting Practise Starts 5.30pm Meeting Practise Finishes 5.30pm Staff Meeting 6.00pm Racing Starts When racing finishes we are all heading to the Marquee in the Pits for a beer and party to Celebrate Matthew Watsons 30th, everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy the night. PRICES SATURDAY: Adults - £24 OAPs - £22 Children 9 to 15yrs - £8 KIDS UP TO AGE 8 FREE Trackside Parking £8 – Strictly Limited Please Note – Trackside – Please DO NOT BRING Alcohol or Glass Bottles with you as our Licensing rules do not allow you to bring beer purchased off site into the Stadium nor glass bottles. SUNDAY 11TH AUGUST 9.00am Pit Gate Opens 9.00am Spectator and Trackside Gates Opens 9.30am Scrutineering Starts 10.30am Meeting Practise Starts 12.30pm Meeting Practise Finishes 12.30pm Staff Meeting 1.00pm Racing Starts PRICES SUNDAY; Adults - £16 OAPs - £14 Children 9 to 15yrs - £6 KIDS UP TO AGE 8 FREE Trackside Parking £6 Please Note – Trackside – Please DO NOT BRING Alcohol or Glass Bottles with you as our Licensing rules do not allow you to bring beer purchased off site into the Stadium nor glass bottles. DISCOUNTED WRISTBANDS For those people attending the full weekend Discounted wristbands will be available from the Bar. Wristbands must be put direct on to wrist so make sure you take the people with you. Note that F1s are on Saturday only. See buxtonraceway.com for details of Sunday.
  22. Thanks all.... I believe the Semi-Final result is not yet confirmed, as an official protest has been made.
  23. Yes. If you've scored enough qualifying points then you're entitled to race in a semi-final.
  24. Sunday 4th August 2019 - Sheffield - 12:30pm BriSCA F1 World Championship Semi Final #1 Support - National Ministox Booking list - 38 cars 4 Dan Johnson 5 Charlie Sworder 11 Neil Scriven 12 Michael Scriven 13 Kelvin Hassell 16 Mat Newson 20 Liam Gilbank 21 Mark Gilbank 34 Mal Brown 84 Tom Harris 93 Sam Makim 101 Tristan Jackson 124 Kyle Gray 127 Austin Moore 136 Rob Jacklin 152 Neil Scothern 166 Bobby Griffin 169 Billy Johnson 192 Luke Dennis 211 Phoebe Wainman 212 Danny Wainman 217 Lee Fairhurst 242 Joe Nickolls 259 Paul Hines 268 Richard Woods 313 Karl Roberts 335 Mark Woodhull 337 Dave Willis 346 Ashley England 348 John Wright 415 Russell Cooper 445 Nigel Green 463 James Morris 501 George Elwell 515 Frankie Wainman Jnr 526 Finn Sargent 532 Daz Kitson 555 Frankie Wainman Jnr Jnr Meeting format: Race 1 - National Ministox Race 2 - BriSCA F1 Heat 1 Race 3 - National Ministox Race 4 - BriSCA F1 Semi Final (Heat 2) Race 5 - National Ministox Race 6 - BriSCA F1 Consolation Race 7 - National Ministox Final Race 8 - BriSCA F1 Grand Final Race 9 - National Ministox Race 10 - BriSCA F1 Grand National Admission prices: Adults - £24 Concession (65+) - £22 Children (10-15) - £8 Accompanied children under 10 - FREE Programme - £2 Advance tickets are available from the Startrax website or by calling 01253 713754 saving £2 per ticket. Upgrade to the luxury restaurant - reserved seats & private bars. Carvery is priced at £9.95 but space is limited. This must be booked directly with the stadium on 0114 234 3074. Debit and credit cards are welcome Gates open at 10:30am Stadium address: Owlerton Stadium Penistone Road Owlerton Sheffield S6 2DE
  25. The clock is now ticking towards one of our highlight's of the 2019 season, the BriSCA Formula One Stock Car Championship of the World SEMI FINAL1 The last hurdle to complete before the Night of Night's in September when the Gold roof is decided! Sheffield is for true Gladiators and Men of Steel and be assured, with the unusual heavy weight of firepower in this Race, this is no easy ride into the World with the calibre of talent in the first three or four rows but also, at the bottom end, some well deserved and dedicated lower graders! The first three rows say it all! From Norwich in Norfolk, Matt Newson (16) who for so long has been committed yet lady luck has deserted him at the final hour, take the Silver roof race in 2018, the British and more. Matt suffered a freak and devastating illness late Winter and many thought he would not be back for the 2019 campaign. Sheer grit and determination has seen him pull himself up by the boot straps and if anything, return sharper than ever with a stellar drive at the Hednesford British which all unravelled on the last bend. Joining him on row 1 is now International Oval racer Tom Harris who will be fired up after some jaw dropping performances recently and times in the USA in Sprint Cars. Whilst he is dialled in on shale, others cannot afford him an easy run and pole position at the Norfolk Arena, too much risk! Behind him are two adversaries I wouldn't want on my back bumper, Bolton's Lee Fairhurst and local Chesterfield ace, Dan Johnson - both desperate to secure a prime sport at Lynn and both know what they have to do! And then we come to row 3! Local Rotherham ace who literally works around the corner and long standing 'non nonsense' racer Mark Gilbank. Mark is a traditionalist, licks his meetings, focuses on the World that has eluded him, self built good competitive cars and knows how to use the bumper and run in hard if something BIG is at stake. Mark has one objective, the glamour of the names before him will not daunt him! Sharing row 3 is another F1 World Champion, respected Nigel Green, BriSCA F1's version of the professor in F1 GP Alain Prost! Dialled in,tenacious and a quick learner, Nigel is 'clinical' in his approach and thought process, as seen a couple of years ago with his do or do hero lunge at Belle Vue in the NS finale, he can do the business! He will want number 2 to join his Ipswich World victory! This is probably one of the most pulsating and intriguing grids that will provide countless hours of pre race speculation. One race on August 4th will give some a major advantage in September! The rest of the grid is included and final information and bookings will be released next week! Fast and furious National Ministox complete a superb 10 race programme. Got your saver tickets yet ? Save money to on the day prices ? Check out www.startrax.info Booked for the carvery yet ? Don't delay, contact the stadium direct for reservations on 01142343074. Don't miss the 'real' F1 titans in action and compare this to the Williams GP lads having a go on SKY - that's just a taster, this IS the real Mc Coy!
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