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Roy B

Stoxnet Supporter 2023
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Everything posted by Roy B

  1. Semi-Final Follow Up 16 takes a short-lived lead before spinning out in turn 2. All go wide into turn 3. 3 goes around down the backstraight and pulls off shortly after. 45 pulls off. 55 and 166 now catch and pass 515 to take the top positions. 515 dives into the pair of them entering turn 1 to try a comeback move but doesn't advance his position. 55 momentarily tangles with 464. 212 now mounts a brutal assault on 515 with some determined moves to try and get the upper hand. He dives in to the back corner of Frankie a number of times. 515 starts to drop back and pulls off with the fronts locked up. A late scare for 55 when he nearly goes out with a tangle up involving 93 and 338 but fortunately he gets through it for the victory.
  2. Heat Two Happenings Lap one sees 463 take a wayward line down the backstraight which causes a moment of mayhem for the following pack. 389 does a 360 spin on the backstraight. 13 spins out in the same place he had trouble in the W & Y race. 1 has now caught up with 150 who rebuffs his first move. 197 arrives and joins in the fun with a hit to the 1 bumper. Another hit into turn 3 sees the 1 car ride it out and pull a car length clear. 11 leads off after a caution period as 1 has got within range of 150 once again. 335 and 73 tangle in turn 2 which sees Mark out on the infield. A mesmerising battle between 150, 1 and 197 follows over the remaining laps. Tom and Ryan eventually get past Mick with some good side by side hits. 197 hits 1 into turn 3 with a lap to go and takes the lead. Would there be a last bender into turn 3 next time from Tom? Of course! The outcome was that he just missed and bounced it off the plate to follow Ryan over the line. A great battle between three of the best.
  3. Hello folks from a busy King's Lynn. W & Y Race Recap No major incidents in this one. 87 into the lead with 532 following in 2nd. A spin for 389 in turn 3, and 13 stuck on the inside of the backstraight until he got to the safety of the infield.
  4. GN Notes 526 spins in turn 1 on lap 1. 25 gives 326 a big hit entering turn 3. 335 breaks away from the pack to give chase to 389 but pulls off some laps later. 389 is leaving the field behind and really chucking it into the turns. He even rode the plate in turn 3 at one point. The closing laps see a battle between 1 and 166. Bobby had a couple of digs but couldn't maintain the speed for a hard hit. 389 enters the last lap with 2 getting ever closer but makes it over the line for a well deserved victory. That's it folks, back from K. L 👍
  5. Pit news after the Euro Final 515 - Changing the torque link. 220 - Loaded up with a bent rear axle. 555 - Adjusting rear panhard rod. 259 - Loading up. Front corner bracing and bumper need replacing.
  6. Euro Final Focus 1 away and gone on the first start. The immediate chasers battled amongst themselves and lost ground. 25 an early retirement with a flat right front. After a caution for a stranded 478 the restart sees a repeat of the race start with Tom leaving the rest for dead. 12 spins entering turn 3 which involves 166, 259, 55 and 345. On the following lap the 1 car has to take an accurate line through the narrowed gap. A mid-race battle between 55, 515 and 2 gave some interest for a few laps. Tom was in another league however and vanquished all challengers to take the win.
  7. Pit news after Heat 3 A tale of drivetrain and cooling issues: 515 - Rad change. 446 - Rad change. 216 - Gearbox casing split. 55 - Centre of the clutch ripped out. 268 - Clutch change. 308 - Loaded up with a blown gearbox and clutch. 212 - Danny straightening out left rear upper link.
  8. Heat Three Happenings 220 comes through a red top sort out in the opening laps. 515 pulls off early on. 212 and 217 lock together in turn 3 but separate soon after. A two lap 216 and 217 battle follows with both trading blows. We are next treated to a 220 and 22 battle with both not giving an inch. The last lap sees a spectacular outcome with 166, 25, 212 and 335 coming together out of turn 4 with Danny going backwards over the line.
  9. Pit news after Heat 2 249 - Changing front axle. Right side hub and axle end snapped off. 532 - Porta power on the front right, and half shaft change on the right side. 120 - Right side half shaft change. 515 - Changing fan belts. 259 - Gearbox change in op.
  10. Heat Two Happenings The blues pile up in turn 3 on the first lap. At the caution period 249 is towed off with the front right wheel askew. Not a good w/end for Joff so far. The remaining laps sees 1 do a snookerball hit on 16 into 526. Mat gets ahead of Tom for a lap until 1 passes and pulls away. However, the World Champ pulls off with a flat right rear shortly after.
  11. Pit news after Heat 1 220 all sorted. Will's got his fingers crossed. 124 - Porta power on the front axle. 555 - Right side exhaust being worked on. 526 - R/H rocker cover leak is the source of Smokey Joe.
  12. We're back for day two. Heat One Happenings 308 away up front. 345 half spins in turn 1 as he goes side by side with 25. 515 bundles 55 aside along the backstraight which ends up with Craig getting a flat right rear. 2 and 446 are next in 515's sights entering turn 3 who he deals with in one hit. Up front it's a race between 308 and 526 with 515 closing. Finn passes 308 down the homestraight which gives Steve the chance to whack 526 entering turn 1. Finn rides it out though and creates a gap. The last lap sees 191 get a big'un from 308 going into turn 3 which leaves both locked together on the exit of turn 4. 308 gets beached on a marker tyre and fails to finish yards from the line.
  13. GN Notes The opening laps are all action as the star men circulate as one with plenty of bumperwork amongst them. 166 and 463 briefly lock together on the backstraight with Bobby doing a bit of sideways driving. He then clashes with 20 in turn 1. 515 sends 124 to the outside entering the backstraight which sends Kyle on a wall of death bouncing off the plate. 55 and 515 have a side to side bash going through turn 3. 124 spun out by 2 in turn 1. 166 pulls off with a flat front right. It's a battle of the youth next between 25 and 20. An enthralling race then develops between 308, 22, 12, and 1 with no quarter given. 1 takes a couple of laps to clear 308 and 12. 308 doesn't make it easy for him and has a dig back. Tom gets 22 on the last lap for the victory. Back tomorrow folks 👍
  14. Pit news after the Final 268 - Steering box change 166 - Left rear spring change 249 - Axle strip down/ rebuild ongoing. Internal part damaged which is a legacy of the Bradford crash. Joff's dad said, " Joff can bend anything, he's bent my bank account! 😀
  15. Final Focus A hectic first few laps with many cars jostling for the same part of the track sees 515 half spin in turn 3 which slows the back half of the field. 1 comes through from the rear with determined use of the front end. A smoky 526 takes the lead from the 308 car. 212 and 16 having a good lap by lap battle. 515 puts a hit in on 259. 446 spins 544 out down the homestraight. 515 and 217 engage in a fight for position. Going into turn 3 for the last time the 1 car has caught 308 and gives him a slight hit on the inside nerf which unsettles the car and sees Tom up the inside well clear of any comeback move from Steve.
  16. Pit news after the Consolation 249 - Back axle out and diff cover removed. Peter Falding examining the diff. 389 - Diff stripped down. 191 - Front torque link rod change in op. 12 - Front left hub change. Kingpin proving a son of a gun to remove. 220 - After being locked out for the Consolation the transporter is heading for the exit.
  17. Consolation Catch Up 308 leads off as 166 is the first red to break through. 326 is battling amongst the blues. 166 gives Sarge a hit as the halfway point is reached. 12 takes on 308 for the lead but comes unstuck by going wide in turn 1. He ends up stuck on the outside line into turn 3 where he gets collected by 166. 55 is slow down the backstraight with a deflated right rear and gets hit on the inside back corner by 338 but continues.
  18. Pit news after Heat Two 446 - Welding front left corner and replacing part of the damaged left side nerf rail. 55 - Fair bit of damage for Craig. Porta power on the front right corner, rear torque link rod to change, and welding the power steering pump attachment bracket in the cab. 249 - Changing propshaft.
  19. Heat Two Happenings 308 leads off the field. 220 half spins and stalls in turn 3. 326 slows and rejoins at the back. 166 pulls off with a flat right front. 55 tangles with 83 on the backstraight and half spins. 191 and 124 tangle in turn 3 with Josh then getting locked together in turn 1 with 326. 308 still in the top 3 has a lap down 220 come past so keeps his foot in and whacks Will into the turn 1 parking lot. After getting going 220 circulates slowly around the outside until 308 comes along who he then pots into the parked 191 and 326 cars. 532 leads off after the caution and maintains the lead to the finish. 217 breaks clear from the reds. 259 and 12 tangle on the homestraight which chucks the 12 car sideways.
  20. Pit news after Heat One 212 changing the coil as a first check after the engine died during the race. 2 also having coil related trouble. The lead had broken and shorted out against the chassis bringing Paul to a dead engine stop on the infield.
  21. Hi there folks from a dry Northampton. Heat One Happenings 407 takes an early lead as 216 hits the turn 3 plate and pulls off with a flat front right. 1 and 515 lock together momentarily down the homestraight. 515 hits 1 into turn 1 and gets past until Tom throws it up the inside on the next lap. 212 and 2 pull off. 526 is now leading with 1 closing. Making a dive into turn 1 with 3 to go sees the World Champ go wide and lose ground on Finn whose car is now smoking heavily from the right side engine bay. The last lap sees 526 take the outside line around a backmarking 295 in turn 1. Tom seizes the opportunity and goes up the inside for the win.
  22. Some more pics added to the gallery gratefully received from Andy Johnson. Cheers Andy 👍
  23. Pics now in the gallery. Many thanks to Mark Adshead and Carl H for the photos 👍
  24. A great idea Nic! Many thanks to you both for the results. See you both Saturday 👍
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