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Roy B

Stoxnet Supporter 2023
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Everything posted by Roy B

  1. Pit news after the Final 515 - Left stub axle change. 312 - Porta-power on the front axle. 166 - Rear half of right side exhaust come loose after the beasting that Bobby's given the car over the weekend. 259 - Loading up. Water pump gasket gone.
  2. Final Focus 464 quick to show from the back group. 5 hits 8 into turn 1. 1 and 166 lock together in turn 2 with Tom pulling off shortly after. 48 and 526 come to a slow halt on the outside line down the backstraight. 422 and 555 pull off with flats. 8 climbs over 90 in turn 2. Caution with 3 to run sees 36 at the front with 464 in 2nd. At the drop of the green these two get the gap on the rest and Luke passes Jordan to win the race. The last bend sees the remainder of the field all go piling in. Notable hits coming from 515, 5, 217, 175 and 166.
  3. Consolation Catch Up 464 starts the run through the field. 43 loops it around in turn 3. 492 holds the lead throughout. 36 closes in and puts a big lastbender in on 492. Ashleigh bounces it around the plating as Jordan loses power before the line resulting in 492 getting a well deserved victory.
  4. Pit news after the Heats 392 - Porta-power on the front axle. 345 - Left front hub strip down. 346 - Welding rear panhard rod mount. 259 - Rear pads are catching the rim preventing sufficient braking on the rears.
  5. Heat Three Happenings 555 puts a hit in on 422 as 346 and 20 go at it. 217 arrives and dispatches 20. 346 hits the turn 2 fence unaided. 36 goes around on the homestraight. 217 has a dive at 5 into turn 2 in the closing laps but loses time. 484 takes the victory in the ex 4 car as 5 just pips 217 over the line. NB. 197 not racing today as Ryan is prioritising the customer cars.
  6. Heat Two Happenings 392 & 526 hit the tyres at the start of the backstraight which leaves Lewis stranded on the inside line. 492 leads off after the caution until 300, 512 come thro. The 1 car soon hits the front in a static race. 464 has the right rear let go with 5 to run.
  7. Heat One Happenings On a greasy track 345 & 381 lock together in turn 2 with 13 joining in and trying to climb over both. After the caution 8 is the first red to break through. 166 starts the onslaught with a big hit on 16 into turn 3 which has no effect. Bobby then half-spins in turn 2. 16 and 515 come by and within a couple of laps 166 comes in with a big'un. With 2 to go 515 spins 166 around in turn 2. Meanwhile 242 has an untroubled race to get the win.
  8. Morning folks. Pre-meeting pit news: 345 - Braking problems for Jake. Pedal went to the floor after a couple of laps in each race last night. Not proving easy to diagnose at present. 178 - Welding left rear bumper bracing. 147 - Not racing today. Smoky engine & set-up issues.
  9. GN 2 Notes 191 and 392 locked together hit the homestraight tyres. 316 and 345 collide in turn 2 which collects numerous cars leaving only a narrow line through the corner bringing out the caution. 178 leads them away. 73 puts 484 and 512 away in turn 3. 166 and 212 kick it off again with some monster hits. Bobby gets the upper hand with a demolition job on Danny into turn 3 who bounces off the fence in a shower of sparks. Following a second caution 166 engages 515 in a multi-lap battle which sees the evening off in fine style. 175 keeping a watching brief close behind these two whilst 346 takes the win. Back with more tomorrow 👍
  10. GN 1 Notes 1 takes a flyer and storms through the field with 464 following. 101 dispatched by 1 into turn 1. 16 gets past 25 and 242 with one hit. The World Champ takes 312, 492, and 5 in one move in turn 1 and heads off for the victory. 20 and 312 have a coming together down the backstraight which also collects 101. 464 and 401 crash out in turn 2 leaving Wacker's wing hanging off the back of the car. After a late race caution a 16 v 5 scrap follows which ends with Mat doing a huge last bender on Charlie which he rides out to finish ahead of the 16 car.
  11. Pit news after the Final 94 - Drag link bolts sheared and front left shocker mount u/s. 422 - Welding up left rear nerf bracing. 43 - Likewise on the right rear bumper corner brace.
  12. Final Focus A great all action race. 512 and 94 tangle on the homestraight trapping 464 behind them. 1 ploughs through the field with some big hits. 445 dispatches 48 with a monster hit. 20 snookers 43 into 166 entering turn 3. A crackin' battle between 515, 555 and 1 ensues which see-saws back and forth. Up front 445 is now leading. His speed is something else as he batters all and sundry and reels off the remaining laps. NB: 197 had a fuel leak in the cab so didn't take the grid.
  13. It's Brad McKinstry (F2 NI747) in Speaky's car Nic. He's racing under number 818 tonight.
  14. Consolation 2 Catch Up 307 leads the field away. 345 ends up going around in turn 2 off the 283 front end. 464 and 212 have a dig at 53 as they pass. 212 clatters 392 with 53 joining in. 326 away up front as 484 closes on 43. 464 has other ideas however and on the last lap puts a big'un in on Craig entering turn 3. He holds on though to finish ahead.
  15. Consolation 1 Catch Up 101 and 321 crash out into the homestraight tyres in the opening laps. 492 sets sail as 479 and 178 dice it out behind. 300 catches these two and engages 178 in battle. Meanwhile 492 has some grief from 204 up front which allows 48 and 16 to close in. The UK Champ takes the victory.
  16. Pit news after the Heats 321 - Welding front bumper upright back in position. 120 - Working on gearbox links. 484 - Porta-power on the front axle. 381 - Front left shocker mount repair in op.
  17. Semi-Final Follow Up 1 takes off from the front and leaves the rest behind. 217, 197 and 259 follow in his wake. 445 takes 259 into turn 1. 326 and 381 come to grief exiting turn 2. 445 gains on 197 during the closing laps but there is no change of position. Tom negotiates the rest of the race untroubled to claim the win.
  18. Heat Two Happenings 392 off with a flat right front early on. 48 and 414 clash coming out of turn 2 with 414 coming to a dead stop on a fence post. 357 leads away after the caution. A superb multi-lap battle follows between 166, 212 and 515 with the hits getting harder each lap. Next in 166's sights is 484 who he dispatches with great force into 283 as they enter turn 3. 357 leads off after the second caution. 464 makes a dive at 166 as 212's left rear lets go. 147 hooks 464 in turn 1 which sees Luke whack the fence which leaves him with a flat left rear. 515 takes the win as 357 just holds off 166 for 2nd.
  19. Hi there folks. Heat One Happenings The girls lead the field away. 300 and 13 tangle entering the backstraight. 16 and 178 do likewise in turn 4. 5 breaks through from the reds. 345 ends up going into the turn 3 plate backwards. 2 passes 422 and 8 on consecutive laps with the front bumper coming into play. 2 and 5 dice over the last lap with Charlie just getting over the line ahead.
  20. Final Focus A big hit from 55 into 216 entering turn 3 kicks this one off. 197 steamrollers his way around the outside. 345 and 392 lock together at the end of the homestraight. 34 puts a big hit in on 8 entering turn 1. 16 and 1 have a battle for a couple of laps trading hits. 555 ends up facing the wrong way in turn 2. 211 and 150 career into the backstraight marker tyres locked together and remain there. 197, 34 and 166 are trading some big'uns. 463 wall of deaths turn 2. 313 gets hit from pillar to post by the star men but comes back for more. 212, 16 and 166 do a snooker hit on each other. 166 takes on 1 and half spins him in turn 4. 259 finishes the job and spins Tom out. 197 pulls off with a flat right rear. 8 ends up facing the wrong way in turn 3. 2 is stuck at the inside of turn 2. Caution called to remove the stranded cars. 8 and 1 are two that don't take the restart. 93 leads off with 55 and 212 in closure mode. 16 joins 55 for some side nerf rail hits. 93 still leading with 11 and 212 gaining. 166 is hitting everything that moves. A very hectic race ends with a great victory for Sam who didn't falter in the closing laps. That's it from me folks, back from Skeggy 👍
  21. Pit news after the Consi 45 - Right rear hub seal leaking. Right side exhaust dropped off on track and is now squashed after being run over. Engine overheating. 446 -Team straightening a bent front axle. Rear panhard rod mangled. 541 - Bent front axle as well. 191 - Diff bearing change in op. 515 - Diff gone. Loading up.
  22. Consolation Catch Up 446 and 127 tangle on the backstraight. 73, 249 and 541 do likewise exiting turn 4. 13 pulls off on the homestraight this time. 235 stuck at turn 4 causes a mini chicane. 45 leads away after a caution for 235. 25 and 389 come together on the homestraight with Brad retiring. 5 and 191 clash on the backstraight which slows the progress of 541. Some laps later 541 ends up locked together with 172 and 526 wedged in amongst them both. 45 heavily smoking from the right rear wheel assy gradually reels in race leading 313 but needed one more lap to get close enough for a last bend move. 515 slows to a stop in turn two with a couple of laps to go.
  23. Pit news after the Semi 45 - Right half shaft broken was the cause of Nige's non-finish. 392 - Porta-power on the front right corner. 3 - Front panhard rod bent. 22 - Loading up. Diff gone kaput. 515 - Brake pedal went solid during the Semi. The team on with the investigation.
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