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Mrs Flags

Stoxnet Supporter 2023
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About Mrs Flags

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  • Location
  • Interests
    Stock Car Racing; 60's Concerts; Holidays
  • Association with F1
    Just a fan now
  • Association with F1 (longer)
    Started watching Stock Cars in 1970; VSCA Members

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  1. Got ours today also!
  2. Done!
  3. Does anyone know if the programme will still be available to download on Sunday as we're going to KL tomorrow & won't be back until mid-afternoon Sunday.
  4. We managed to ours OK. You just have to be patient!
  5. We think that it was the pits at Long Eaton and the building shown at the far end may have been a house on Nottingham Road [the opposite side to the Nottingham Road Car Park]
  6. Normally don't post on these threads as we're usually at the meetings but our Stock Car season unfortunately had to be curtailed at Sheffield with Mr Flags having to go into hospital [those who know us will know why!] and he won't be able to drive again until at least December. Absolutely gutted at not being able to attend [b/V also] as we always enjoyed it there. Many thanks to Nic & Roy for keeping us abreast of the results. Regards P&G
  7. Nige - trust you to notice the table numbers! - never even crossed our minds about that. Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow! P&G
  8. Nigel We've got two spare seats as two of our party have cancelled and they are already paid for so it won't cost them anything. As far as I'm aware we've got tables 3, 4 or 5 [not sure which ones but will find out when we get there]. Jenny & Laura are very welcome to come and sit with us if they wish. Regards Pat & Graham
  9. If you are at KL I have all the runners/results for you!
  10. Mtg starts at 7.00 & the supporting formula is National Ministox.
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