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Everything posted by nic

  1. 249 is also gridded incorrectly in the yellows as he is listed as a blue top in the June BSCDA newsletter
  2. Hi Leigh T There is a track limit, I cant remember what that is. I am sure reserves will be added to the back of the grid if a qualifier cannot compete, and a gap is left where they would have been. Good spot, 55 is indeed in the wrong grade in the heats and is still a superstar in the June Grading in the BSCDA newsletter.
  3. I could of sworn I saw 460 in the pits, but I don't think he made it onto the track? Anybody tell me if I'm losing it? Happy Days Nic
  4. oops Thank you Giant (Ref 101) I missed that one Happy Days Nic
  5. Oops GN result 501 was ninth, I don't know who 591 is! Happy Days Nic
  6. Oops I've double checked my program and I can confirm the result should read 197, not 198
  7. Points scored at this meeting go towards qualifying for the shoot out. I agree with Carl, I have never been to a nothing meeting, especially when you consider the enormous amount of time and effort and cost a driver consumes to get there car ready to race. Happy Days Nic
  8. At the end of the meeting after the last event/race of the meeting, the 2017 UK Open Championship race result was amended by race control. 422 and 512 were inserted as 7th and 8th and the remaining drivers demoted 2 places each.
  9. Full list of Grand National drivers 197 lap handicap 268 287 483 73 H107 172 183 401 11 36 196 372 462 464 468 501 512 518 555 2 16 H77 186 207 217 259 422 H917 1 84 212 H380 H400 445 437+ 495+
  10. some tracks allow cars with disabled badge to park trackside FOC, does Skegness?
  11. 16 pulled off very briefly with a flat tyre, and re-joined to finish. 16 was announced as finishing 8th, I forgot to remove him from my dnf list. - oops
  12. Lap one yf Race order 332 463 293 249 169 220 55 422 84 1 183 313 4 212 348 555 nor
  13. On the BSCDA website 364 is listed as being Alan Woodward, above 364 is listed as Robert Plant, can anyone clarify please?
  14. All comers mechanics race Result 276 326 495 313 75 307 nof That's all folks Happy New to you All from Nic and Jane Next stop Wimbledon!
  15. All comers Mechanics race on track Eight cars in total 299 Kev Dodds, 276 Matthew Butler 307 Nic Reynolds. 75 Steve Ward 326 Jonathon Smith 495 Steve Howarth 313 Ian Scofield 474 Ryan Hudesfield Car numbers are correct, names, I am happy to be corrected.
  16. There will be a mechanics race
  17. Final result 1 326 212 H54 276 555 363 nof
  18. Four to go yf Race order 1 326 H54 212 276 555 363 nor
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