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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat one result 145 445 186 219 464 532 212 175 518 197 468 183 dnf 364orp 287 span on last bend of last lap.
  2. Last nights consolation winner wins the first race of the day after a last bender attempt by 445 from too far back! And missed! 145 Joe Gladden wins heat one.
  3. Same format and qualifying as last night Heat one on track 437 145 219 495 468 532 287 364 415 186 183 164 518 212 175 464 512 25 197 217 445
  4. Grand National result 422 212 1 16 464 408 217 197 445 512 196 220 dnf 364 287 172 25 186 249 300 390 That's all folks Back tomorrow.
  5. Red flag ending the race Not sure if race distance was completed. All ok 422 Ben Riley wins the GN
  6. 175 also pulled off Lap three yf Race order 145 408 437 555 172 443 186 464 212 422 196 468 390 1 339 512 197 16 217 249 501 543 300 164 211 183 220 326 445 259 57 385 532 nor
  7. Grand National on track 445 lap handicap 385 437 443 339 145 408 172 211 287 300 468 364 57 249 164 326 186 183 501 212 464 555 422 25 512 196 220 175 259 197 16 390 217 1 543+
  8. Final sponsored by "Dee's PitStop Cafe" result 445 1 197 408 217 16 464 212 518 532 25 145 dnf 70 390 555 287 372 196 443 518 docked two places for jumping the start.
  9. Nigel Green 445 wins the final sponsored by "Dee's PitStop Cafe" by doing a last bender on FWJ and winning the drag race to the line! Second 1 FWJ Third 197 Ryan Harrison
  10. Lap two yf Race order 408 495 145 443 219 518 532 502 211 3 512 1 196 212 217 197 464 445 25 16 175 172 501 183 nor
  11. Final sponsored by "Dee's Pitstop Cafe" on track 495 219 443 145 408 211 502 70 172 532 287 372 249 183 518 501 3 555 175 512 25 196 212 464 16 217 390 1 197 445 dns None
  12. Consolation result 145 372 212 532 495 70 217 443 287 3 164 259 dnf 339 543 300 326 First ten to the final
  13. 145 Joe Gladden Wins the consolation with a last bender on 372, who looked they had no brakes!
  14. Consolation on track 145 437 443 495 339 385 372 300 532 70 468 387 57 415 364 326 164 543 220 422 259 212 3 217 dns 303 186
  15. Heat two result amendment from race control 212 failed post race scrutinerring! (no details announced) 464 Luke Davidson wins heat two and 300 is twelfth. And 512 qualifies for the final.
  16. Heat two result 212 464 175 197 445 1 518 183 219 25 512 468 dnf 186 437 145 First ten to the final
  17. 212 Danny Wainman wins heat two, first of many whilst starting from star grade IMO
  18. Lap six ish yf Race order 145 219 212 415ld 175 464 518 287 1 197 183 443 468 445 437 300 25 164 495 512 259 3 532 364 nor
  19. Heat two on track 145 443 219 437 495 287 300 468 532 364 415 518 186 164 183 212 175 25 259 464 3 512 197 445 1
  20. Format is 2 Heats, Cons, Final, GN
  21. Heat one result 408 196 211 249 501 390 16 502 172 555 422 372 dnf 57 220 303 70 339 First ten to the final First time at Skegness for 408 and in another lap would probably have been caught by 196
  22. 408 Ant-Whorton Eales Wins heat one with a flag to flag victory
  23. Heat one on track 408 385 303 339 172 211 372 502 70 57 326 249 501 543 196 220 555 422 16 217 390
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