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  • Association with F1
    Fan, F2/F1 Fuelman (Retired)

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  1. I think he said on the video that it was a tool box.........
  2. Full results are now on mylaps, looks like he was. Thank you for the results 📲
  3. Agreed, very much appreciated
  4. Thanks for clarifying Ricky, makes sense.
  5. Thanks or doing these again Ricky, just wondering if the points for the Final winner in the GN are x2 or x4?
  6. As good if not better than the first half! The passion and stories simply brilliant, even when dealing with the politics in the sport!
  7. His enthusiasm and recollection in detail of some of the incidents is magic - brilliant interview. I even remember some of the incidents at the old Scunthorpe!
  8. Great stuff. The Scottish driver was in the 175 car, the shale car of Pete Hall. This was Eric Brown's first go an F1 using his F2 number. We had raced at Newtongrange the night before and arrived just in time to stick the numbers on the car before going out for his first heat, no practice......shale tyres and stagger etc Probably should have picked a different number as many thought it was the usual fella in the 175........
  9. The new one. I don't think anyone has had a go at trying to model the old one in rFactor.
  10. LIKE button required We are enjoying both the eF1s and eF2s with all the work going on to put this FREE entertainment together in these strange and difficult times, but as usual a few Stoxnetters seem to be doing what they do best...... The entertainment value of Windows and ECL is good as in-between race fillers, but someone actually watching and commenting on the races is better as a racing experience. Combine both approaches and get Duncana to do the race commentary allowing ECL more time to read his phone........ The single camera shot with zoom in out as highlighted above would certainly be worth trying for this weekend. HUGE thanks to all the guys putting these shows together, the suppliers of the equipment to stage the racing and to the drivers putting their reputations on the line! This stuff is very different to the real thing!
  11. All formulas (except Bangers) run on the PC version of rFactor. Bangers use Wreckfest as the base game. You need a reasonably good PC (and ideally a steering wheel) with a decent broadband connection. You need to buy your own licensed copy of rFactor, but all the UK mods (formulas) and tracks are free to download from the ukdirt website. You only need to register on the ukdirt forum and Discord channel if you want to race online in the leagues. If you want to race offline against the AI cars, you only need a licenced copy of rFactor, then simply download what you fancy trying off the ukdirt website. There is normally an annual membership fee to cover the cost of the dedicated servers for the online leagues, but we have been providing it free for the last couple of years. Cheers (Treasurer for UKdirt since 2008!!!)
  12. Really sad news. We didn't know Mick well but I think I chatted to him at virtually every F1 meeting we have ever attended and will miss that. RIP Mick and sincere condolences to family and friends. Doug & Carol
  13. Sums it up nicely, superb even
  14. Agreed We were in Yorkshire on Saturday night and decided to take a slight detour on the way home to Fife, really enjoyed the meeting.
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