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Carl H

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Everything posted by Carl H

  1. Not yet, the meeting hasn't been put on MyLaps so I don't have all the necessary info.
  2. That's the press release I was sent. I'll confirm the prices.
  3. Buxton on 17th October has moved to 3rd October. Sheffield on 4th October has moved to 18th October,.
  4. After a steward's enquiry, Jake has been reinstated in 5th place in Heat 2. Result now reads 392,97,211,515,345,526,532,217,401,312,120,16,316,128,43,387,492.
  5. Got the official results now, and Sarg had some places outside the top 12 so he's still leading the points !
  6. Top job as always, thanks to everyone involved.
  7. Skeg last night hasn't made it to MyLaps yet, so based on the results and car counts that we've got, it's now a lot tighter at the top. http://stoxnet.com/points/gr_points.htm This will probably change when the full official results are available.
  8. Buxton Raceway are proud to host the Big League BriSCA F1s on the 3rd October 5pm, instead of the 17th Oct. This meeting is of course part of the 2020 Chase for the Rainbow Championship. Alongside the awesome Ones we are also running two of the popular junior BriSCA Formulas, the 7-11 year olds feature in the Micro F2s, and the next level up from those is of course the hugely popular and action packed National Ministox, we expect a superb amount of bookings from both formulae. Tickets can be bought by paypal on the www.buxtonraceway.com website from the evening of the 27th September. Admission Prices Adults - £20 OAPs - £16 Children 9 to 15yrs - £8 KIDS UP TO AGE 8 FREE Trackside Parking £8 [trackside parking can only be bought on the day, first come first served basis, we do have a few disabled spaces but they cannot be pre-booked, sorry] STRICTLY NO ALCOHOL or GLASS BOTTLES to be brought into the stadium areas. A device-friendly eProgramme will also be available to download from the website on 2nd October. Provisional Race Format 1. National Ministox Heat 1 2. BriSCA F1 Heat 1 3. Micro F2s Race 1 4. National Ministox Heat 2 5. BriSCA F1 Heat 2 6. Micro F2s Race 2 7. National Ministox Heat 3 8 BriSCA F1 Consolation/Heat 3* 9 Micro F2 Race 3 10 National Ministox Final 11. BriSCA F1 Final 12. Micro F2s Race 4 13. BriSCA F1 Grand National 14. National Ministox Allcomers * depending on bookings. First booking list will appear on the evening of Tuesday 29th Sept. COVID NOTES A reminder that Face Coverings must be worn at all times when queuing at the Turnstiles, Toilets, Food Hut & The Bar, and at all other times within the confines of the stadium [medical exemptions apply]. Please keep a sensible social distance at all times and be guided by common sense and the desire to remain healthy!
  9. Note that this meeting was originally scheduled for 17th October. F1 plus National Ministox and Micro F2. More details when they are released.
  10. Press release from Startrax IMPORTANT INFORMATION SHEFFIELD & BUXTON OCTOBER EVENTS Due to the government announcing changes with regards to elite sports stadiums on Wednesday 9th September and ‘return of crowds’ and putting this ‘under review’ until 1st October, we were informed by Sheffield City Council on Monday 14th that we should put our event scheduled for the 4th back until the latest guidance has been issued. Therefore, after consultation and not to prejudice the considerable work already done with the Council HSE / EHO we were obliged to co-operate. Therefore, this event will not now take place on the 4th October and has been rescheduled 14 days later. Sheffield is classed as an ‘elite sports stadium’ and therefore has difference guidance to most other ovals. Things equally move very quickly and government advice only in the last few days has permitted EFL grounds to re-open with 1000 people pending the review due for 1st October and next steps. A&S Leisure and Startrax objective is to work in co-operation with the local authority and work with them as the objective is to successfully re open, albeit with a restricted attendance. Thanks to co-operation with Buxton Raceway and colleagues around the BriSCA table and BSCDA we have facilitated moving Sheffield to Sunday 18th October at 12.30.pm – Ticket details and availability will be advised next week with Tuesday 29th SEPTEMBER at 12pm pencilled for their release. Thanks to co-operation also with Spedeworth in juggling formulae, Sunday 18th will feature an 11 race programme including an F1 W&Y for BriSCA F1 and National Ministox. BUXTON RACEWAY WILL NOW as part of the date swop operate on SATURDAY 3rd OCTOBER, brought forward from Saturday 17th and will feature BriSCA F1, National Ministox & BriSCA Micro F2 Stock Cars Behind the scenes everyone has worked hard in a short period of time to affect this rescheduling, under the current circumstances, it is unsurprising that there is an odd bump along the road. Both Buxton and Sheffield will publish on their respective websites full ticketing details and Covid 19 requirements as we all strive to operate in the safest possible environment. For absolute clarity, the Chase series rounds have been amended as follows: SUNDAY 4th OCTOBER – NO MEETING AT SHEFFIELD – POSTPONED SUNDAY OCTOBER 18th – NOW SHEFFIELD Full details will appear on social media feeds for STARTRAX over the coming days. We apologise for this necessary change and hope it does not inconvenience our faithful fans too much and we thank you for your support. However, we’re going racing and that’s what is important!
  11. Agreed. The more cars you beat, the more points you get. The only slight disadvantage is when there's an unequal number of cars in each heat, so the heat winners get different points. Doesn't really matter much at the moment, but something like the Shoot Out, it would. Looks like that's what happened at Skeg the other week.
  12. Advance tickets only. Tickets available from https://shop.skegway.info/19th-september-2020
  13. Unofficial, as always, but after KL last night I have 326 Mark Sargent at the top of The Chase points. http://www.stoxnet.com/points/gr_points.htm
  14. Where in Norfolk is he from? I know he's moved, but think he was a Yorkshireman when he won it?
  15. The meeting in question was at Conington on 17th July 1955. Bob was listed as C4. Some drivers had letter prefixes on their numbers. Most are the usual for the time, IP=Ipswich, E=Long Eaton, Y=Yeovil, F=Feltham (one of the regular teams at Staines), and C=... I'm struggling with this one. 'C' numbers at Staines usually meant Chertsey, but I don't recognise any of the C drivers as ever racing at Staines. A lot of them seem to be from the Cambridgeshire area, but why they'd re-number for this meeting is a mystery. It doesn't appear to have been a team event.
  16. Programme available to download from tomorrow evening.
  17. The Half Crown pub had at least one race named after it.
  18. Just 300 tickets left! I think this one is selling faster than the first meeting.
  19. You do great job, Ricky. This is just a blip, don't give up. To be honest, it's actually less complicated than the normal scoring system. However, it relies on knowing :- the number of cars in each race all of the finishers in each race If this information is not available, then you can't do it. For KL, this could be read straight off MyLaps. But it looks like there were some problems with the lapscoring at Skeg, as the MyLaps entry is obviously wrong. As in, FWJ raced in Heat 1 (he wasn't even there), Daz Kitson was both 12th and 20th, some cars are missing completely. Presumably the correct runners and finishers are different to what is listed on MyLaps, but this is not available to the public. For example... the official points table has 502 Ricky Wilson scoring 53 points at Skegness. I have Ricky as scoring: Attendance: 10 pts Heat 2 (24 cars) - 15th = 10 pts Heat 3 (23 cars) - 12th = 12 pts Final (25 cars) - 15th = 11pts 10 + 10 + 12 + 11 = 43 So either I've got the wrong results, or the wrong number of cars in each race, or both.
  20. 1986 - Isle Of Man. 😛
  21. Does it include a video of Mark commentating on your driving? 😅
  22. Tickets available from Trackstar from Wednesday 2nd September, about lunch time.
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