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Carl H

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Everything posted by Carl H

  1. Booking list 1 Tom Harris 4 Daniel Johnson 11 Neil Scriven 12 Michael Scriven 13 Kelvin Hassell 16 Matt Newson 20 Liam Gilbank 21 Mark Gilbank 22 Will Yarrow 24 Mark Adkins 45 Nigel Harrhy 47 Simon Traves 48 Dale Bennett 55 Craig Finnikin 73 Chris Cowley 83 Darren Clark 93 Sam Makim 94 John Dowson 120 Casey Englestone 124 Kyle Gray 127 Austin Moore 166 Bobby Griffin 169 Billy Johnson 175 Karl Hawkins 191 Joshua Smith 197 Ryan Harrison 212 Danny Wainman 215 Geoff Nickolls 216 Jack France 220 William Hunter 234 Terry Pearce 235 Mick Haworth 242 Joe Nickolls 244 Mick Rogers 249 Joff Gibson 259 Paul Hines 268 Richard Woods 275 Terry Hawkins 276 Mark Poole 302 Jim Bamford 313 Karl Roberts 321 Ed Neachell 326 Mark Sargent 335 Mark Woodhull 338 Chris Brocksopp 339 Ant Lee 345 Jake Harrhy 372 Colin Goodswen 381 Tyrone Evans 392 Lewis Evans 446 Joe Booth 463 James Morris 491 Paul Prest 496 Neil Holcroft 500 Chris Lloyd 515 Frankie Wainman Jnr 526 Finlay Sargent 541 Willie Skoyles 544 Ben Howard 555 Frankie Wainman Jnr Jnr 585 Jamie Bower
  2. Cometh the hour, cometh the man! In around 27 hours the first event in 23 years will get underway. To say that nerves are fraught or stomach's churning would be an understatement- even sheer terrified dread!. If over, after 137 days of what has been a difficult build, at the last hurdle even the weather turned - Danny, Ian and Frank and team are working hard in installing the belting for the pitch protection - a huge job as it is for the first time, not helped by conditions, particularly yesterday - back breaking work but, on schedule to be completed by tonight allowing our top track man to work his magic tomorrow with a dry day forecast! I think, in hindsight, it would have been better waiting to open when we had some normality, managing what we have to manage is a 'first time' for our team also but hopefully together we can make it happen. Like the rest of the team, we are ready to 'drop' - It is brand new as an operation so we don't have all the answers to questions, we will learn week by week as we get more familiar with the surroundings and operation. Thank you
  3. There is limited disabled parking on the front car park. Left at the roundabout, follow the signs. No chairs to be brought it, but there are plenty in the grandstand. Go in through Gate 8.
  4. ***IMPORTANT *** Please read the below information regarding our COVID operating procedures at Odsal Stadium. IMPORTANT INFORMATION & STADIUM PLAN FOR 22nd May & 31st May Please read carefully to assist access. As we have to limit capacity and divide the stadium into Zones under government guidelines for major event stadiums - it has become necessary to zone the stadium - The most popular area from past experience is the 'Bradford turn' which is split into 2 equal zones. Please study the plan so you have an idea of where you would like to go before you arrive if at all possible and below are the entrance gates for the zones - all have wheelchair access - Upon arrival, based upon your selection you will receive a wristband for that zone. You should enter at the entrance gate for the zone you wish to watch the meeting from. The map below should assist. WEST ZONE - Back straight ENTRANCE VIA GATE 3 [ front car park area ] 7 zones - 1 - 7 ZONE 1 & 2 reserved for drivers & Mechanics 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - for public access NORTH TERRACE - ENTRANCE VIA GATES 5 / 6 on Rooley avenue Turns 1 / 2 (F1 direction and 3 / 4 bangers) - 2 Zones - for public access MAIN GRANDSTAND ENTRANCE is via Gate 8 on Rooley Avenue Limited Covid capacity Full event details can be seen in the statement below and please REMEMBER YOUR FACE MASK!
  5. ODSAL - UPDATE - IMPORTANT INFO Saturday 22nd - Very limited tickets remain - BUY NOW! 147 left at 3.14.pm 18/5 Read below, these will be available until Thursday after which ticket sales close [ or earlier if the limited tickets currently available sell out under Covid 19 capacity restrictions - Until further government advice next month, all tickets MUST be advance and at the moment we cannot accept payment at the turnstiles. Monday 31st - SOLD OUT Just for clarity as we have had a couple of calls, Those with tickets for the 24th - the original date for Stan Woods all you need to do is bring the same order / print out as valid for 22nd May. Just a few words, we are now currently OUT OF OFFICE and at Odsal most of time - We were there from 10.am to 6.pm Saturday and similarly yesterday as we deal with safety certification and 1001 other pre opening challenges - and things to resolve before we open, it is an enormous task. We are back there all day tomorrow also so the office is not manned. Thursday the office is open from 9.am to 5.pm [ please do not call after that, we have been getting calls at 7.15.am and 10.15.pm! ] At the moment it would be much appreciated if any urgent contact was made with us via e-mail so we can answer in an evening. Obviously we are opening in a major stadium and understanding Covid 19 requirements, and much of that information under step 5 only was advised yesterday so we are working on the 'operation' - we have to have 45 Stewards in place. CAR PARKING will be open on the Richard Dunn Centre from around 2,30.pm - we will confirm later in the week exact details / opening times - PLEASE do not arrive too early as car p[arks will not be open. Entrance to the stadium will be from 4.pm - there will be plenty of access so please, again, arrive at a sensible time. THE PIT GATE will open at 2.pm - again, please do not arrive at 9.am, it will just block all roads up. TICKETS - the event is now getting quite close to capacity - 1.IF you are in a driver bubble, please ensure you have a ticket for entry if outside the D+1. 2. General admission tickets will be available [ if not already prior sold out ] until noon Thursday 20th after which we plan to remove so we can work out final numbers for planning zones etc. These are difficult times in not only opening a brand new stadium, but also having to work with local authority requirements [ which vary ] - we would like to thank Bradford city Council for their support. On our side, we would appreciate not ringing the office over the next 10 days after which hopefully we can get into a sense of normality. 3. As stated above in the next 36 hours we will aim to provide all event detail information, you ARE allowed to bring in food and drink BUT NOT alcohol or glass - and again, full information will follow. 4. Tickets already purchased - we are receiving a huge volume of calls on this - If you have missed,deleted or as many have, entered a wrong e-mail address - to obtain your ticket which can be downloaded to your phone / printed out - simply re visit the shop, look up your order with either number, name or e-mail address and simply download. Whilst times are challenging, it will be about learning and our aim is to ensure as much as possible and enjoyable visit. Thank you in advance - let's all pull together. Never did we believe it would be easy - but never in my life did we either realise the enormity of the actual challenge, we need to support each other!
  6. Just added the meeting report and some photos from Stoke 28th September 2013, when the crowd went wild as Tim Warwick held off a last bend challenge to win the Consolation.
  7. Terrible news. My thoughts are with all those that he leaves behind.
  8. This week's updates. Winners of the trophies named after Karen Barker, Bill Bridgett, John Baxter, The Foxwell Family, Lynn Woodward, Brian Powles, Joe Pratt, Percy Brine, and Jim Buxton added to the Memorials page. Results from West Ham 28th August 1954. Photo of Ginger Holtby. Meeting report and photos from Belle Vue 31st May 2010 Photos of Albert Bottomley, Sid Widdowson, Ed Duckett. Willem Koopmans, Colin Nairn, Martin Quinten, Tony Cleaver, Louw Wobbes, Rob Perry.
  9. From Startrax: We need your help again. Unfortunetly Ian has had new computers installed and lost the details of people offering earth mover tyres. We are looking for 4 large earthmover tyres to place on the corners. If you can help contact Ian on 07776243665. Thank you
  10. Updates since last time Updated Skegness history. Dates of two Tamworth meetings that were cancelled. Photos of Geoff Parker, Andy Shaw, Wilf Warnes, Steve Evans, Geoff Glenister, Mike Shirley. Photos of Les Spencer, Lisa Harter, Neil Long, Graham Rackley, Bill Judd, Bob Weston, John Lawn, Dave King, Rob Pearce. Photos of Steve Jacklin, Steve Cayzer, Mick Harris, Frankie Wainman. Photos of Richard Brighton, Len Morris, Andy Clarke, Ian Platts. Photos of Iain Stirk, Pete Bott, Dave Smith, Stephen Neal, Steve Ferris, Graham Elwell, Niel Roberts, Graham Soule, Walter Jackson, Les Hawkins, John Irving, Rob Pearce, Bob Aldridge. Photos of Pete Fowkes, Dave Taylor, Dave Tapping, David Nuttall, Chris Paxford, Geggs Stevenson, Chris Lloyd, Glyn Pursey, Chris Elwell.
  11. Startrax press release. ODSAL 31st May - work continues! As we enter the last laps and prepare for the first 'live event' on 22nd May for Stan Woods IX for National Bangers, work in the stadium is frenetic and then, after Monday 10th, we have more final planning to undertake re Covid policies after further guidance is released for the next step on 17th May which we will publish later next week well in advance of finally being able to welcome you back ! The 31st sees the return of BriSCA Formula One Stock Cars to West Yorkshire and recent weeks we have had a shock / surprise in just how many BriSCA F1's want to race at this event and level of enthusiasm. When we originally did the calendar before the out turn with Covid we advertised this meeting as 'exclusively F1' with 75 cars - however, to that limit, we believed that would include our friends from Holland. In mid February and dialogue between ourselves and Holland, there was no visibility with regards travel so we lowered our realistic expectations to 60 and made provision to back up with 3 races for a limited number of Ministox. In recent weeks, we received from the BSCDA a booking list that I had to look at about 4 times with at the time, 78 listed AND a number of reserves, therefore we have had to think this through as what is the best for Odsal and, the dynamics of a new track, pit space and Covid 19 restrictions and, if we 'limited' F1's to 60, I am sure we would be severely criticised by fans. Therefore, to ensure a 'smooth' 8 race format which includes the Chase Final and a Dash For Cash, we have decided to withdraw Ministox and defer to a later date to enable us to take 75 BriSCA F1's as per the original plan [ and a reserve list ] and hopefully have a great night. We will work with the NMSC Chairman as we are passionate about Ministox and we have given them a good proportion of dates, to see if this can be fitted in elsewhere. TICKETS ARE CURRENTLY 'SOLD OUT' FOR THE 31ST - Should any become available or any changes after the 10th May when we understand more, we will advise via our website / social media. WE STILL HAVE LIMITED AVAILABILITY OF TICKETS FOR THE 22nd May which may be purchased through the online shop and 12th June at Odsal and 13th June at Sheffield. Thank you for your support
  12. Incarace Motorsport Northampton 29th May 2021 – Ticket Information On Saturday 29th May racing continues at Northampton International Shaleway. This news item will detail how to obtain ticket(s) to attend the event as a spectator and the terms and conditions that will apply to your ticket(s). The event is to be run whilst following the government guidelines regarding COVID-19 and spectator attendance will be restricted. Please note that this event is strictly ADVANCED TICKET BOOKING ONLY! Tickets will not be issued on the day. Failure to produce a valid ticket will cause you to be refused entrance to the stadium. There are no exceptions to this rule. We would like to remind race fans to review the latest Government COVID-19 advice which can be viewed at www.gov.uk/coronavirus before purchasing your ticket(s). Tickets can only be booked via our online ticketing system by clicking on this link:- https://spedeworthtickets.co.uk/ Please note that we WILL require a valid e-mail address and contact number when ordering your ticket(s) to be able to send your electronic tickets to you PLUS the contact name and number for each person who you are purchasing a ticket for within your group. Failure to do so will result in your order being rejected. The spectator area of the stadium will be restricted and access to the pit area will not be permitted. A maximum of 6 tickets can be purchased per order. (1 family ticket will class as 5 tickets purchased). When ordering your tickets you will go through the following process:- • Select the tickets you wish to purchase. • The delivery method of your tickets will be automatically assigned to our e-ticket system. • Complete your details as specified within the process. • Complete the details of all persons within your group. • Complete your payment details. • Order will now be complete. On completion you will receive an email to show what you have ordered. This email is NOT your ticket confirmation. Once our team have processed your order you will receive an order update which will include your E-Ticket details and what to do next. You MUST bring this e-ticket with you on your phone for our team to check prior to allowing your admission into the stadium. E-Ticket(s) are non-transferable. Remember to stay within your social bubble whilst attending the event. Please also be aware that FACE COVERINGS are mandatory at this event and all persons MUST supply your own face covering. Failure to be wearing a face covering will cause your entrance into the stadium to be refused and no refund will be issued. There are NO EXEMPTIONS to this rule. All spectators once checked and admitted into the stadium must remain in the stadium. If you wish to leave the venue at any time you may do so, but re-admittance will not be permitted. Whilst we appreciate this is a lot to understand everyone must abide by the stadium rules whilst at the event. Failure to do so will result in eviction from the stadium. We would like to thank everyone in advance for their continued support and let’s go racing!!
  13. Startrax would like to thank everyone for their patience this week with the purchase of BriSCA F1 World Final tickets - demand certainly took us by surprise and we are so greatful. We have nearly ‘caught up’ with the grandstand seating requests and we have replied to you confirming your seating choices. If you already had a grandstand ticket at Kings Lynn please contact us here so we can discuss your preferences for Odsal http://www.startrax.info/Info/Contact We also do have a few orders that have not yet let us know your seating preferences - please do get in touch we want to make sure with ordering early you get your top choices of seats! Please see latest grandstand plan here http://startrax.info/News/2021/04/F1-World-Final-Grandstand-Seat-Plan Thankyou once again for your patience
  14. Saturday 5th June - British Championship More details to follow Sunday 6th June Advance tickets are available from the Skegness Raceway website https://shop.skegway.info/tickets Make sure you read the ticket info before ordering!
  15. Very sad to read this. RIP Marion.
  16. Startrax Stockcar Racing Latest! Today has been consumed printing out over 500 order receipts from yesterday and Matthew doing a massive job in terms of Grandstand seats and aligning those who had tickets for KL and matching requirements at Odsal - A phenominal first 24 hours which took us by surprise and thank you for your confidence. We have today spoke with our colleagues in Holland and later in the week once we have gotten straight here in the office, we will give another update of where we and what we are doing over the next couple of weeks. In one day 20% of tickets have sold based upon what we expect. We will b working with Henri over the next few days to provide more information and help for our Mainland Europe friends who I know are keen also. Thank you
  17. Also, the vast majority of Nelson meetings now have scans of the front covers of the programmes.
  18. Updates in the last month. Photos of Barry Heath, Andy Jacklin, Dave Russo, Lincoln Stott, Liz Hobbs, Mark Webster, Dan Harter, Paul Hindle, Tim Olley, Ray Witts, Nigel Bowler, John Thornton, Boet Eckout, Peter McCrudden. Some results from Norwich 22nd September 1956. Photos of Kerry Remnant, Johan Catsburg, Jan Kuin, Simon Joblin, John Hughes, Arthur Brooke. Photos of Iain Holden, Gary Utley, Garry Lenton, Steve Smith, Jonathan Lewis, Joshua Smith, Mick Harris, Mat Newson, Colin Heffer. Photos of Jamie Davidson, Glyn Rayson, Peter Knight, Neil Smith, Colin Taylor, Chris Anderson, Mark Gilbank, Paul Blything, Steve Cooper, Matt Bennett, Des Chandler, Murray Harrison, Warren Hunter, Pete Johnson, Peter Morton, Anthony Flanagan. Photos of Colin Gautry, Mick Wright, Phil Wheelton, Joost de Bruin, Steve Stretton. Photos of Paul Sumner, Pete Doran, Martin Fernihough, Lyn Carter, Roy Page, John Wyatt, Fred Strecker, Don Buddin.
  19. Great stuff. Would have been good if Jonathan could have asked him about that inboard front suspension set-up though. I'd be interested in that.
  20. Startrax press release. Sat down this morning to look at the applicants for ODSAL and we are aiming to accept 75 [ which, without Dutch visitors we would never have thought possible! ] however the application list is MUCH higher than that and therefore we will be working with Sophie / BSCDA next week to finalise. At this stage priority rightly will be given to those who have supported Startrax regularly at Sheffield, Belle Vue and Stoke for the opener as we owe our thanks and support back to them. So 75 will be the number! If you haven't got one of the few tickets remaining, well I can tell you there is a rather BIG two digit race number booked in!
  21. Odsal 31st - FULLY BOOKED DRIVER WISE! Sat down this morning to look at the applicants for ODSAL and we are aiming to accept 75 [ which, without Dutch visitors we would never have thought possible! ] however the application list is MUCH higher than that and therefore we will be working with Sophie / BSCDA next week to finalise. At this stage priority rightly will be given to those who have supported Startrax regularly at Sheffield, Belle Vue and Stoke for the opener as we owe our thanks and support back to them. So 75 will be the number! If you haven't got one of the few tickets remaining, well I can tell you there is a rather BIG two digit race number booked in!
  22. During his research for this book, Steve came across my Since 1954 project and contacted me for any details that I could provide. We ended up exchanging quite a few emails. In all honesty, I think he gave me a lot more info than I gave him.
  23. Steve Daily, who provided much of the information in the original post, has now released his book all about the USA Team's tour of England. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B092H7M26R
  24. The true story of two South Carolina stock car race promoters and their seven drivers who embark on an epic journey during 1955 and fly the flag for the USA by racing their stock cars on a tour of the UK. The group, and their seven stock cars, were brought across the Atlantic by a flamboyant showman known as Digger Pugh. They find a very different culture and a London still peppered with flattened bombsites ten years after WW2. After many years of shortages and hardships, the British people were finding new hope and optimism and were due for some excitement in their lives. In 1954 stock car racing began in the UK and thousands flocked to see this new phenomenon started by Digger Pugh and some like-minded promoters. In the following year Pugh pulled off his biggest gamble by giving the new stock car fans their greatest show so far; an international England vs USA contest. Unfortunately, Digger Pugh's plans didn't run smoothly, so buckle up as it's a bumpy adventure from the early days of NASCAR through to the tour and an account of what became of those US race drivers known to the English fans as, The White Ghosts. Available from Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B092H7M26R
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