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Roy B

Stoxnet Supporter 2023
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Everything posted by Roy B

  1. 2023 UK Open Championship Result in glorious sunshine 84 212 515 166 217 H124 175 2 259 263 - 318 11
  2. Restart order 263 300 175 212 259 484 84 515 H124 287 217 166 318 16 95 191 299 2 501 526 11 48 415 295 8 392nor
  3. 2 laps later yf 452 in t2 fence And 543 in t4 fence All ok
  4. Restart order 263 295 368 452 287 300 392 484 8 175 95 124 551 543 48 191 501 212 259 318 217 415 84 175 515 166 5 16 526 11 2 H299 nor DNRS 269 H318 526
  5. UK open championship grid on track sponsored by the Kaleta family Whites 287 269 263 295 Yellows 368 452 300 392 11 95 415 484 Blues 8 526 175 543 124 501 Reds 551 48 191 H299 259 212 2 H318 Superstars 84 217 H124 318 16 5 515 166
  6. Heat Four Happenings: 128 leads away. 318 bursts through from the rear. 191 sends 318 wide into turn 1. 84 fires Josh into turn 3. H318, 555 and 259 tangle on the exit of turn 2 and come to a stop momentarily. 525 sends 318 wide into turn 1. 16, 5, 191 and 318 take each on in a great battle with bumpers flying in. 269 and 505 lock together on the exit of turn 2. 269 is up the fence with the front end. Caution to remove the stranded 269 car. 11 leads the restart with two THM cars behind - 8 and 368. 318, 16, 5 and 191 continue the excellent battle. 5 sorts it out with a blistering hit on 191 into turn 3. Josh bounces off the fence. 84 now in the lead. 300 feels the force of the 191 front end into turn 1. Paul's front wheels lift off the ground with the force of the hit. 555 spins it in turn 4. 84 is away and gone for the win.
  7. Heat 4 Result 84 8 368 11 5 191 300 318 16 175 484 326 295 415 555 DNF 48 128 226 259 269 H318 505 525
  8. It's race win number 15 this season for the Heat 4 winner
  9. Just over halfway yf 269 and 505 in exit of t2 fence All ok Restart order 11 368 8 295 84 415 175 318 16 191 484 5 300 525 326 120 555 nor
  10. Heat Four on Track Whites 128 226 269 295 Yellows 11 415 300 484 368 Blues 525 326 175 8 Reds 120 48 555 191 259 H318 Superstars 16 318 84 5 Novices 505
  11. Heat Three Result 452 543 551 392 124 217 501 526 287 H124 515 2 H299 211 216 DNF 25 166 263
  12. Heat Three Happenings: 263 leads away. H299 fires a few into turn 3 on the opener. Upfront 263 cannons 287 in hard at turn 1. 263 comes to a stop on the exit of turn 4. 452 leads. 166, H124, 515 and 212 engage in battle. Halfway and it is still 452 leading. 166 pulls off with a flat right rear. 543 is closing slightly on the leader. As Josh takes the win 217 executes a last bender on 501 for the position.
  13. 452 Joshua Spiers wins heat 3 and it never looked in doubt
  14. Heat Three On Track Whites 263 287 Yellow 95 19 216 452 392 Blues 501 526 124 25 543 Reds 211 551 2 212 H299 Superstars 166 217 515 H124 Novices 30 135 161
  15. Pit News: 501 - Chris (ex-501) welding left rear corner. 526 - Crack in the rear axle. 16 - Tracking the front end. 543 - R/h half shaft removed. 259 - Investigating an engine oil leak. 484 - Porta power on the front axle. 73 - Loading up. Power steering pump blown (the second of the weekend). Fault traced to a narrow bore pipe building up pressure.
  16. 1300 Saloon Stock Car English Championship top three 110 Sam Lawie 81 Shay Murphy 466 Alan Lakey
  17. Heat Two Result 269 8 48 263 H124 318 217 259 H299 95 551 191 415 19 392 DNF 5 20 73 124 128 525 543
  18. Heat Two Happenings: 263 leads away. 124 ends up in the turn 4 fence before completing a lap. 525 is slow down the home straight. Caution for stranded cars. Complete restart. 191 and 20 go around in turn 3. 8 and 392 perform a pincer move on 95 through turns 3 & 4. 73 is forcing his way up the order. 269 leads. 484 and 392 lock together in turn 2. 551 squeaks by between the cars and the fence. 4 to go and it's 269, 263 and 8. 5 stops at the end of the home straight. H124 puts a successful hit in on 318 entering turn 3 on the last lap to gain a place as 269 takes the victory.
  19. 269 Thomas Rogers (16 years old) wins heat 2, heat one winner is 17 years old
  20. Complete restart after red flag for 525 debris on track Restart without 124 & 525
  21. Heat Two On Track Whites 128 263 269 Yellow 95 19 415 484 392 Blues 525 124 73 453 8 Reds 551 48 191 20 259 H299 Superstars 217 318 H124 5 Novices 135
  22. Heat One result 368 287 526 84 300 175 166 295 16 212 452 515 H318 2 216 DNF 11 195 501 555
  23. Heat One Happenings: 295 leads away. 515 and 16 get drilled into turn 3 on the opener by 84. Mat spins. 212, 2, 166, H318 are all passed in one go by 84 up the inside of turn 1. 505 takes a wayward line down the home straight bouncing off the fence and other cars. 326 and 11 tangle in turn 3. 501 spins out in a cloud of tyre smoke in turn 3. 368 now leads. 11 and 226 clash in turn 1 with the 11's front wheels off the ground. 211 and 25 come to grief in turn 4. 368 takes the win.
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