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Roy B

Stoxnet Supporter 2023
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Everything posted by Roy B

  1. GN Notes: 78 leads away. 5 and 515 take enormous speed into turn 1 on the opening lap. 499 leads. 55 side-swipes 515 into turn 1. 5 launches 120 with a big'un in turn 3. 381 leads. 5 has a great battle with 16 and 515 until the right rear lets go. Tyrone takes his first shale victory with a great drive. That's it folks. Back from Skegness 👍
  2. Final Focus: 336 leads away. In amongst the red top charge through turn 4 515 ends up spinning but swiftly gets it pointing the right way only to suffer a flat right front. 16 and 97 clash on the exit of turn 4 with Ryan retiring soon after. Caution for a stranded 336 in turn 3. 78 heads the restart. 20, 587 and 289 tangle together in turn 4. 84, 55 and 16 are swapping places between themselves as they come from the back. 217 takes an early lead with 84 giving chase. 548 goes around in turn 2 and stops mid-turn. Cars go each side of him apart from 16 who makes a glancing blow with the front right. 548 soon makes a quick move out of harms way. 84 catches and sweeps past 217 into the lead through turn 4. 20 and 338 spin in turn 4. 175 ends up stranded on the exit of turn 4 with the front left wheel sheared off. 120 puts a huge hit in on 20 into turn 3. Liam goes up the fence and then into nose-dive mode with the back end off the ground. Casey slides underneath which causes the 20 car to roll. All ok. 84 heads the restart from 217 and 55. The first couple of laps through the turns on the watered track sees the 84 car on and off the gas as the tyres search for grip. Tom opens up a gap to his pursuers. The top line is the place to be as the gap increases two-fold. A change of place with 55 getting by 217 for 2nd place in the closing stages is how it finished.
  3. Pit News: 515 - Frankie cutting new steel sections for the right nerf. 120 - Porta power on the front axle. 31 - Porta power on the front right corner. 217 - Adjusting the torque rod. 20 - Liam sledgehammering the right nerf rail back into shape. 78 - Porta power on the front axle. 55 - The grease gun in use on the propshaft bearing.
  4. Heat Three Happenings: 336 leads away. 463 lays an opening lap smokescreen. 299 into the lead. 78 briefly takes the top spot next time around. A clash with 31 in turn 1 results in a big pile up with a train of cars going in. 84 ends up broadside in the turn. Caution to sort it all out. 499 leads the restart. 217 is the first red in 8th. Lee clears four cars in one move through turn 2. 84 is delayed by a wayward 185 in turn 4. 336 ends up facing the oncoming traffic on the back straight but manages to get clear soon after. 336 then delays the 2nd and 3rd placed 289 and 217 after tangling with 359 in turn 3. 97 and 84 engage in battle. 289 leads at halfway with 217 on his tail. Caution for a stranded 20 in turn 2. 289 heads the restart. 217 moves ahead next lap and takes enough speed into turn 3 to bounce it off the fence. 55 takes a couple of hits from 97 until 84 moves in. Craig ends up whacking the turn 4 fence after a coming together with Tom. The 55 car pulls off soon after with a flat front right. Some superlative killer moves follow from the Hitman as he leaves all in his wake to take his second victory of the meeting. 97 suffers a flat right rear in the closing laps.
  5. Pit News: 381 - Right rear nerf bracing to repair. 541 - Rear panhard rod change. 590 - Prop u/s. 360 - Back of the cab stoved in. 5 - Right rear bumper brace replacement in op. 515 - A bent rear axle to straighten.
  6. Heat Two Happenings: 548 leads away. 381 spins in turn 3. 84 blasts through the star men down the outside of the back straight. 16 pushes 515 wide in turn 1. 172 rolls it in turn 3. 360 collides with the car. All ok. Race stopped for the above. 5 pulls off with a flat right front before the restart. 268, 78 and 93 head the field with 84 up to 6th at this early stage. 120 goes around in turn 3 coming to the green. With the cars up to speed all ride the turn 3 wall on the freshly watered track. 84 into the lead within 2 laps. 590 bounces off the turn 4 fence with 16 bouncing off him. The second half of the race it is 84, 16 and 97 in the top 3. No change before race end.
  7. Pit News: 45 - Loading up. Nige feeling a bit sore after the turn 2 crash. 346 - Late arrival. 31 - Welding left rear corner. 463 - Investigating an electrical fault. 299 - Changing front left shocker.
  8. Heat One Happenings: 453 leads away. 338 escapes the melee behind and makes a break into an early lead. 45 and 108 spin out in turn 2. 55 and 515 tangle in turn 3 with Craig half spinning. The 5 car following close behind sends 55 fully around. Caution for 45 stuck in turn 2. 338, 93 and 127 head the restart. 515 threads the needle through turn 4 and bounces between 127 and 93 to slingshot down the back straight. 463, 93 and 338 hit the back straight fence and career across the track on to the infield. 5 to go and it's 515 into a race-winning lead. 108 spins in turn 3 in the closing laps.
  9. Welcome to King's Lynn folks. W & Y Race Recap: 548 leads away. 172 spins in turn 3 delaying 215. 338 spins at the end of the home straight. 78 is flying through the field. 31 puts a hit in on 78 into turn 1 which sends Lewis on a wide line through turn 2 but he keeps it out of the fence. 299 hits an infield tyre on the exit of turn 4 and the front of the car points skywards momentarily. 415's progress slows as he is directly behind. 45, 172 and 360 tangle together in turn 3. Caution for a stranded car on the home straight. 548, 78 and 541 head the restart. The remaining laps see a change for position between 78 and 541 as 548 takes the win.
  10. Pics in the gallery. Many thanks to Nic and Stuart for taking them 👍
  11. GN Notes: 415 leads away. 368 takes the lead in turn 3 on lap 1. 157 bounces the right rear off the back straight fence on consecutive laps. 124 is on a charge. 381 sends 132 spinning in turn 3 with a hit to the left rear. As 526 goes around the turn the 132 car is straightening up which causes Finn to lose momentum and nearly come to a stop to avoid a collision. 381 gets out of shape down the home straight and gets into a tank slapper before stopping at the entrance to turn 1. The cars bonnet is peeled back like a tin can. 415 holds 2nd spot until the boards come out then loses a couple of places. 368 takes the victory by half a lap. That's it folks. Back from King's Lynn 👍
  12. GN Result 368 124 175 415 8 259 515 157 555 172 DNF: 211 381 16
  13. Callum Thornton wins the GN, his second race win of the night
  14. Grand National Grid: 526 Lap Handicap 'B' 415 368 132 172 'A' 157 381 124 8 'Star' 175 211 555 259 'Superstar' 16 515
  15. Final Focus: 128 leads away. 16 elbows 97 aside through turn 2 on the opener but Mat takes the place back soon after. 498 hits the fence in turn 3 with 124 unable to avoid a glancing blow. 226 half spins in turn 2 causing a moment of mayhem for the pack. 368 is left broadside. Caution to remove the 368 car. 128 heads a short-lived restart. 172 through into the lead. 128 and 226 tangle in turn 3. At the opposite end 97 fires 16 into 269 as they enter the turn with Thomas collecting the fence with some force. Caution to help him and the car to safety. Thomas all ok. 8 now restarts in the lead. 515 up to 6th. Into turn 2 he shifts 381, 172 and 551 in one move. With an extending lead the 8 car has a left rear let go entering turn 1. 526 takes over up front. 551 moves 97 aside with a good hit into turn 1. An over the top fencing by 97 on Courtney follows into turn 3 with both cars hitting the fence hard. Caution for fence repairs and the medics to attend. Courtney out of the car with further checks to be made in the pits. 526 and 515 head the restart. 381 takes the position from FWJ on the next lap. 515 tries to fend off the 16 car for a lap. 259 takes advantage of these two fighting for position and gets past both momentarily until Mat gets the upper hand and clears the pair of them. 526 has cleared off up front with 381 safe in 2nd. As these two young'uns take the flag 515 puts a successful last bend hit on 16 into turn 3 to take the position.
  16. Final Result: 526 381 515 16 259 20 555 452 172 211 19 13 DNF: 325 498 132 368 124 269 128 226 8 551 97 157 326
  17. Finn Sargent takes the Final win by a good margin 👍
  18. A lengthy caution period at the moment. Medics in attendance for a turn 3 incident. Fence repairs ongoing as well.
  19. Final Grid: 'C' 128 13 226 325 'B' 269 19 172 132 452 368 'A' 326 157 526 381 124 8 551 498 'Star' 175 211 555 20 259 'Superstar' 16 97 515
  20. Amendment to Heat One Result: 259 into 8th 269 12 172 16 515 408 97 259 132 124 326
  21. Pit News: 452 - Adjusting the rear panhard rod. 97 - Adjusting both sets of front bars. 408 - Left end of front axle bent back. Front top left link bracket sheared off the axle, brake disc shattered and lower link rod boomerang shaped.
  22. Heat Two Happenings: 128 leads away. 269 gets pushed wide in turn 3 and loses places. Caution for a stranded car. 226 leads the restart. 368 into 1st before the lap is complete. 269 and 128 get shoved wide by the higher grades in turn 2. 124 and 526 are on a charge. Kyle's car loses pace a lap later and Catherine in the 8 breezes past. 20 whacks 226 into turn 3 resulting in Darren bouncing off the fence. The stars are struggling to make an impression on the front runners. 120 stops on the outside of turn 2. 368 narrowly takes the victory after 526 takes advantage of a slower car in turn 4 on the last lap slowing Callum.
  23. Heat Two Result: 368 526 8 381 259 452 551 326 16 97 172 20 DNF: 19 175 12 408 211
  24. Callum Thornton (368) wins Heat Two after a race to the line with 526
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