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James P

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Everything posted by James P

  1. An absolute credit to the sport - well done guys !!!!
  2. Very good initiative ! Thanks for the updates guys.....
  3. Well done guys.... nice to hear it from the horses mouth.... Two comments: My cat is also called cookin' fat funnily enough..........cooksy for short. Also handy when youre standing at the back door at midnight shouting "wheres that cookin fat gone " ! One thing I took from that interview is a something that sadly seems to have diminished over the last few months and that magic word is respect. Hop Sarge goes and wins the Chase Championship !
  4. Echoing many comments above, a fantastic few months viewing and thoroughly enjoyed EVERY interview...... Well done to you Jonathan, all the 'behind the scenes' guys, sponsors, and drivers for making this happen !
  5. Top interview !!!! Every car has four wheels, front and back bumper an engine, and something squidgy in the middle that makes it all work…..that 'something squidgy' is the big difference >….. (I dont mean Kev Smith is squidgy - but you get my drift ) 😁
  6. For me the best interview yet….well done ! Absolutely wonderful to see Pauls positivity, enjoyment and willingness to help others….. top man! As a side note, the 'promotion of the sport' and bringing it to the masses got me thinking….and this is a genuine question: Has anyone within the upper echelons of our sport, contacted Barry Hearn? If someone could get just an hour of his time and thoughts on how to sell our sport, surely that would be worth it?
  7. Excellent interview..... Just as a side issue, would it be an idea to approach some ex-racers to do some short interviews to get their ideas and views and reminisce to perk us up a bit? Peter Falding Jayne Bean. The Wolf Willie There are many many others worthy of sharing their memories Just an idea…. If its been broached then no problem
  8. TOP interview !!!! Lovin the 'off the cuff' banter
  9. Very good nights work for Mark Woodhull.......nice one !!!!
  10. Many thanks from over here in Holland.......always good to keep up with results as they come in !!! Winter well team and heres looking forward to an even better 2017 season !
  11. Why whinge...?????? I mean seriously, these guys bust their conkers to get out there and entertain us. As others have said if you dont like it dont go. Seting off tonight for a cracking 3 days racing !!!! CANT WAIT !!!!!!
  12. Just back and to sum up the weekend......BRILLIANT ! The racing was top notch, the camping was fun, plenty of new friends made from both sides of the water, the odd beer or 17 !!!! Just a word of thanks to all the staff at Raceway Venray who were very helpfull and friendly ALL weekend - a creidt to you and well done. Finally - hit of the day actually came in the efftooz when James Riggall 527 absolutely drilled H82 into the turn one fence on day 2 in the fourth heat. I was cheering for the brit and got a few very stern looks from the dutchies but hey "thats Stock Car Racing" .....a GREAT HIT ! ( I gave them a few choice dutch words back dont worry !!)
  13. if it comes up in dutch, just change the language at the top............ http://www.racewayvenray.com/camping http://www.racewayvenray.com/files/020816-tijdschema-world-cup-zaterdag-20-augustus-2016.pdf- Saturday http://www.racewayvenray.com/files/020816-tijdschema-world-cup-zondag-21-augustus-2016.pdf- Sunday Ik spreek ook nederlands MC maar bedankt in ieder geval haha!
  14. Question - what time does the racing start on Saturday? Also - where can you pitch a tent as I will be camping overnight.....and how much is it? Thx for any info
  15. Thanks for the results guys - early reveiwing sees FWJ and Mr Box Office bang on it tongiht !!!!
  16. Hary - how was the racing surface for this meeting?
  17. Hartelijk bedankt Hary !!
  18. Sterling effort once again Nic and Jane ! Thanks
  19. At last.....aaahhhhh! Thanks for the results tonight and a BLISTERING start for FWJ !!
  20. I HAD THAT ONE AS WELL.....an orange nomad it was and the other was blue The other set was a pick up and a beetle !! (Had that one n all but 'altered' them with a blow torch !!!
  21. OR Harwich - Hoek van Holland might be an option for people coming over Or do what I did and move over here..... top top place is Holland !!!
  22. I'll have some of that as well !! Always remember the top trumps cards back in the 80's with the like of Ivan Braddock and Jon Hillam …think Jon Stirks 6 wheeler was one of em as well Aaaahhhh happy days !!!
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