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Daniel S

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Everything posted by Daniel S

  1. Thanks. I would offer to do it but I get a dire signal at Coventry and it would be entirely impossible. I get home from cov meetings with all sorts of texts and emails that couldn't be received.
  2. Thanks for the results Nic et all. Hope you have a safe trip home.
  3. Are you packing it in Chris or is there a bigger better car coming out of team Cowley.
  4. Sorry to steal your thunder nic. No one around so took the opertunity
  5. Thanks I was there but still had to come on here to look at the results.
  6. Rod. Even if there is a caution a couple of laps in usually the other superstars have got a head start and can be a couple of cars up the road. It normally depends on the first corner, if the lower graders nuke themselves and say 10 are delayed but only one crash. Those 10 cars can sometimes be between the last of the superstars and the lap joker. Remembering back in think Lee had a good few people between himself and the last of the superstars so still mighty impressive.
  7. Copied from twitter @SophieStammers: Final results: 84 48 220 217 150 390 ..... i think no tanoy due to 10pm curfew #BriscaF1 No one has posted the rest
  8. How it should be. Don't want to be inside where you can't hear them. On a good day from Sheffield to Coventry I set of at around 3:30 and get there about 5ish. So it should be ok but any delays you might struggle. My mate turned up to the march one at 6:25 and managed to just get in the car park. Again all depends on people numbers and how many brought camper vans.
  9. Thank you very much... Went out for a meal had no signal the last few hours have killed me not knowing. Long live Tarmac racing
  10. Thanks for the results Qq is 6heats + final a standard format in Holland or was this a special event?
  11. . The post must have been removed Daniel as it did say that Daniel had not won meeting final and had been dockedThanks for clearing that up... I withdraw my original query Congrats to Danny anyway all those hints and tips he picked up in Holland
  12. Thanks for the results much appreciated I am confused a little as karl313 only said the result had changed (unless the comment has been removed) that could apply to any one of the 10+ drivers that finished.. Or did I miss something?
  13. Friday meeting is a startrax meeting as a end of the week celebration for cov motor fest. Startrax have decided to use one of their dates on that day, at Coventry, nothing to do with the Coventry promotion on Saturday. As for the booking lists, Jeremy answered the question drivers also don't book in with the bscda for Coventry. It's how it is for now, as he said it may change it may not but it's how it is.
  14. I am now confused, quality over quantity? are you saying you would prefer to see less cars on track? Or are you saying less support formula, if it's the latter then Coventry is no different to the great Lynn averages 2-3 support formula with similar car numbers.. At least at Coventry you get some variety, looking at Lynn its minis and 2ltrs every meeting. If your talking about the former then you have issues... I would much rather see 60-70 cars than less everyday of the week...
  15. Here we go again all this negativity..... Personally I couldn't care less about booking lists. I am not a life long Coventry fan this weekend will be my 3rd proper Coventry (not counting the world final) does the absence of a booking list make the racing worse, no, does the absence of a booking list ruin the night, nope. More to life than a booking list in my opinion. As for support formula, you have to vary the formula to attract new fans to stock cars... I took a life long banger fan to last years Coventry. His exact words were why would I watch this rubbish they don't crash the cars are expensive toys etc etc... Come the drive home I couldn't shut him up about how great it was... If you have banger fans, legends fans, modified fans, sprint car fans who come and see the example the f1s put on and enjoy it then that is 1 more fan helping the sport to survive. If you don't like the support formula don't watch it go and get a drink or read the latest best seller from beaks in the program. Personally I love stock cars, went as a kid to a few Sheffield meetings, did 10 meetings last year, doing a lot more this year, this is a unique sport enjoy it instead of moaning about the tiny things wrong with it.
  16. Oh yes 70 f1s are brilliant especially at Coventry. My inner banger fan was making an appearance wanting to know how many cars
  17. Thankyou very much for the results.
  18. The transponder loop was still being installed when the first mini race started hence no results Startrax put them on Facebook after every meeting, I assume race 1 was done the old fashioned way with pen and paper.
  19. 183-202-180-269-242-1-226-8-69-10
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