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Everything posted by nic

  1. 4 Dan Johnson wins the grand national with a last bender on 321
  2. Grand National on track 512 lap handicap 325 134 196 24 175 326 300 141 48 321 183 11 25 422 36 202 191 2 53 464 4 150 259 16 515 318 217
  3. Final Result 512 84 12 196 515 4 16 2 217 24 464 287 DNF 21 150 259 300 335 172 446 421 390
  4. 512 Michael Steward wins the final 2nd 84 Tom Harris with a last bender on 12 3rd 12 Michael Scriven
  5. Final on track 24 196 287 207 141 300 12 172 335 352 421 422 446 512 2 4 21 53 150 191 220 259 464 16 55 84 217 318 390 515 DNS 175 212
  6. Consolation result First ten to final 446 335 422 24 191 172 141 53 390 300 220 175 DNF 231 45 73 252 220 174 91 11 325 448 462 313 488 48 25
  7. Lap 7 ish yf 462 on t2 race line All ok Race order 24 141 134 446 335 172 25 422 300 191 390 53 48 326 220 175 313 501 488 183 36 nor
  8. Consolation on track 24 134 252 325 448 501 45 73 91 141 175 231 300 313 326 488 25 34 36 48 152 169 172 174 183 335 421 422 446 462 53 191 202 220 390 DNS 34 152 169 321
  9. 2nd semi final result amendment after stewards enquiry 421 is now 10th 318 150 4 55 212 259 512 84 21 421 462 335
  10. 2nd semi final result 1st ten to mtg final and World Final 318 150 4 55 212 259 512 84 21 462 335 446 It was a dry race
  11. Rob wins the toss and chooses inside pole position
  12. 318 Rob Speak wins the semi with flag to flag victory 2nd 150 3rd 4 4th 55 84 spun on lap 1 t4 and rejoined about 12th 53 was stranded on t1 for a couple of laps DNF 152 174 34
  13. Gentlemen! Start your engines! They are on the 2 rolling laps Row 1 318 212 Row 2 84 55 Row 3 150 4 Row 4 259 53 Row 5 21 446 Row 6 152 422 Row 7 421 512 Row 8 169 34 Row 9 321 36 Row 10 462 335 Row 11 174 45 Row 12 141 48
  14. Next race semi final Delay, car setup! Wet or dry?
  15. Heat 1 result First ten to final 196 217 16 464 515 2 352 207 287 12 172 313 DNF 448 501 448 191 134
  16. 196 Murray Jones wins heat one on a slippy track in light rain
  17. Heat 1 on track 134 196 252 287 325 448 501 73 91 175 207 231 300 313 326 488 12 25 172 183 352 2 191 202 220 464 16 217 515
  18. 515 Frankie Wainman Junior doing a well deserved lap of honour with the World Cup Trophy
  19. Was sunny here Spots of rain just as first race starting In the pits tonight Whites 24 Mark Adkins 134 John Brown 196 Murray Jones 252 Paul Redfern 287 Sean Willis 325Richard Davies 448Jason Eaton 501 George Elwell Yellows 45 Nigel Harrhry 73 Rob Cowley 91Tony Smith 141 Karl Pickering 175 Katl Hawkins 207 Ben Hurdman 231Daniel van Spijker 300 Paul Carter 313 Karl Roberts 326 Mark Sargent 488Mike Kingston Blues 11 Neil Scriven 12 Michael Scriven 25 Bradley Harrison 34 Mal Brown 36 Jordon Falding 48 Shaun Webster 152 Neil Scothern 169 Billy Johnson 172 Micky Randell 174 Paul Poulter 183Steve Whittle 321 Ed Neachell 335 Mark Woodhull 352 Rory Foster 421 Jack Aldridge 422 Ben Riley 446 Joe Booth 462 Scott Davids 512 Michael Steward Reds 2 Paul Harrison 4 Dan Johnson 21 Mark Gilbank 53 John Lund 150 Mick Sworder 191 Joshua Smith 202 Henry Hunter 220 William Hunter 259 Paul Hines 464 Luke Davidson Superstars 84 Tom Harris 16 Matt Newson 55 Craig Finnikin 212 Danny Wainman 217 Lee Fairhurst 318 Rob Speak 390 Stewart Smith 515 Frankie Wainman
  20. Bev Greenhalf Memorial result 148 6 400 UK217 107 12 595 77 NOF That's all folks!
  21. Bev Greenhalf Memorial on track 477 595 215 265 205 231 380 113 388 UK37 12 107 65 148 77 UK318 6 400 UK212 UK217 +UK36
  22. Heat 2 result 400 231 148 6 UK217 UK318 477 65 77 UK37 215 595 DNF UK515 UK36 UK212 UK388
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