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Stoxnet Supporter 2023
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Everything posted by linky

  1. Two Jacklins on the F1 list....long time since I've seen that. Good luck lads.
  2. Hope Jake doesn’t beat the old fella on his debut as a red top.....
  3. So.....5.15 start then? I thought promoters had stopped all this pre meeting race confusion? Looking forward to this. Best track and best formula combination. Hope the weather is kind.
  4. I havent seen that clip before. Promoters would do anything for a crowd like that nowadays.
  5. Don’t put the roast on yet Jane. Change of result in GN. 217 removed. Thanks for the results guys.
  6. Agree Carl. Great stadium and 2 or 3 meets a year would be just the job.
  7. Booking list - 46 so far Interesting to see Sam Jacklin 137 on the list. Looked good at the end of last season on shale. Thought 197 may have been on the list but still a few days to go. 2 Paul Harrison 11 Neil Scriven 12 Michael Scriven 13 Kelvin Hassell 14 Roger Bromiley 16 Matt Newson 24 Mark Adkins 25 Bradley Harrison 43 Adam Bamford 45 Nigel Harrhy 48 Shaun Webster 70 Aaron Leach 101 Tristan Jackson 124 Kyle Gray 126 Harry Steward 137 Sam Jacklin 172 Michael Randell 175 Karl Hawkins 183 Steve Whittle 186 Todd Jones 195 Dean Whitwell 207 Ben Hurdman 211 Phoebe Wainman 212 Danny Wainman 217 Lee Fairhurst 229 Derek Brown 249 Jonathon Gibson 259 Paul Hines 283 Alex Wass 284 Samuel Wass 308 Steve Malkin Jnr 326 Mark Sargent 339 Ant Lee 346 Ashley England 372 Colin Goodswen 390 Stuart Smith 415 Russell Cooper 431 Ian Bond 464 Luke Davidson 484 Craig Utley 501 George Elwell 502 Richard Wilson 515 Frankie Wainman Jnr 526 Finn Sargent 543 Drew Lammas 555 Frankie Wainman Jnr Jnr
  8. Or the other remaining promoters just allow Deane to run Mildenhall a couple of times without losing dates at his other tracks whilst Cov is not running. One thing is for certain, we need another shale track if Stoke is not going to be used more than twice a year.
  9. Well that went down well! It’s going to be difficult to top the racing ratings. Go on Deane, you know it makes sense. Give us a couple of Saturdays in 2019. Qualifier and Shootout rounds. There’s also a couple of spare Saturdays in a July this year in a period where there is not much shale racing. Think about it.........
  10. Good to see the East Coast Leg end still on the list. Is Sarge's engine back running?
  11. Hi Graham, I dont know for certain but I strongly suspect that the prize fund for the F2 British is far more than the F2 support was at the KL qualifier. Over the past few weeks there have been numerous cancelled meetings across a number of promotions and those meetings that have ran have been Infront of below parr crowds due to the miserable weather. I have been critical of promoters in the past for their lack of promotion and unwillingness to try something new and take risks. Deane is taking a risk bringing F1 back to Mildo and I hope it is a success. Promoters needs to make a profit or there is nowhere to race. I doubt the meetings ran so far this year have turned a profit, so I don’t mind paying a couple of quid more for something new and hope Deane makes a profit and tries it again next year. I could take my better half for a nice meal and a drink and spend far more than the price of entrance for Mildo. At the end of the day we all spend our money on the things that we feel give best value.
  12. £20 is a couple of quid more than a bog standard meeting and we have the F2 British plus the return of the F1 with a qualifier. It’s 420 mile round trip for us so that’s about £60 quid in fuel, entrance, a couple of portions of fish and chips, programme and some teas and coffees will see us through the best part of £120 for the night before you take in wear and tear on the car etc. £2 a head makes no difference and in my opinion well worth the trip.
  13. Small car park in the stadium or track view parking for the early birds. Otherwise it’s park along tha access road or in the industrial estate. Generally can get parked reasonably close to the stadium if you get there half an hour before start. I don’t mind leaving my car on the road outside, it’s not as risky as leaving it outside at Brum. Try keep off grass verges as there have been occasions when tickets have been put on cars. Enjoy your trip!
  14. Thanks Carl, Voting closed a couple of weeks ago but no news about the result of the driver poll. Does anyone know the result or are the BSCDA reconsidering options?
  15. Good to see Craig booked in as he is one of the best out there, but I am puzzled. Presumably he has to comply with UK safety rules. As I understand it, one of the reasons why Craig stopped racing was that he didnt agree or was forced to comply with UK safety rules by the scrutineer?..... What does he gain by registering as a Dutch driver?
  16. Steve has been posting pictures and updates on Facebook but unfortunately we aren’t all on Facebook...
  17. Excellent turnout for the first meeting. I doubted double qualifier points would make much of a difference but very pleased to be wrong. Unfortunately can't go Sunday so first meet will be KL next week. Hopefully a similar or slightly larger turnout.
  18. Good to see 267 Graeme Robson on the list from up in the North East. Should be debuting a new (to him) car hopefully.
  19. Creeping towards 50, should be a great meeting with plenty of loons as well. Is anyone going to stop the Smith charge towards the silver room? If he wins heat and final like last time it could be all over.......
  20. Now we all know there are a number of dutch drivers coming over Positive use of social media to generate interest for the meeting. Well done Trackstar!
  21. Missing tonight's meeting unfortunately. Just got back from Manchester Uni Open day for my lad, otherwise would have been at Skeg. Should be a cracker. Enjoy the racing for all those going. Will be at KL next week
  22. No it isn't. It's completely open. It can be read by anyone with an internet connection. Hope that helps. so anybody can post or is it just members and is it open to new membersStoxnet is open to read for anyone with internet. i can't read most fb sites as I am not a member of fb. Which is the most open?? You do nothing to encourage fans to go to your meetings and continue to alienate some people on here. Look at your hosts to find out how to promote. People say social media is creating negativity.........after your display on here we will be saving our money on Sunday and will return to B V when Startrax promote the end of season shootout finale. PS. As I type this there are 45 people reading Stoxnet.
  23. All the charm that we have come to expect. Foot in mouth springs to mind. I am not a member of fb so seldom hear about anything posted there. From what I have heard it's not something I wish to get involved in as it does seem to get very personal. Stoxnet has a huge readership. The majority don't post but they do read and it's not a closed site. All season we have had an excellent meeting review thread which has been very informative and provides all the details we need to know. It's a shame you have not bothered to use this free advertising to promote your meeting in good time, and only when someone remarks do you begrudgingly post a sarcastic comment. Do you ever wonder why the Coventry on tour isn't getting the support you would have liked from both fans and drivers......? If you can't be bothered many fans won't be bothered. Coventry attracted a lot of regular fans who would come no matter what was served up, but it's gone. If you want to attract fans to your meetings don't take them for granted.
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