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Carrot cruncher

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Everything posted by Carrot cruncher

  1. I dont care a monkeys stuff A weekend at Buxton then a weekend at KL followed by Speedway at Somerset on Friday the Speedway GP at Cardiff on Sat the Hendo on Sunday. That makes 3 weekends of high speed entertainment If you dont go you will never know Simples!
  2. Thats over 200 cars for the weekend. Is this a record for Skeggie?
  3. Fantastic! I am very happy to see the return of the National Mini,s Remember this was the starting point of so many of our star drivers of today.They always put on a good show and never complain about weather ,track or anything else. I will be there with my tee shirt advertising the F1 world final and will donate a tire to the top White Top of the night. Looking forward to it already, well done Trackstar
  4. What limited addition ! The more adverts that you sell the more you can be paid to promote your World Final. Come on boys this shirt is long overdue by about 6 months and I for 1 will be very annnoyed if i can not have one
  5. I am still waiting for a chance to buy a sweatshirt and /or a teeshirt to advertise this great event from the Peterboro show onward. Free advertising for the biggest event of the year on the very best of venues! Come on gentlemen you know it makes sense.
  6. Kings Lynn to Ipswich is about 65 miles and will take about 1 hour 45 min. With Northampton now shale lets leave it as a shale weekend. I like the idea of doing things a little bit different but you can not wreck the speedway track at the highlight of the year.
  7. The one thing I would like to know is it a Fri Sat then Northampton on Sunday. Is it all 3 days at Kings Lynn. Would Mr Wood want to do the Sunday at Mildenhall? If we had a full house of All drivers available how many would want to book in? How about "T" shirts for the world final being available ASAP to advertise the great day and all of us can buy one and support Trackstar,s effort of making this world final "The greatest show on wheels"
  8. It is the F1 world final therefore it should be open to ALL F1 drivers. Stack the place out with F1s All car parking over on the field.
  9. After some of the doss holes that I have been to over the years and with the memories of what Kings Lynn used to be like I think that it should be commended on the fact that toilets are kept clean and tidy during the meeting.
  10. Come on all lets get ready to rumble
  11. Come on Mr Butler ....Spill the beans
  12. It's very quiet on STOXNET this morning .....wonder why Lets get ready to rumble Please do not forget that the water cart will be on the front of the grid in ALL races and restarts as and when Buster thinks that it needs it. Taking a nearly newbee tonight ,how many meetings do he have to attend before he looses his black cross
  13. No ! Haggis is only to be eaten with neeps and tatties and washed down with a can of Iron Bru Nothing like a wee bit of casual racism - I mean "banter" - to lighten the mood. Piper Dave hope you are going to entertain us with your bagpipes or is this a smoking pipe?
  14. No ! Haggis is only to be eaten with neeps and tatties and washed down with a can of Iron Bru
  15. With all the noise of the cars and them big wings there will be lots of splaterd midgies ,there is nothing like a we dram of best single malt to stop them from falling down your neck hole Question for the Jimmies .....How many midges does it take to make 1 haggis ?
  16. Fantastic turnout from the ones. We are going up on Friday and making a bit of a weekend out of it. Can’t wait! I and Horrible Hilda are of on Friday morning .....Speedway at both Glasgow and Edinburgh Fri night ,cant make my mind up as yet! wich one then 2 days of stock car racin and meet up with some skirt wearing Jimmies from op north They are true stock car fanatics and great folk who year on year travel up and down to England for our sport . We only make the trip once every two years How about a World Final as a joint venture
  17. Whats gorn on here , no water cart booked in. Blast me borr that l be a dutty owld night.
  18. Other than Dan Johnson was anyone else complaining ?
  19. Well here we go the rain has ceased and looks like a dry rest of the day Buster has had a lay in today as he has not had to spend hours on the water cart Will this bash be better than the last F1 meeting at KL? Will there be dust before the night is out? Only way to find out and get your bums to what looks like a hard night of Norfolk stock car racing
  20. May I recommend that owing to fact of your mistake that you buy all the kids an ice cream
  21. Mini stox are our future, without the X mini stocker's there would be a lot less drivers in F1's
  22. Did you ask a local bus driver , even he has had enough of road works in the KL area and is off to work in East Dereham, just in time to inspect my bus pass
  23. As of 0800 this morning the Saddlebow interchange is still closed BUT it might be open very soon the speed limits have been lifted and its a lot better than it has been.Now we have got 6 weeks worth of delays at March Any visitors that want to to take a pot hole home with them are more than welcome.There are none available at the Adrian Flux Arena
  24. Taking a work mate with me for his first dose of stock car racing so all of you that hurl abuse at me please refrain from doing so as I dont want Viper Dave to think that i spend my week ends with a load of nutters
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