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Carrot cruncher

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Everything posted by Carrot cruncher

  1. The mind boggles with anticipation 🤔🥴👍
  2. Why don’t you ask Trackstar to oblige your request Will , personally I think you have got a idea and we in Norfolk do try to be hospitable to our visitors from far and wide. As long as this could be done within Covid restrictions , this would be a nice touch to Welcome back all to the return of F1 racing.
  3. Yes Sir! 🧑🏻‍✈️ ANTICIPATION !
  4. Don’t worry pal I’m thicker than you 🧐 that’s normal for Norfolk!😆
  5. Is rainbow paint available in the same size tins as tartan paint? Can we as members of this remarkable Stoxnet concern with the help of drivers promoters , race suppliers and supporters chip in and buy this wing and donate it to the NHS to raise money for those who have paid the ultimate price.?
  6. I don’t think for one moment you have a problem but if you are in doubt give them a ring, you will find them the most polite and helpful crew 01553 771111
  7. Ah happy days just go to show that you don’t know what your missing until it’s not there, the sooner we get back to normal racing the better for us all
  8. Willie Harrison what a caricature with a lot of tales to tell
  9. Forget John Lund,! It’s Sir John Lund to you sir😂 Johnathan and crew you’ve done a fantastic job and got better and better as time as time has gone on. I for one have taken great delight in viewing every interview. This has been a brilliant series and could be a start of something to give us wintertime interest The list of drivers who have got a tale to tell past and present.An interview with John Lawn would need a interpreter 😂🥴 Thank you Johnathan your a ⭐️star
  10. No I’m a thick old boy from Norfolk and know nothing so you tell me Neil who it isn’t?
  11. What a brilliant interview and a brilliant interviewer a splendid series that just gets better and better. It’s a pity that there is an end to Johnathan,s off track programs but like all good things it has come towards the end. So with one instalment left and likely to be the best one yet👍 This whole series should be put on C D and sold with profits going to help the sport in this difficult yearThanks to all who have made this possible.
  12. Johnathan -thank you for a fantastic superb series and as time went on your interviews got better and better all the time. Pity it’s coming to an end. I have enjoyed every one and appreciate the effort that you have put in during lockdown but wish this would have carried on till we get back to the start of racing. I have just replayed video and as Neil said Stuart’s got “panda eyes “ What am I going to do now? No E cars ,no Off track , no racing And I have worn my fingernails down scratching my bum 🤥
  13. Fantastic superb but☹️ how can It be the end of the series without an interview with Sir King 👑 John of Rimmington? Dont tell me, he ain’t worth it
  14. Did the first 3 go to the scales🤓 Fantastic series when is Nigel 45 allowed back after his ban?👌🏻👍
  15. At what track will Kev roll over on part 2🤣👍😜
  16. Interviews are getting better all the time Sir John Lund would e a good un . Willie Harrison Would be interesting but it will have to be at an early start as the old boy is generally tucked up in bed with his coco by 7-30 pm Hope Paul , Bradley and family have got the old boy wrapped up in cotton wool for the time being . Interviews with some of the promoters would be interesting with there thoughts of the future of the sport.plus some of the back behind the scenes folk who give more than their fare share to keep the show on the road👏
  17. Please note that all competitors will be checked for drugs. Following the revelation of Mr Donald Trump that an injection of disinfectant might be a cure for covid 19 Please note that the use of Cilit BANG is prohibited but for the endurance of the lockdown only larger and John Smiths bitter is allowed for consumption. Racing online will not be held up for trips to the little boy’s room.🤩
  18. Say what you like but Woody was an out and out stock car driver. He was proficient in Bangers, Saloon stock,suporstox and national hot rods plus anything else he with a steering wheel He is also on the board of directors at Aldershot Football Club
  19. Sorry to miss the start of the F1season but it was bound to happen . There is a lot of us that are getting on in years and have underlying health issues. I hope that we all get through this trying time and we can resume back to this sport that we all miss.
  20. Give him a dose of Syrup of figs that will keep him regular😂🤣😝
  21. 12 day’s to go until it all kicks off Will be taking a newbie to his 1st Brisca F1 meeting
  22. Think he could be the ideal replacement for Rob Crowley so well known for his bruises 🚲and his bike
  23. Not bad for a soft southerner mad as a box of frogs and over due for a perm! F1s at Arlington now that would be tight but never say never but it would be a long trek to go and get his car😂
  24. I might just turn up again on the 21st as long as I can thaw out beforehand☃️
  25. As yet there don’t seem to be a lot of folks in Stoxnetland wanting a night out at Kings Lynn so looks like I will be there on my own😱If you would rather sit there in front of the TV watching Ant and Dec and casualty that’s up to you. I know one man who has seen enough of hospitals without seeing it on the telly. It will be cold it will be noisy but at long last the off season is nearly over😜 YIPPIE
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