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gerry cole

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Everything posted by gerry cole

  1. Many thanks as usual for great weekends work on the keyboard.. Was at Lochgelly but left after the final as was a tad too moist for my good lady. Now relaxing in hotel & planning return trip tomorrow.
  2. Many thanks again for what sounds like a frustrating afternoon.
  3. Sorry to say that I will not be attending this meeting. I used to attend racing at Foxhall stadium on a regular basis as it is only 65 miles for my home. But We are making the trip to Scotland & just cannot justify the cost of entry & parking charges. Ok, i'm sure it will be a great meeting at a great stadium which has undergone a lot of work in recent years. Therefore I will be happy to sit at home & wait for Jane to post the results. Safe travelling to all fans & drivers.
  4. Carl, you have been busy & must have too much time on your hands. Thanks for sharing all those results with us.
  5. Many thanks nic & Jane for another great evening's results service. Where would we be without both of you.
  6. I was there today as promised.. but many thanks to Jane, Nic & Nic's Dad for another excellent results service. :clap:I was disappointed not to have spotted the "other" Jane & Pedro who I know were there. Perhaps they spotted me & hid.
  7. Many thanks results team for another job well done . Will be there tomorrow to see for myself what it's all about.
  8. Many thanks for the usual first class results service. I was there but still like to check who did what. Thankyou..
  9. Thanks again for a great weekends results service, very much appreciated. Just back from a very warm Majorca & just didn't fancy the delights of Buxton this time around. Hope it's better on 14th August.
  10. Many thanks for a great results service again very much welcomed here in sunny Majorca.
  11. Thanks again Jane & Nic for a great results service. Had the pleasure to speak to Neil in the pits last night. Told me about his trip down under.
  12. Thank you for a great results service during the 2015 season. Where would we be without your detailed snippets of information too. Many thanks also to ALL your helpers that have sent in the results from the various tracks. Dick will have to hide the TV remote until March next year. ( That is if you carry on ). All the very best, hope you have recovered from your little excursion yesterday. Happy Christmas. XX
  13. Thanks to all concerned with results service over the weekend. Safe journey back to the U K for all drivers & fans.
  14. Many thanks for all your efforts today Nic. Much appreciated by many.
  15. Hey Nic, rather than printed that bit 3 times you could have USED LARGER PRINT.. LOL...Great result John. :clap: :clap:
  16. Thanks Jane & nic for todays results from NIR. Hope all goes well for the young lady in hospital tomorror after the incident at Foxhall last night.
  17. Thanks for your efforts tonight Jane where it has been very trying for various reasons. Hope everyone involved in those incidents are OK. Thank you..
  18. Just home in N.Norfolk leaving after the Final. Many thanks to nic for the results. Just had to ckeck as left not knowing G.Nat results .
  19. Thanks Jane & Nic, great service as usual..
  20. Many thanks as usual to a great results team.. :clap:Also a very well done to Lee Fairhurst, a great set of results. Captain Nut Nut.. next week ends meetings are... Sat 23rd K/Lynn Mon 25th B/Vue.
  21. As I am busy this week end & unable to get to either meetings. I will be glued to the results thread, therefore I am offering my thanks before the meetings get underway.
  22. Jane, don't beat yourself up because you are having time off to enjoy a party & christening. You spend a hell of a lot of time posting results during the season with help of several others. Without ALL your efforts those of us who cannot get to meetings for various reasons are grateful for what we do receive. Just don't go & have too many of those sherbets over the weekend. BUT remember to enjoy yourself & not worry about what is happening at Skegvegas. No doubt knowing you, you will be online ASAP when getting home (like the rest of us) to check the results yourself. Have a great week end.
  23. Hey Carrot, I said on another thread that I would help Buster to replace the roof when Big John wins on the 19th. The main problem will be having to wait for the roofing material to be collected, as I'm sure it would be blown well away from Saddlebow Road.
  24. Many thanks Nic for all your efforts & information. I sometimes wonder how you find time to watch any racing when posting so much info. Once again thank you, & well done.
  25. Thanks as usual for the results service. Much appreciated when so far away in the Balerics in the sun, thankyou.
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