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  1. Yes there definitely is a need for this post, if you are writing a history of the sport and facts are wrong then it might be a good read but it is a story book. I corrected some facts once in an article and like you with Graham someone had a right go at me, perhaps you are right about contacting the author. I have not read the book but of the points raised, with his background I know Graham is right
  2. That looks a fantastic job greatly appreciated, the time and effort of Ben and the team, best of luck with it, he can certainly drive though I first took notice when he was a novice in an F2 hire car winning the final after something like 4 yellow flag restarts only to get docked by an overzealous steward, for jumping a restart he was the lead car for goodness sake it’s not his fault if the car behind didn’t set off.........
  3. Andrew I will throw my support in for “those council persons”, at the first KL I would say the majority of non facecovering wearers and lack of social distancing were the people a bit fresh around the bars, on our journey home a fair few pubs, clubs etc had 20+ gatherings outside around midnight, pint in one hand cig in the other having a good night out, but their judgement and social responsibilities will have been impaired, decisions have to be made for some people..........but it will be good to get back to normal
  4. Yep that’s how I saw it. PS love the above pic!
  5. Lovely, I could listen to Big Stu ‘till the cows come home
  6. Have you ever regretted putting anyone in the fence? “Er erm er no, but I’ve regretted not putting some people in harder” ha ha classic K Billy
  7. Yes you are right with those 2 but Frag is incorrect in saying 4 each for 84 and 515.FWJ only topped the 'grading points' 3 times this decade. The other winner was 445. Soz my bad, I counted ‘09 to’19 lies, damn lies, and statistics and all that Mmmm makes it even closer now
  8. According to Colin Casserley's stats, 84 won 53 finals in the decade compared to 33 for 515. Tom was also the only driver to win a final in every season. That’s what I was alluding to,and both won the National points 4 times (the proper one) but 515s NZ record clinched it for me
  9. I’m with Ozzy, 515 gets my vote but only just from 84, it’s easy to forget just how well 84 has gone in the last decade until you look into it, with 318 and 390 also in the mix
  10. Just seen this Bryan, yes please from me too
  11. That’s what I thought to, if you don’t like Stoke you wouldn’t be in a big rush, last one or not
  12. Billy you could ask Ozzy to come with the Land Rover and big chain, I’m sure he’d pull everyone out, a tenner a time?
  13. I agree with Trimal that I would think it’s more for the ones it’s been “postponed “. The weather station at Barton Mills says the rainfall for the last week was 0.5, 5.3, 1.0, 0, 1.2, 0, 0mm, hardly floods is it like John B said, we’ve had 36mm so far today and Mildenhall is due for it tomorrow.....who would be a promoter, like they said damned if you do damned if you don’t
  14. Seems to me them 2 Scots men knew what they were doing!
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