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  • Location
  • Interests
    All oval racing brisca f1 especially
  • Association with F1
    fan since 1976 x outlaw and banger racer
  • Association with F1 (longer)
    Followed Brian tumplin the Lincoln imp

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  1. Condolences to all family and friends we have lost a true grass roots racer RIP TIM
  2. Looking like Jake is going to have a massive push next season love to see him from red and hopefully team Harry get some long awaited and we’ll deserved success
  3. You have said the ultimate c c if people behave
  4. What’s happened to Nigel h
  5. Cheers you pair great service as usual
  6. Thanks team great job get well soon Jane
  7. Massive thanks to the 3 amigos 55 years Jane what a great achievement for 2 great people
  8. RIP Rodger condolences to the family at this sad time
  9. Agreed best one yet they seem to be getting better every time
  10. Another great interview keep em comming
  11. What a great father son relationship great interview fantastic to hear the banter
  12. Great format for these interviews Matt is a great ambassador for the sport and he is well overdue a major win
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