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Everything posted by nic

  1. Lap 7 ish yf ? Race order 24 316 422 238 216 322 #646 337 237 191 2 445 451 #348 335 #295 318 515 220 11 #179 #295 4 16 152 259 94 444 #195 noR
  2. GN on track 4 lap handicap 24 316 244 451 237 238 313 276 244 293 216 337 207 444 #370 #295 322 11 45 #348 #179 169 220 445 152 #195 #646 335 191 259 2 94 16 515 318 #266 55
  3. Final result 4 94 318 445 259 175 335 207 191 16 2 422 DNF 55 220 444 172 134 337 308 #295 #195 84 212
  4. Final result amendment 175 docked 4 places for jumping 2 restarts Result 4 94 318
  5. 4 Dan Johnson wins the final 2nd 175 3rd 94
  6. Lap 13 yf 84 on home straight race line All ok Race order 175 4 293 94 445 318 212 207 259 215 #226 335 422 238 306 326 16 191 2 NOR
  7. Lap 10 yf 134 in t4 fence All ok Race order 175 293 215 207 4 94 445 318 84 2 259 212 #195 335 191 #226 238 306 422 217 16 326 NOR
  8. Final on track 134 308 76 91 175 207 215 231 238 293 #295 306 326 337 444 152 191 #195 220 335 422 445 2 4 94 #226 259 16 55 84 212 217 318 DNS 76 91 231
  9. Consolation result 175 55 445 84 326 335 422 231 51 435 169 515 DNF 313 24 322 307 311 237 276 316 448 451 40 24 #646 45 216 118 #370
  10. 175 Karl Hawkins wins the consolation Tannoy has announced 445 is dq for not going to the scales
  11. Lap 4 yf 276 on t1 race line All ok Race order 40 175 326 231 244 216 435 451 #348 #370 422 335 445 11 45 118 #646 84 55 515 51 #195 #179 169 NOR
  12. Consolation on track 24 40 311 330 118 175 216 231 237 238 244 276 307 313 316 326 #348 #370 435 451 11 45 169 #179 #195 322 335 422 #646 51 55 84 515 DNS 32 280 330 440 238
  13. In the pits tonight White C Grade 24 Mark Adkins 32 Chris Farnell 40 Steve Smith 134 John Brown 280 Colin Nairn 308 Steve Malkin 311 Neil Clarke 330 Graham Wagstaff 415 Russell Cooper 448 Jason Eaton Yellow B Grade 76 Aaron Cozens 91 Tony Smith 118 Steve Harrison 175 Karl Hawkins 207 Ben Hurdman 215 Geoff Nickolls 216 Jack France 231 Daniel van Spijker 237 Ollie Ives 238 Richard Bryan 276 Mark Poole 244 Mick Rogers 293 Eliot Smith 306 Ian Noden 307 Tim Warwick 313 Karl Roberts 316 Billy-Tom OConnor 326 337 Dave Willis 435 Ricki Finney 444 Paul-Jay Lemons 451 Martin Spiers Blue A Grade 11 Neil Scriven 45 Nigel Harrhy 152 Neil Scothern 169 Billy Johnson 191 Joshua Smith 220 William Hunter 322 James Neachell 335 Mark Woodhull 422 Ben Riley 445 Nigel Green Red Star Grade 2 Paul Harrison 4 Dan Johnson 51 Dylan Williams-Maynard 94 John Dowson 259 Paul Hines Red+Flashing Lights Superstar Grade 16 Matt Newson 55 Craig Finnikin 84 Tom Harris 212 Danny Wainman 217 Lee Fairhurst 318 Rob Speak 515 Frankie Wainman H179 Sjaak Kentie H195 Harman Zwerver H226 Peter van der Iest H295 Willem Zwerver H348 Ed Tesselar H370 H646 Rene de Groot V8 1(131) 26 40 117 211 222 227 236 266 281 288 298 314 328 333 373 375 423 450 525 575 Nat minis 1 8 10 21 22 53 58 60 69 99 101 128 147 154 180 183 198 202 211 242 246 262 287 291 299 320 328 330 361 374 434 472 598 613 798
  14. Heat 3 result First 8 to final 445 94 337 215 217 152 238 318 91 51 231 #195 DNF 330 #646 55 276
  15. Heat 3 on track 24 330 238 215 231 337 276 244 91 #195 #646 152 445 94 51 318 515 217 55
  16. Heat 2 result First 8 to. Final 4 220 2 308 293 #295 134 16 175 169 307 45 DNF 313 118 435 280 237 422
  17. Heat 2 on track #295 134 311 448 308 307 293 175 237 313 #295 435 118 #348 220 45 169 422 4 2 16
  18. Heat 1 result First 8 to final 207 259 212 444 #266 306 191 76 40 11 316 #179 DNF 327 32 451 84 335
  19. Lap 7 ish 32 on back straight race line All ok Race order 316 207 444 11 191 335 76 259 212 306 #226 216 40 #179 NOR
  20. Heat 1 on track 40 32 451 316 306 444 76 207 216 191 11 322 #179 335 259 #226 212 84
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