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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat Three On Track Whites 13 128 524 Yellows 345 492 Blues 381 392 25 172 124 501 Reds 259 555 526 346 2 464 166 560 Superstars 515 197 1 Novices 19
  2. Heat Two result 339 5 464 47 8 20 346 16 12 492 555 501 dnf 25 and 496 pulled of on the rolling lap 1 19 197 381
  3. Heat Two On Track Whites 19 128 431 496 Yellows 339 492 Blues 381 25 5 501 Reds 20 555 12 174 8 346 47 464 560 Superstars 16 197 1
  4. Result from fellow fan thank you 124 392 515 526 20 47 259 166 2 339 12 524
  5. Heat one result 124 392 515 526 20 43? 259 180? 27? 225? dnf 5 8 16 172 226 345 431 accirding results got announced with F2s coming out, so could not hear them. Then announced too fast, and 43 27 and 180 225 were not on track
  6. 124 Kyle Gray wins heat one Its 2/3rds today with an “All In” final
  7. Heat one On Track Whites 524 13 431 128 Yellows 345 339 Blues 392 124 172 5 Reds 20 259 12 526 8 2 47 166 Superstars 16 515 Novices 226w+
  8. Meeting format 1pm start Formula racing today BriSCA F1 - WCQR BriSCA F2 - WCQR BriSCA V8 HotStox WCQR + Incarace Gold Cup BriSCA National MiniStox - British Championship 18 races F1 races Heats = races 1 and 7 and 11 Final = race 15 Grand National = race 18
  9. In the sunny pits BriSCA F1 Whites 13 19 112 128 431 496 524 Yellows 339 345 492 Blues 25 124 172 381 392 501 Reds 5 8 12 20 47 166 175 259 346 464 526 555 Superstars 1 16 197 515 Novices 226 white - Darren Lindsay BriSCA F2 3 5 7 9 91 115 161 180 183 184 194 213 251 291 297 324 390 454 553 578 605 606 629 647 674 700 736 776 787 801 821 828 880 900 903 905 915 924 931 960 975 976 988 992 BriSCA V8 HotStox 1 10 15 69 112 131 262 288 350 355 365 376 429 453 490 525 550 553 988 BriSCA National MiniStox 15 20 27 51 77 80 85 120 126 183 186 197 223 239 248 267 269 277 279 293 335 425 443 491 496 507 569 611 642 711 732 903 911 934
  10. Good start!! It!! it’s the 3rd today!! Oops 😬
  11. Results from me today Hope you feel better soon Jane 226 Darren Lindsay doing his five laps in an ex 445 Nigel Green car
  12. F2 results heat one 38 524 226 183 47 324 905 59 606 305 Heat Two H410 377 647 180 188 149 801 488 344 560 Consolation 147 618 129 926 701 136 43 ? 384 39 Final H410 38 147 43 647 183 377 560 226 488 Grand National 38 H410 136 324 183 129 724 305 304 nof
  13. 515 Frankie Wainman Junior wins the GN result 515 197 127 216 16 20 211 491 53 169 238 163 Big big thank you to Jane big thank you to Roy That’s all folks back next week from Hednesford
  14. Rollover for 34 Mal Brown, hit infield tyre on exit of t4 and flipped over. all ok restart order 515 216 16 127 197 212 238 20 211 491 169 163 53 nor
  15. Lap 5 ish yf 78 and 548 in t1 fence all ok restart order 216 127 515 16 238 169 53 211 20 34 212 491 197 163 nor
  16. Grand National On Track Lap Handicap 197 Whites Yellows 238 169 Blues 127 216 491 211 53 34 Reds 20 Superstars 16 212 515 Novices 78+ 163+ 548+
  17. BriSCA F1 drivers in the 2021 Gala Skegness pits A “p” after their name denotes they were on booking list, but I did not see them Whites 54 Jay Goodwin 74 Benjamin Pegg in 47 car 126 Jamie Key in DK car 128 Simon Binder in DK car 132 James Peter Hall-Morton in FWJ car 227 Will Garlick in 220 281 Willern Thompson in MN car 284 Sam Wass 295 Louis Goodwin 307 Hannah Chappell in 445 car 343 Ewan McCrudden in FWJ car 353 Barrie Lee in MN car 368 Callurn Thornton in 381 car 414 Harley Halton 448 Jason Eaton 477 Max Hertzog (BriSCA V8 - 477) in 422 car 478 Shane Geary 479 James Hunt 548 Daniel Brooke In DK car Yellows 9 Andy Hulse 147 Eddie Collins 183 Steve Whittle 219 Jacklyn Ellis in 357 car 283 Alex Wass 321 Ed Neachell 345 Jake Harrhy 350 Hannah Andrew (BriSCA V8 - 350) in FWJ car 362 Steve Maidlow in 326 car 453 Thomas Andrew (BriSCA V8 - 453) in FWJ car 500 Chris Lloyd 492 Ashleigh Wareham 536 Ben Barnicoat (GT3 circuit racer) in 36 car Blues 20 Liam Gilbank 36 Jordon Falding 120 Casey Englestone 124 Kyle Gray 127 Austin Moore 172 Micky Randall 211 Phoebus Wainman 324 Jordon Thackra (BriSCA F2 - 324) In 267 car 381 Tyrone Evans 392 Lewis Evans 525 Nigel de Kock H248 Mike Ronitz Reds 5 Charlie Sworder 8 Catherine Harris 47 Simon Traves 48 Shaun Webster p 150 Mick Sworder in 5 car 157 Adam Joyce (BriSCA V8 - 157) In MN car 175 Karl Hawkins 346 Ashley England H410 Jelle Tesselaar in 515 464 Luke Davidson 516 Diggy Smith (2L National Saloon - 116) in NF car 526 Finn Sargent 555 Frankie Wainman Junior Junior Superstars 16 Matt Newson 318 Rob Speak in 84 car Unknown 146 Grant Leather p
  18. No Jane tonight so please bear with me, as I do my own double checking!! 2021 Gala Meeting Format 1 - BriSCA National MiniStox Heat One 2 - BriSCA F1 Under 25’s 3 - BriSCA F2 Heat One 4 - BriSCA National MiniStox Heat Two 5 - BriSCA F1 Heat One 6 - BriSCA F1 Heat Two 7 - BriSCA F2 Heat Two 8 - BriSCA National MiniStox Heat Three 9 - BriSCA F1 Consolation 10 - BriSCA F2 Heat Three 11 - BriSCA National MiniStox Final 12 - BriSCA F1 Final 13 - BriSCA F2 Gala Night Championship 14 - BriSCA F1 Last Race of 21 Helter Skelter First ? In heats to the final First ? In the consolation to the final
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