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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat one on track Whites 78 407 545 44 Yellows 268 532 541 338 Blues 172 392 127 211 335 25 525 Reds 20 463 526 175 Superstars 16 212 Novices 100
  2. 587 Samuel Brigg wins the Whites and Yellows race result 587 32 541 268 545 532 524 339 338 448 235 100 DNF 44 78 414 415 548
  3. White and yellows on track Whites 524 32 545 414 407 548 78 44 448 Yellows 415 587 532 268 338 541 339 Novices 100
  4. I’m the sunny breezy WCQR 12 King’s Lynn pits Whites 32 44 78 100 235 339 407 448 524 545 548 Yellows 249 268 415 532 541 587 Blues 25 93 94 127 172 211 216 326 335 392 501 NL525 Reds 20 175 191 259 463 526 555 Superstars 16 197 212 515 BriSCA F2 5 38 43 47 58 69 76 103 113 129 136 142 149 180 183 209 233 247 304 344 351 363 414 543 590 597 612 618 682 707 715 724 744 797 801 844 888 925 927 929 962
  5. Greetings from Nic and Roy Tonights meeting format 1. F2 Stock Car White Top Whirlwind 2. F1 Stock Car White & Yellows 3. F2 Stock Car Heat 1 4. F2 Stock Car Heat 2 5. F1 Stock Car Heat 1 6. F1 Stock Car Heat 2 7. F2 Stock Car Consolation 8. F1 Stock Car Consolation 9. F2 Stock Car 200th King’s Lynn Final 10. F1 Stock Car Final 11. F2 Stock Car Grand National 12. F1 Stock Car Grand National
  6. V8 HotStox Results All in - Drivers 1 69 77 102 131 176 182 187 222 288 344 350 355 365 402 436 439 453 490 525 Heat one Result 77 Rudi Colesno 288 1 131 187 369 359 69 439 176 525 350 102 Heat Two Result 288 John Brown 1 131 69 355 525 439 350 365 182 176 102 Final Result 77 Rudi Coleano 187 Craig Smith 69 Matt Barnard 131 350 490 439 453 355 365 402 176 Grand National Result 131 Kev Stutchbury 288 69 350 439 77 187 359 344 176 365 525
  7. 1 Tom Harris wins the Grand National result 1 289 16 587 2 544 94 211 235 35 238 nof Big thank you to Roy for race and pit reports get well soon Jane back next week from King’s Lynn happy Easter everyone That’s all Folks
  8. Lap one yf 20 stranded on t3/t4 race line All ok restart order 32 587 544 238 94 289 2 53 326 515 1 35 235 211 16 nor
  9. Grand National On Track Lap Handicap 16 Whites 32 235 Yellows 238 544 587 Blues 53 94 211 216 289 326 reds 2 20 Superstars 1 515 Novices 35 100
  10. Final Result 16 32 1 463 587 235 34 259 555 53 238 35 DNF 2 20 73 127 166 169 211 216 249 289 491 515
  11. Final top Three 16 Matt Newson 32 Chris Farnell 1 Tom Harris
  12. 3 laps later yf all ok restart order 32 289 16 235 127 1 34 53 587 259 463 94 20 35 238 555 548 nor
  13. One lap later yf restart order 32 235 289 127 238 94 53 16 166 515 1 73 216 34 259 555 463 587 35 491 549 20 nor
  14. Lap 3 yf a stationary 211 on infield with front pointing towards fence on home straight got collected by 289 all ok restart order 32 235 238 127 169 53 94 249 20 166 73 16 515 216 1 34 259 555 463 35 587 491 548 nor
  15. Final on Track Whites 32 235 548 Yellows 169 238 587 Blues 34 53 73 94 127 211 216 249 289 491 Reds 2 20 166 259 463 555 Superstars 1 16 515 Novices 35 DNS 44 175 212
  16. 94 John Dowson wins the consolation, just staying out of reach of the 53 front bumper. result 94 53 555 211 73 491 238 35 34 235 169 44 all 12 qualify for the final DNF 100 235 326 502 544
  17. Lap one yf 544 stranded on back straight All ok restart order 169 548 502 491 44 34 526 73 555 211 53 35 94 100 326 238 235 nor
  18. Consolation on track Whites 44 235 548 Yellows 169 238 502 544 Blues 34 53 73 94 211 326 481 Reds 526 555 Superstars Novices 35 100 DNS 163 277
  19. 1 Tom Harris wins heat Two result 1 587 16 32 2 216 249 166 - 526 169 94 211 First 8 to the final DNF 277 502 555
  20. Heat Two on track Whites 32 277 163 Yellows 587 169 502 Blues 216 211 249 94 34 Reds 555 526 2 166 Superstars 16 1 Novices 35 red
  21. 515 Frankie Wainman Junior wins heat one result 515 212 127 175 289 259 463 20 - 53 73 238 548 First 8 to the final DNF 100 235 326 491 544
  22. Lap 10 ish yf all ok restart order 515 212 53 289 175 238 127 463 20 73 259 44 548 544 nor
  23. Heat one on track Whites 44 235 548 Yellows 544 238 Blues 127 491 326 73 53 289 Reds 20 463 175 259 Superstars 212 515 Novices 100
  24. Team trial results 1st Team France 71.5 seconds Graham beating Jack 2nd Team Brigg 72.9 seconds Sam beating Neil 3rd Team Fairhurst 74.6 seconds Lee beating Derek 4th Team Wainman 82.2 seconds FWJ beating FWS Fastest lap goes to Graham France in 16.9 seconds
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