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Everything posted by nic

  1. In the King’s Lynn sunny light breeze pits Whites 23 Alastair Plant 44 Tom Brown 72 Carl Winkworth 78 Lewis Gales 234 Terry Pearce 373 Dale Bennett 389 Tom Dayman 415 Russel Cooper 545 William Adams Yellows 268 Richard Woods 278 Paul Hopkins 319 Sheldon Wadsworth 372 Colin Goodswin 381 Lewis Evans 541 Willie Skoyles Blues 47 Simon Traves 93 Sam Makin 127 Austin Moore 172 Micky Randall 191 Joshua Smith 211 Phoebie Wainman 249 Joff Gibson 326 Mark Sargent 335 Mark Woodhull 463 James Morris Reds 5 Charlie Sworder 21 Mark Gilbank 32 Chris Farnell 166 Bobby Griffin 175 Karl Hawkins 216 Jack France 259 Paul Hines 289 Jake Walker 410 Jelle Tesselaar 418 Niels Tesselaar Superstars 1 Tom Harris 16 Mat Newson 197 Ryan Harrison 515 Frankie Wainman Junior 2L National Saloon StockCars 40 48 52 99 120 192 232 238 248 270 306 316 329 349 350 370 389 570 591 730 902 BriSCA National MiniStox 21 43 44 51 64 77 120 183 212 220 231 269 272 277 279 491 611 711 732
  2. Northampton Results Summary 2L National Saloon StockCars Heat one 184 Lizzie Crowden 238 370 126 589 570 26 319 730 316 120 52 Heat Two 570 Simon Venni 525 120 26 730 316 319 52 126 28 328 370 Final 238 Alfie Aldous 525 Wesley Starmar 389 Ryan Santry 370 126 120 730 316 184 52 319 28 2L National Bangers 2022 World Championship Final 570 Jordon Cumming 114 Liam Lake 352 Ben Mynott 299 337 449 817 585 348 28 720 920 All Comers 1 570 Jordon Cumming 314 114 28 817 352 381 908 214 nof All Comers 2 920 Terry Church 381 720 115 nof
  3. Grand National result 1 16 12 289 335 326 463 526 150 20 169 nof big big thank you to Roy for the race and pit reports That’s all folks back next week from King’s Lynn
  4. Grand National on track Lap Handicap 150 Whites 414 548 545 Yellows 268 338 Blues 335 326 463 12 Reds 169 289 526 20 Superstars 16 1
  5. Final result 150 1 16 335 545 463 289 326 127 169 268 20 DNF 21 526
  6. Top Three First 150 Mr Box Office Second 1 Tom Harris, never got close enough to challenge for the win Third 16 Mat Newson, closing in on 1 but ran out of laps
  7. 150 Mr Box Office - Mick Sworder wins the final
  8. Final on track Whites 545 373 548 414 Yellows 268 338 Blues 127 335 326 463 Reds 32 169 289 526 21 20 150 Superstars 16 1 DNS 12 345
  9. Heat Two result 463 16 150 335 289 169 326 32 268 414 nof
  10. Heat two on track Whites 548 373 414 545 Yellows 268 338 Blues 127 335 326 463 12 Reds 32 169 289 526 21 20 150 Superstars 16 1 DNS 345
  11. 2L Banger World Final Too Three 570 Jordon Cumming 114 Liam Lake 352 Ben Mynott
  12. Heat one result 16 326 545 1 21 335 12 169 289 268 526 20 DNS 32 127 463 548 DNF 150 373 414
  13. Restart grid without 32 and 127 and 548
  14. Lap two yf very slippy track 127 stranded on t3 race line all ok complete restart
  15. It’s “All in” today Heat one on track Whites 545 548 414 373 Yellows 268 345 338 Blues 127 335 326 463 12 Reds 32 169 289 526 21 20 150 Superstars 16 1
  16. In the Very sunny Northampton May 2022 Saturday Pits BriSCA F1 Whites 373 Dale Bennett 414 Harley Halton 545 William Adams 548 Dan Brooke Yellows 268 Richard Woods 338 Chris Brocksopp 345 Jake Hahhry Blues 12 Michael Scriven 127 Austin Moore 326 Mark Sargent 335 Mark Woodhull 463 James Morris Reds 20 Liam Gilbank 21 Mark Gilbank 32 Chris Farnell 150 Mick Sworder 169 Billy Johnson 289 Jake Walker 526 Finn Sargent Superstars 1 Tom Harris 16 Mat Newson 2L Saloon StockCars W 150 162 184 238 Y 28 52 250 B 328 370 399 R 120 316 319 389 525 570 730 2L National Bangers 28 28 114 115 132 214 215 252 299 314 331 337 348 352 356 381 449 456 456 519 570 585 595 610 647 670 699 714 720 732 743 817 908 911 920
  17. Sunday results BriSCA National MiniStox Heat One 21 Jack Powley 212 248 186 711 15 180 85 732 496 87 239 120 77 269 Heat Two ?? Heat Three 248 Wout Hoffmans 186 425 223 27 335 732 15 80 711 120 126 944 51 87 Final - UK open 186 Kasey Jones 85 Caiden Morrison 425 Biden Murphy 20 223 496 122 248 27 87 51 269 335 934 239 Final B - For final non qualifiers 44 Tom Brighton 126 Jaden Key 279 Paige Hopkins 213 43 216 491 503 411 nof BriSCA F2 Stock Cars Heat one 183 Charlie Guinchard 960 226 213 776 184 3 190 215 903 Heat Two 992 Harley Burns 915 7 564 9001619 5 142 101 Consolation 324 Jordon Thackra 931 305 379 382 738 435 533 200 297 Final 183 Charlie Guinchard 960 Ady Whitehead 7 Gordon Moodie 161 226 564 213 3 9 184 Grand National 226 Billy Webster 7 960 5 900 251 101 213 184 324
  18. Grand National Result 515 543 48 5 452 464 12 211 8 166 551 13 big big thank you to Roy, whilst I was entertaining a newbie, my 3 year old grandson. thats all folks back next week from Northampton Shaleway Other formula race results to follow
  19. 515 Frankie Wainman Junior wins the Grand National with a last bender on 543
  20. Lap five ish yf 164 on top of t2 fence and 1 after climbing all over 524 with a little help from 1 all ok restart order 452 543 191 211 551 464 48 515 13 5 166 12 242 555 8 443 nor
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