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Everything posted by nic

  1. No Jane again tonight, get well soon Jane. So it’s Roy and Nic again Team trials first tonight dads vs lads Frankie Junior and Frankie Senior Wainman Lee and Derek Fairhurst Sam and Neil Brigg Jack and Graham France
  2. Other Formula Results BriSCA F2 Heat One 213 183 9 5 251 101 564 924 776 700 Heat Two 992 7 226 3 611 606 161 324 578 931 Consolation 880 900 362 180 291 376 200 190 NI271 390 Final 101 776 700 992 183 190 251 161 390 3 Grand National (great last lap) 611 183 7 606 5 226 880 992 700 9 National Hot Rods Heat One 57 446 31 39 27 175 788 105 524 174 Heat Two 162 ? ? 629 17 788 31 174 196 130 Final 162 174 23 524 629 175 39 115 27 305
  3. Grand National Result Winner Paul Hines 259 515 464 48 19 5 16 8 501 1 172 555 That’s all folks Big thank to Roy for his race and pit reports Back tomorrow from Bradford
  4. Grand National on Track Lap Handicap 1 Whites 19 548 Yellows Blues 5 172 211 381 501 Reds 8 48 175 259 346 464 526 555 Superstars 16 515 Novices 479
  5. Final Result 1 5 259 464 48 515 16 526 211 164 307 346
  6. Final top three 1 Tom Harris 5 Charlie Sworder 259 Paul Hines
  7. Lap 14 ish yf all ok restart order 1 5 48 259 19 464 346 16 515 555 526 381 211 164 533 nor
  8. Lap 5 ish yf Track half blocked on t2 all ok Restart order 90 543 5 124 1 48 464 259 212 172 346 381 141 515 464 16 211 555 164 526 533 nor
  9. Final on track Whites 19 90 128 307 452 524 Yellows 543 Blues 5 124 141 164 172 211 381 Reds 48 259 346 464 526 555 Superstars 1 16 212 515
  10. 526 Finn Sargent wins the consolation result 526 543 524 211 90 533 325 212 141 128 nof All 10 to the final
  11. Consolation on Track Whites 90 128 325 525 533 548 Yellows 87 147 401 492 543 Blues 120 211 501 Reds 8 175 526 Superstars 212 Novices 141 479 DNS 191 300 543
  12. Heat one result amendment from race control 164 comes in at 7th full result 19 515 259 16 124 172 164 381 - 533 300 120 87
  13. 464 Luke Davidson wins heat Two result 464 1 48 452 307 5 555 346 - 543 501 175 492 First 8 to the final DNF 212 548
  14. Heat Two on Track Whites 128 307 452 479 548 Yellows 401 492 141 543 Blues 392 211 5 501 Reds 555 175 346 48 464 Superstars 212 1
  15. 19 Jon Horne wins heat one result 19 515 259 16 124 172 381 533 - 300 120 87 524 First 8 to the final DNF 8 90 147 191 524 526
  16. Lap 6 yf 191 stranded on exit of t4 race line facing oncoming stock cars. all ok restart order 19 533 524 90 124 259 515 120 16 164 97 172 300 381 325 526 nor
  17. Heat One on Track Whites 19 90 325 524 533 Yellows 87 300 147 Blues 381 120 172 124 164 Reds 191 259 526 8 Superstars 16 515
  18. In The Good Friday Skegness Grading Points Pits Whites 19 90 128 147 307 325 327 479 452 524 533 Yellows 87 300 401 492 543 931 Blues 120 124 141 164 172 211 381 390 501 Reds 5 8 48 175 191 259 346 464 526 555 Superstars 1 16 212 515 BriSCA F2 5 7 9 101 147 161 180 183 190 200 213 224 226 239 251 NI271 297 362 376 379 382 435 482 564 578 606 611 630 700 705 776 871 880 900 924 975 992 National Hot Rods 17 22 23 27 31 39 55 57 71 85 101 105 115 118 124 130 152 162 172 174 175 196 362 446 524 629 677 743
  19. Greetings I’m afraid it’s a no show from Jane, her sick note has been accepted. So its Roy and I again from a very sunny with new facilities looking magnificent Skegness Stadium.
  20. Other Formula results BriSCA National MiniStox Heat One 642 Alfie Smith, 87 27 85 186 711 279 569 120 20 267 732 Heat Two 269 Freddy Rogers, 277 105 223 85 644 425 711 64 212 77 934 Heat Three 87 Alfie Thompson, 277 27 186 64 223 77 44 642 120 934 425 Final 186 Kasey Jay Jones 85 Caiden Morrison 642 Alfie Smith 277 120 279 269 425 180 77 20 64 BriSCA V8 HotStox Heat one 490 Craig Thompson, 131 77 1 187 365 355 453 525 182 296 350 Heat Two 490 Craig Thompson 222 Guy Jolly 1 Steve Thompson 10 131 365 187 182 453 355 77 176 Final 1 Steve Thompson 131 Kevin Stutchbury 176 Stephen Young 525 187 222 344 355 182 577 365 nof F2 Heritage Heat one 50 325 590 271 537 728 534 157 135 198 763 347 Heat Two 325 Sam Whiteley, 728 271 763 550 157 198 47 537 135 533 347 Final 271 Wayne Helliwell 157 Kevin Wollaston 198 Alan Nicholson 728 135 763 47 513 500 347 537 50
  21. Result 1 289 338 515 16 169 32 555 414 166 11 20 Big thank to Roy for his race and pit reports Thats all folks back next week from Skegness hopefully with a fully fit Jane
  22. Great race lots of action 1 Tom Harris wins the Grand National and his 2nd race win of the day
  23. Grand National On Track Lap Handicap 5 Whites 32 78 235 414 545 548 Yellows 169 338 Blues 11 25 127 211 216 249 289 reds 2 12 20 21 47 166 191 259 346 463 526 555 Superstars 1 16 515
  24. Final Result 5 515 16 21 502 166 289 169 191 463 20 346 DNF 1 12 47 83 249 259 326 415 525
  25. It’s a second win today for 5 Charlie Sworder in the 150 car Second 515 Frankie Wainman Junior Third 16 Matt Newson
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