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Everything posted by nic

  1. Lap 6 ish yf 372 in home straight fence all ok restart order 587 32 216 249 289 11 83 197 16 73 525 259 515 191 212 242 346 20 21 555 211 nor
  2. Final on track Whites 32 225 Yellows 83 372 587 Blues 11 73 127 211 216 242 249 289 525 Reds 20 21 191 259 346 463 555 Superstars 16 197 212 515
  3. Consolation winner 191 Josh Smith result 191 16 235 463 268 20 11 73 127 211 172 526 DNF 5 78 326 407 415 496 541
  4. Consolation on Track Whites 78 235 407 496 Yellows 268 415 541 Blues 5 11 73 127 172 211 326 Reds 20 191 463 526 Superstars 16
  5. Heat Two result amendment from race control 587 32 249 289 197 346 555 20 259 11 541 526
  6. Result 587 20 32 249 289 197 346 555 259 11 541 526 DNF 5 16 127 211 268 407 496
  7. 587 Sam Brigg wins an entertaining heat two Result to follow
  8. Lap 7 ish yf all ok restart order 587 20 32 541 407 11 249 268 16 526 127 289 259 555 197 346 496 nor 197 got delayed and ended up in front of lead car 587, and 587 gave 197 coming out of t4 to hurry him up!!
  9. Heat Two on Track Whites 32 407 496 Yellows 587 268 541 Blues 127 211 249 289 11 5 Reds 20 555 526 346 259 Superstars 16 197
  10. 216 Jack France wins Heat One result 216 515 372 212 525 83 242 21 191 73 DNF 345 235 47 415 326 78
  11. Heat One on Track Whites 78 235 Yellows 415 372 345 83 Blues 172 216 326 73 242 525 Reds 47 463 21 191 166 Superstars 212 515
  12. In the Mildenhall WCQ Round 10 breezy pits Whites 32 78 235 407 in DK car 496 548 Yellows 83 268 345 372 415 541 587 Blues 5 11 73 127 172 216 242 289 NL525 326 Reds 20 21 47 166 259 346 463 526 555 Superstars 16 197 212 515
  13. Greetings It’s just Roy and nic tonight hope you get well soon Jane
  14. BriSCA National MiniStox Heat one 77 529 611 293 85 277 20 180 27 223 Heat Two 80 85 186 Heat Three 186 77 27 277 239 87 335 496 80 732 Heat four 126 ? ? ? Etc British Championship (Great Race) H248 Wout Hoffmans, 85 Caiden Morrison, 186 Kasey Jay Jones 77 496 80 51 269 642 425 BriSCA F2 Heat one 880 184 924 647 992 578 575 161 828 7 Heat Two 606 183 766 960 700 251 324 3 590 6? Consolation 5 915 9 801 736 180 905 821 674 787 903 931 Final 578 Mark Grubbs, 776 Dan Roots, 183 Charlie Guinchard, Grand National 776 183 924 115 251 931 3 915 184 992 BriSCA V8 HotStox Heat one 131 1 15 376 288 262 69 10 490 453 Heat Two 15 262 355 131 1 365 288 525 10 490 Final 131 15 1 490 262 288 365 525 355 69
  15. 197 Ryan Harrison keeps his record of winning 2 races at every meeting this season so far by winning the Grand National result 197 5 464 1 515 166 166 492 12 339 8 524 Big thanks to Roy for race and pit reports. That’s all folks back next week from Mildenhall Hope you r feeling better today after your day off Jane. Lol
  16. Lap 5 ish yf 128 in t4 fence all ok restart Order 339 5 492 197 8 515 166 16 524 464 47 560 1 12 nor
  17. Lap 2 yf 47 381 555 in T2 fence all ok restart order 492 339 524 5 128 392 8 197 515 166 16 560 47 464 1 12 nor
  18. Grand National On Track Lap Handicap 1 Whites 128 524 Yellows 339 345 492 Blues 5 381 392 reds 8 12 47 166 346 464 555 560 Superstars 1 16 515 Novices 25
  19. Result 1 197 515 259 16 392 464 166 560 555 339 8 DNF 2 12 13 20 25 47 124 128 172 345 346 431 492 496 501 524 526
  20. Final Top Three 1 Tom Harris 197 Ryan Harrison 515 Frankie Wainman Junior
  21. Lap 9 ish 20 on T2 race line all ok restart order 1 128ld 259 392 197 515 166 47 2 16 5 12 8 555 339 524 19 464 560 128 nor
  22. Lap three yf 5 124 128 492 431 501 in T2 fence all ok restart order 524 464ld 560ld 339 392 381 259 47 526 12 2 1 197 515 16 20 166 555 8 19 5 128 431 nor
  23. Final On Track - All in Whites 13 128 431 496 524 Yellows 339 345 492 Blues 5 25 124 172 381 392 501 reds 2 8 12 20 47 166 259 346 464 526 555 560 Superstars 1 16 197 515 Novices 19
  24. Result 197 501 259 464 515 166 2 381 346 526 172 555 dnf 25 pulled off on rolling lap 1 19 124 345 524
  25. 197 Ryan Harrison wins heat three and has a heat at every meeting this year.
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