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Everything posted by nic

  1. Lap 6 ish yf 47 on t2 race line All ok 502 5 169 526 515 166 16 338 289 2 12 463 191 211 21 20 11 346 268 32 25 555 nor
  2. Lap four ish yf 1 hooked on t1 fence with 525 and 326 behind also in fence restart order 32 502 169 83 338 5 211 47 415 526 55 25 289 166 515 463 2 16 21 12 191 20 346 268 11 nor
  3. Final on Track Whites 32 Yellows 83 169 268 338 415 502 Blues 5 11 25 211 249 289 326 525 Reds 2 12 20 21 47 166 191 259 346 463 526 555 Superstars 1 16 515
  4. 259 Paul Hines wins the Consolation with a last bender on 326 with a drag race to the line. result 259 326 169 11 346 12 338 502 211 268 - 414 373 DNF 127 216 235 545 548 587
  5. About 2 or 3 to go yf 548 in t 4 fence all ok restart order 259 78 326 169 338 11 502 12 211 346 414 268 373 nor
  6. Consolation on Track Whites 78 235 373 414 545 548 Yellows 169 268 338 502 587 Blues 11 127 211 216 326 Reds 122 259 346 Superstars DNS 407 496 319 392 526 197
  7. Heat Two full result 5 21 32 47 515 415 289 249 166 338 - 11 268
  8. Result 5 DNF 12 127 169 197 216 235 259 326 496 502 548 full result to be announced, next race started
  9. 5 Charlie Sworder wins heat 2 after a failed last bender by 197 on 216
  10. Lap 2 yf 235 stranded on home straight All ok Restart order 32 326ld 415 216 169 127 338 5 289 502 47 249 21 526 515 197 259 11 12 166 268 nor
  11. Heat Two on Track Whites 32 235 496 548 Yellows 415 169 268 502 338 Blues 127 216 249 289 11 326 5 Reds 47 526 21 12 259 166 Superstars 515 197
  12. 1 Tom Harris wins heat 1 result 1 16 555 2 463 191 20 25 83 525 - 545 nof.
  13. Lap two yf 78 211 587 319 + others blocking t1 on a very slippy track All ok restart order 545 25 414 525 16 2 555 1 191 463 346 20 587 319 83 373 78 211 nor
  14. Heat One on Track Whites 78 373 414 407 545 Yellows 319 587 83 Blues 392 211 25 525 Reds 20 555 463 346 191 2 Superstars 16 1
  15. It’s first ten in both heats and consolation to the final with no reserves as it’s a wqc round
  16. In the very sunny WCQ round 11 pits at Northampton International Shaleway BriSCA F1 Whites 32 78 325 373 407 414 496 545 548 Yellows 83 169 268 319 338 415 502 587 Blues 5 11 25 127 211 216 249 289 326 392 NL525 Reds 2 12 20 21 47 166 191 259 346 463 526 555 Superstars 1 16 197 515 BriSCA V8 HotStox WCQR 1 10 77 131 176 182 187 222 344 350 355 365 402 453 490 525 553 577 BriSCA National MiniStox 15 18 20 21 27 44 51 64 77 80 85 87 105 120 126 180 183 186 197 212 213 220 223 267 269 277 279 335 425 443 491 503 569 611 642 711 732 903 934
  17. Just me and Roy again today, hopefully Jane back next week for you and us.
  18. And last but not least the other race results BriSCA F2 Heat one (20 cars) 715 Scott Aldridge, 247 47 414 59 324 9 69 99 925 Heat Two (21 cars) 606 Andrew Palmer, 880 5 149 618 103 801 58 707 344 Consolation (22 cars) 183 Charlie Guinchard, 43 888 180 113 328 724 464 612 304 Final (30 cars) 69 Ben Chalkley 606 Andrew Palmer 247 Ricky Castell 618 801 183 324 724 414 888 Grand National 129 Charlie Tomblin, ? 247 801 715 414 618 606 69 724 BriSCA National MiniStox Heat one (25 cars) 80 Catlin Morrison, 503 183 120 87 269 85 711 20 27 Heat Two (24 cars) 80 Catlin Morrison, 503 642 269 425 126 277 85 15 20 Heat Three (23 cars) 77 Thomas Earl, 87 732 183 642 186 425 43 443 51 120 Final (30 cars) 85 Caiden Morrison 186 Kasey Jay Jones 27 Luke Syrett-Barsby 120 ? 77 51 711 43 ?
  19. 587 216 191 16 555 242 21 346 197 259 211 172 from BSCDA website
  20. 587 Sam Brigg wins the Grand National result 587 I waited a while after the race for the result to be announced and avenue up, sorry big thank to Roy for race and pit reports thank you to the excellent results announcer, after last week, this guy deserves a mention. back tomorrow from NIR best wishes to Jane and Dick Thats all folks
  21. Grand National on Track Lap Handicap 197 Whites 32 78 Yellows 372 415 587 83 Blues 211 242 172 216 127 249 Reds 463 47 20 166 191 346 21 555 259 Superstars 212 515 16
  22. Final result 197 16 587 515 212 259 242 191 555 21 216 11 Thats Ryan’s 7th race win and 3rd final win this season.
  23. Final top Three 197 Ryan Harrison 16 Matt Newson 587 Sam Brigg
  24. 4 to go yf 211 and 73 on t2 race line all ok restart order 197 16 587 249 515 191 212 259 216 555 242 21 11 20 nor
  25. About 6 to go yf 346 stranded on back straight All ok restart Order 587 197 16 249 289 216 525 515 212 259 191 73 21 242 83 211 555 20 11 nor
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