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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat Two 124 Wim Peeters 299 106 47 248 77 464 12 5 36 16 113 6 65 141 318 247 195 99 DNF 71 400 999 482 393 197 461
  2. Heat Six 575 Yoren Winands 40 141 6 453 86 710 81 345 693 33 226 79 228 315 808 DNF 800 161 411 215 90 259 76 320 143 54 229
  3. Heat Five 62 Bruce Potveer 236 155 100 27 181 337 210 604 44 496 818 38 13 36 87 35 196 592 DNF 232 995 104 53 93 699
  4. Heat Four 161 Tom Maris 79 141 81 36 603 800 53 181 86 87 76 345 808 453 93 33 411 143 228 215 320 DNF 496 196 710 575 104
  5. Heat Three 40 Mark Tesselaar 210 315 236 27 100 592 604 38 44 232 6 995 155 699 DNF 818 226 90 337 62 56 35 13 229 259
  6. Heat Two 229 Tsjalle Greidanus 496 27 86 79 604 141 93 710 181 38 36 236 800 53 35 603 13 215 76 DNF 575 87 320 232 995 196 345 104
  7. Results from Hary Heat One 315 Jaap Hiemstra 100 161 155 295 453 337 143 62 40 592 699 6 226 808 33 90 210 484 411 44 259 DNF 81 56 818 54 238
  8. Results from Hary its “All in” with three heats and a final Heat One 124 Vim Peeters 36 464 71 106 113 248 77 393 47 16 5 141 400 195 12 999 99 461 318 247 DNF 299 65 6
  9. Results summary BriSCA F1 Stock Cars (2 Heats + Cons) Heat One 47 Simon Traves 515 13 217 12 259 - 5 532 555 381 451 115 Heat Two 345 Jay Harrhy 20 327 16 48 11 - 211 346 8 64 339 55 Consolation 164 John Fortune 5 346 524 211 555 381 55 339 451 115 127 - Final 48 Shawn Webster 16 Mat Newson 47 Simon Traves 515 217 346 259 211 164 5 Grand National 345 Jake Harrhy 47 20 211 217 515 16 259 8 11 55 164 1300 Stock Cars (All in) Heat One 22 Steven Gold 503 501 917 114 668 6 299 188 833 Heat Two 715 Kyle Hegg(2021 Euro Champion) 126 503 99 808 22 835 668 411 255 Final 501 Alastair Strachan 715 Kyle Hegg 916 75 99 835 22 411 833 112 BriSCA National MiniStox (3 from 4 + Final) Heat One 20 Freddie Hunter-Johnson 64 239 186 77 212 27 85 732 126 223 425 711 51 269 Heat Two 20 Freddie Hunter-Johnson 212 51 248 732 335 27 239 425 85 120 183 269 77 747 Heat Three 732 Brooke Kitson 64 212 335 248 51 611 183 186 120 269 223 85 7 126 Heat Four 20 Freddie Hunter-Johnson 248 239 64 186 711 27 120 611 747 425 183 80 15 7 Final 20 Freddie Hunter-Johnson 64 Sam Critchley 248 Wout Hoffmans 27 186 85 51 120 212 425 611 223 335 269 87 BriSCA V8 HotStox (All in) Heat One 176 Stephen Young 262 131 288 1 69 10 438 490 355 439 187 Heat Two 176 Stephen Young 439 131 69 1 10 288 262 438 490 222 187 Final 176 Stephen Young 10 Gilen Bullock 131 Kevin Stutchbury 439 1 288 438 355 333 490 365 187 Grand National 439 Jay Kelley 131 1 438 288 69 490 176 262 350
  10. Grand National Result 345 47 20 211 217 515 16 259 8 11 55 164 Thats all folks back tmw for the Scottish championship from Cowdenbeath ps hope your pc is feeling better tmw Jane
  11. It’s a second win tonight for tonight’s Grand National winner 345 Jake Harrhy
  12. Grand National on Track Lap Handicap 48 Whites Yellows 11 195 345 484 Blues 8 20 47 164 211 346 381 211 Reds 5 64 339 555 Superstars 259 55 217 16 515
  13. Final (Sponsored by NWH Group & Doris Motorsport) Result 48 16 47 515 217 346 259 211 164 5 DNF 13 327 381 451 524
  14. 48 Shawn Webster wins the Final and the Bumper Trophy Second 16 Mat Newson Third 47 Simon Traves
  15. Final on Track for the Bumper Trophy Whites 13 115 327 Yellows 524 345 11 451 Blues 381 211 164 12 346 47 20 Reds 127 339 555 48 5 Superstars 259 55 217 16 515
  16. Consolation Result 164 5 346 524 211 555 381 55 339 451 115 127 All 12 to the final DNF 8 64 195 484 532
  17. 164 John Fortune wins a very lively consolation
  18. Consolation on Track Whites 115 Yellows 524 532 195 451 484 Blues 211 164 346 8 381 Reds 127 339 555 5 64 Superstars 55
  19. Heat Two Result 345 20 327 16 48 11 - 211 346 8 64 339 55 all drivers crossed the finish line
  20. 345 Jake Harrhy wins heat two, with 20 unable to put a last bender in.
  21. Heat Two on Track Whites 327 Yellows 345 11 195 Blues 211 346 8 20 Reds 339 48 64 Superstars 55 16
  22. Heat one result 47 515 13 217 12 259 - 5 532 555 381 451 115 first 6 to the final DNF 164 484 524
  23. 47 Simon Traves wins Heat one
  24. Heat One on Track Whites 13 115 Yellows 524 532 451 484 Blues 381 164 12 47 Reds 127 555 5 Superstars 259 217 515
  25. In the sunny pits Whites 13 Kelvin Hassell 115 Craig McLoughlin 195 Dean Whitwell 327 Dan Hughes 484 Craig UtleY 524 Jason Cull Yellows 451 Martin Spiers 381 Tyrone Evans 345 Jake Harrhy 532 Daz Kitson 11 Neil Scriven Blues 211 Phoebe Wainman 164 John Fortune 12 Michael Scriven 346 Ashley England 8 Catherine Harris 47 Simon Traves 20 Liam Gilbank Reds 64 Chris Burgoyne 127 Austin Moore 339 Anthony Lee 555 Frankie Wainman Jnr Jnr 48 Shaun Webster 5 Charlie Sworder Superstars 55 Craig Finnikin 259 Paul Hines 217 Lee Fairhurst 16 Matt Newson 515 Frankie Wainman BriSCA V8 HotStox 1 10 51 69 131 187 193 222 262 282 297 333 344 350 355 365 402 438 439 453 490 525 550 BriSCA National MiniStox 15 20 27 52 64 77 80 85 120 126 180 183 186 212 216 223 239 248 267 269 277 279 335 425 491 611 642 711 732 747
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