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Everything posted by spiderman247

  1. i will explain why I was confused This is a post about an upcoming meeting. There is usually one of these for every meeting. I think they are superb and are the first place I look for info a few people have commented on the lack of detail compared to normal You appear to be annoyed that people actually want to know about YOUR meeting you have been rude about the very forum that advertises your meeting for free and the people that read that forum
  2. sorry i'm a bit confused - do you actually want us to go? or is this meeting just for facebook people?
  3. so is this one of the Coventry meetings thats been moved to Belle Vue? this is just confusing. which promoters website should we be checking?
  4. serious question - are you allowed to take chairs in? or is it if you want to sit down then buy a grandstand seat? also, what about taking food and drink in?
  5. At least 48 which would be 3 hts of 16. Any lower and it's 2/3 format for me. 47 cars in 2/3 format would be over 30 cars per heat ?
  6. think 380 only races at Belle vue
  7. Ive heard this but also heard that the numbers depend on the track pretty sure Speaky will want the most exciting heat splits possible he said he limited bookings at the weekender to make it big fields in each race instead of small fields over more races
  8. I think it means his life in stock cars so far, not altogether. Looks like its by the same people that did the John Lund, Paul Harrison, Oval Kings, the F2 ones, so should be good.
  9. Great book! And a good review of it as well!
  10. is there a difference between the black and the blue covers? I think the black one looks better.
  11. Thanks Jane and Nick for all the hard work. Much appreciated.
  12. Buxton was way too long. Belle Vue is about normal these days.
  13. No, it's his second, Chris FORT (not blaming you, perhaps spell checker?) won at Skeggy in 2008. To add to his many, many V8 Hotstox final and championship wins. Neil Thanks for the info It was the guy standing in front of me that told me it was his first final. Getting the name wrong was my fault. but to be fair on the front of his wing it said Dave Hopkins! Was the Skeggy the Mo Jones Trophy on the King Lynn post?
  14. Based on previous years I'd estimate that there will be high 30s / early 40s. Either 2 heats or 2/3rds format. And more cars don't necessarily mean better racing. These meeting previews have been on Stoxnet for a few years now, and as far as I can tell, they are updated with booking lists etc as soon as the information is made available. They really are superb, and are always the first place I look for info about upcoming meetings, whether I'm going to them or not. All the info you need and in one handy place. This is exactly the sort of thing that Brisca should be doing. As there's no booking list on here yet, I'm pretty sure that it has not been released. And in any case, as I understand it, drivers only book in for meetings a week or so before, so the current booking list might well only have a dozen or so cars on it, and publishing that is more likely to put people off.
  15. Has it changed name? It used to be called the UK Open? Or is that a different championship?
  16. Sounds good to me !! more than about 36 and you end up with two heats and a consi and the consi can be a bit low on cars so as strange as it sounds too many cars can be a bad thing!!
  17. Last year I saw a fair few transporters parked up at Premier inn
  18. so that is 26 cars so far - more than the christmas meeting and that was a cracker!
  19. The OFFICIAL poster on the SKEGNESS WEBSITE says it's a weekend of F1 F2 Saloons and Micra Bangers. But it isn't! If that's a mistake then why haven't they changed it?
  20. Can you confirm if the saloons are on Saturday please
  21. Apart from World Finals that must be one of the biggest turnouts at Cov ever?
  22. What's the reason for the low turnout?
  23. Same here. I used to look at that at college, until they blocked it! Seems almost half a lifetime ago...
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