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Everything posted by spiderman247

  1. Ricky, just to be sure, are you referring to the GN? it was the gn result that was changed 313 transponder not working properly
  2. but if they had cancelled it on Thursday and then it turned out the weather was fine on Saturday there would be just as much complaining cant win really
  3. if the gates opened later there would just be people waiting outside so might as well open the gates and let them in you dont HAVE to arrive at gate opening time
  4. 48 cars booked the list is on the speed worth web site
  5. 44 cars booked in the list is on the speedworth web site
  6. so are dirt and tarmac f1 a different formula in Holland ?
  7. yes there were 30 on the list for the original date
  8. also Paul Prest used to be pretty good on shale in f2 back in the day is this his first time in a f1? mat hire car ?
  9. yes I think the words in the preview are wrong Should be Saturday - Shoot Out and wcqr Sunday - Shoot Out
  10. the f2s have said that their shoot out round wont be re scheduled and that other shale meetings will get extra shoot out points instead seems too complicated to me i would just say everyone scores nothing and leave it at that as for f1 unless they go back to a monday night meeting like in the old days then there are only 2 free sundays before the shoot out final changing dates at fairly short notice is bound to have an effect on cars and spectators
  11. I could understand the thinking behind capping F1 numbers for the July weekend because that's mainly a saloon and F2 meeting but this is an f1 weekend so F1 should get top priority surprised if they get 60 anyway
  12. there's only 3 meetings in the whole of September I agree the weekend just gone should have been empty looks like most fans and drivers needed a weekend off after the world final I know I did
  13. must be the first time ever that theres been more Dutch cars then English ones at a meeting in England ?
  14. oh right thanks Colin I thought it was the final list
  15. no uk drivers? is that not the booking list for the Friday?
  16. that is a good point Dave Wayne i agree the two third format would be a much better idea
  17. thought Jordan had got injured ?
  18. great that the social side is being looked at but think this might be a step too far is anything planned for the evening when the racing has finished? keep it as a Saturday night meeting and finish the racing by 10 and have a live band in the bar would be my suggestion
  19. the 2.30 start is to make it really inconvenient for people who have a long journey especially if they need to check into a hotel before getting to the track 5.30 starts on saturdays are bad enough but 2.30 is just taking the biscuit probably still be light by the gn so not even racing under lights which always looks better almost like they are trying to put people off going
  20. reading back through the post the price is what people are commenting on although if your in the bar all night drinking then another tenner for a taxi back to a hotel isnt that big a deal I wouldny think especially if theres a few of you
  21. For me personally, that's for the best. It's been quite some time now since I've had people complaining to me about something that somebody else has posted on here, or being unpleasant about me and the other admins because their account has been terminated, or telling me that they're going to come and find me at a meeting and smash my head in with a hammer. It's a fine line between an interesting theoretical discussion and a heated argument. As you said in your post, far too many people want to be offended or angry. I think what's actually happened is that we got rid of all the problem members that either deliberately stirred it up for the fun of it, or were too thick to realise just how rude they were. The ones that are left are (usually!) pretty well behaved and can put their point across in a civilised way and don't need moderating. It used to be a lot looser, and it didn't work. Many threads descended into petty arguments, it showed Stoxnet and the sport itself in a bad light, and quite frankly it was an embarrassment to be associated with it. I think Stoxnet has been much better the last few years I didn't bother with it much when it was arguments all the time
  22. new driver 412 George Crabtree from morecambe some connection to 412 Gareth oberne who was also from morecambe ? same car?
  23. I think it's really 2 formula with a couple of heritage car demos in the middle should be good I like the minis and the bangers as well as F1 and F2 but not all the same day it's too much
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