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  1. Tim was one of the sport's real characters. A terrible loss.
  2. great stuff from Jake and Nige thanks for doing this i especially love the stock car racing is magic section tube for nerf rails has been done before , speaky had an f1 built by george somebody that did f2s and it looked more like a scaled up f2 than an f1 . it had tubes in the nerf rails cos it was lighter than box
  3. very interesting roy , thanks for doing this
  4. absolutely brilliant stuff a massive well done to all involved
  5. think I remember reading an interview once when kev said that he doesnt drink 🤣😂😅😁😆
  6. its the same price as all the other f1 kl this year
  7. its on stoxnet the points and stats option from the forum menu http://stoxnet.com/points/gr_points.htm
  8. is he? i has it in my head that ryan was also about 6ft tall ?
  9. from what's been on the news this morning it seems like meetings can go ahead as long as they only "break the law in a specific and limited way"
  10. the top 16 are the same as on Stoxnet but below that there are some differences so maybe there has been a re check of the results ? sounded like it would be horrendous to lap score due to the rain
  11. sounds like a nightmare for the lapscorers think it might take a while to sort out just looked on the bscda web site and the chase points table has gone completely
  12. hope its a good one for all you that are going sadly i cant make it but ill be tuning in on here for the news and results
  13. looks good and a vast improvement on the last one as i can actually read it on my ipad without having to zoom is this now the official brisca f1 website ? the previous brisca one isnt listed on the links page but its still live think i spotted a few small issues such as the menu sometimes appears twice but im sure thats just teething trouble easy to use and looks like a proper modern website so well done to all involved however the real proof will be keeping it up to date after every meeting !
  14. great stuff, thanks to everyone involved
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